Bollinger band trading with MAs

get off traders1000 nuts, he took a trade and lost and wants to let it be known

No, he wants to blame this forum and another trader for his losses. He’s a baby looking for a signal service and who is better off gone, as he does not possess the temperament to succeed in forex trading. Harsh but true.

things happen… how long will the news take today? i’m sitting in front of my computer looking at christmas lights!! lol… wish it would settle down soon…

The initial signal looked good i.e. 2 Regression close turning over on the 4h TF chart. I was up 10 pips on both at the time after paying the spread. However I got booted by my DNS server shortly thereafter (whatever that is) and locked out until litterally 15 minutes ago when a tech guy restored my service. I called my broker and cancelled the trades after being booted so even as I write this have no idea how the trades turned out?

I believe I have already expressed my concern in previous posts about you jumping on a trade when and if I express an opinion. I am not an ORACLE or a SIGNAL SERVICE. This thread is about the development of Bollinger Band Trading with MA’s. There have been many valuable contributions over the months by many and I look forward to reading more. It is also used as a ‘blog’ between the regular poster here.

If you go taking trades off the back of the above without due dilagence more fool you. :mad:

EDIT: Just took a peek… looks like the trade was good for 30-50 pips? If you want to make more pips trade the higher TF charts… the daily would have given you the longer direction no? Oh thats right, I’ve just read your reply on what you think about trading the daily. :stuck_out_tongue:

im cancelling my signal service with u :stuck_out_tongue:

good!!! :D:D

Another poster looking for a free ride like him and laying the blame at my door and I’m bugging out of BP. Presumeably his trading record is less than spectacular… why else go looking for someone elses? And I’m not allowed to get it wrong… go figure. :confused:

btw my bill for 220$ is on its way :slight_smile: lol ive been trading demo, hopefully he has too. last month my system worked fairly well, made 16% in 2 weeks tho so far this month its down 20% :mad: i think i gotta redo my system AGAIN



Don’t let them get to you!

I am your fan in this thread.Leave the poor guy to his problem.If they dont appreciate your contribution to this thread,i certain do.
And dont let their comments get to you.

Patience is what trader1000 lacks.He wants to get rich quickly.I got some pips here too.

I would hope you’d give this a second thought. We don’t need another member of our vanishing breed of veteran traders at BP to bug out over some half-wits crying/tantruming fits. Simply do what the rest of us do: chastise him then add him to your Ignore list.

Allow the rest of us who appreciate your contributions try to learn in this positive, collegial environment.

I second this comment.Dont let a crybaby deny us your valuable contribution.


You said I missed the point yesterday in my response to your time frame statement, I believe my post last night was hitting the nail on the head as far as your understanding of the fundamentals and technicals are concerned. If you have such a vast knowledge with a degree in finance then WTF. Why do you need R. Carter’s advice? I have read this thread for over eight months now and Mr. Carter’s advice is the best of the best. I told you in my post that you shouldn’t take a reverse trend trade, yet you did it anyway and now you are blaming Mr. Carter for your own mistake. If you truly know what you are doing then learn from your mistakes.

I have not agreed with a lot said on this thread about the direction that the PA was heading or the reason a certain trade should be made but that was because of my own analysis of the currency pair. If you didn’t do your own analysis then you only have yourself to blame. Your degree will be of little help I’m afraid as I’ve had many Ivy League grads with big Wall Street positions ask for my help. Their asking for my help actually stunned me a little but when they explained their history and education in forex trading it became clear to me why they needed help. They were clueless. Go figure?

I still remember the kid fresh out of college that was very upset with me when I called him a newbie in a return post. He wrote back that he was no newbie and had taken a five week course on the forex just before he graduated a month ago. If I had only known it was that easy. You just take a five week course and bingo you’re on your way to Pipsville in the Kingdom of Pipdom as the supreme ruler and King of the land. Damn, I wish somebody would have told me five years ago.

I must admit that this writing is a little harsh by design but your attack on the very people who have helped you along the way does get my adrenalin up a bit. The people on this thread are first class and I rate Mr. Carter at the very top. Hello Daniel, this is your wake-up call.

So now it comes down to your own choices Daniel.


You can quit being arrogant, quit blaming others for your own mistakes and apologize to the ones you have offended. Start anew and we will all forgive you as if nothing has happened and you can continue your education in the Forex. Controlling your emotions is a hard lesson to learn and we all understand.


Do nothing at all and cut off the arm that’s been feeding your face. Make your own decisions and keep believing you know how to trade. Keep blaming others for your losing trades.

My advice is for you is to quit being arrogant, quit blaming others for your own mistakes and apologize to the ones you have offended and start anew. If you are making 40 pips a day I suggest you try to understand why you are making money and not losing it as I tend to believe left to your own decisions this won’t last very long as your knowledge is not complete. Sorry Daniel, but this is my own analysis of your post. Please don’t hate me as I have been known to be wrong before. We :)as humans can only do our best to improve the next time.

I wish you well no matter what your decision,:slight_smile:


i think R Carter should apologize for being wrong :smiley: lol sorry i couldnt help myself on that one. Really though R Carter should not leave BP just because of things like this, its better off to be ignored and move on. We dont need to lose more Vet. traders on this site

Let’s all be civil and get back to trading ok? :slight_smile:

alright but im still down like 22% :mad: and someones gotta pay! guess its gonna be me :frowning:

Life’s a game and it’s all just points. That’s why you don’t risk more than you can afford to loose so you can keep on playin. When I loose, the way I figure… it’s only money, I’ll make more.

its demo so idc :slight_smile:

hi guys,

Let’s just put this issue aside k? there are other better things to do than focus on the comments of 1 individual.

To: Mr Carter,

Indeed, your contribution to the site and this trade has been valuable. Not only on this thread but other threads as well. So do not get pissed by the comments of 1 individual but look on a broader perspective. Like trading, If u trade 10 trades and get 1 bad trade, are you gonna stop trading? lol…