Bollinger band trading with MAs

OK Admins (deleted post) I’ll consider my wrist slapped and try again without the ‘colourful language’. :D:D:D

I’m not feeling bad I’m feeling angry. Despite repeated requests not to treat my posts as a signal service you went ahead anyway. When up you couldnt be more grateful. When down you act like a spoilt child whos had his sweets taken away.

My analysis was not wrong, I made pips on both counter trend trades. Where did I state that PA was going to reverse its current trend and drop off the bottom of the monitor?

Strange kind of relationship you got going there… cooperation when their right (read… you’ll jump on board anothers trade and if it turns out ok, all’s fine. When it doesnt you call them out). You sound a real genuine guy?

However as I have now received an infraction for my short comings in anger management and you are plainly free to rattle my cage at will im bugging out of this thread.

It’s a sorry state of affairs. I hope we’re not going to loose valuable input from a pro due to all this. I may not post very often but I read the thread every day and appreciate all the ‘good’ posts for sure.

Hey RC - just ignore him…not worth the energy to even hit the letters on the keyboard to reply to him. He kind of reminds me of my ex-wife:mad: Let’s get back to why we are all here…cooperation, advice, relief of the boredom that comes from staring at monitors and making pips:D:D! Please don’t leave this forum:o!

Mr Carter,
Really,you are a cool person far better than this .And i dont expect you to take this issue to heart.
I have repeatedly said that we should move on
I may have to send handwritten note to you:D
Enjoy your weekend,

Mr Chief Justice,
There is no reason for comparism.

R Carter,

I hope you reconsider. Finding good knowledgeable people on these sites are difficult at best. I’m just getting back into this after a long business trip and then a long illness and look forward to reading your take on things.

If you truly are serious then I have an alternate idea. There is a site called Mirc that can used just like this one but you control who can be let onto the site. It is great to trade with a bunch of friends and fellow traders with similar ideas. You can test it out for free for 30 days and then the cost is $20 per year per user.

I used it for a while with a couple of friends last year after they invited me to trade with them. We were trading the Asian open and it made trading less boring. Not once did we have a losing session but they were very frustrated as they could not understand how I was seeing the trades. They were only part time traders and had different ideas about trading. I could never get them to understand how I trade. I only traded at that time of the day because of their invite and finally I tired of it.

I had a heckler bothering me for a while and recieved some warnings for telling him to go suck an egg. Go figure. LOL.

In any event try to have a nice day before some DF screws it up.

Trade well and prosper,


though i am new in the forum but but started my fx biz with babypips,having red your post here and this is exactly my system of trading i will obviously be right here as,however to move with the trade and forget the misunderstand,…i used ema with the system,but would like to back test LWMA (linear weighted moving average) but could not find it in my mt4 pls can any body give me a direction on plotting it chart

metatrader has linear weighted moving average. When you put a moving average on your chart, the lwma should be one of the options that you see. along with sma, and ema.

The PA on the GU daily 20:2 bolls might be worth keeping an eye on as the new week unfolds.

PS [I]I’m not calling or suggesting a trade so don’t chew me out if I’m wrong… [/I]:eek:


We are just waiting to pounce.LOL:D

Posted by d-pip,
PS I’m not calling or suggesting a trade so don’t chew me out if I’m wrong…


Tiger.bmp (549 KB)

I am going to call for your head if i screw up:D:D:D

Yes, either side of Friday’s candle, a break below the low or above the high, gets my attention!

PS Notice how I covered my backside by calling it long & short :slight_smile:

Information is not knowledge.
Albert Einstein

Occurrences in this domain are beyond the reach of exact prediction because of the variety of factors in operation, not because of any lack of order in nature.
Albert Einstein

You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein

Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.
Albert Einstein

This includes using predictions without knowledge.

Trade well and prosper,



We already know. Your really quite good at it. LOL.:slight_smile:

To the true innovator, there’s no such thing as a mistake. Each miscue is considered part of the process, a marker on the map that says where not to go.

Trade well and prosper,



You forgot sideways.LOL

Posted by d-pip
PS Notice how I covered my backside by calling it long & short


So another whiny self-serving dirtbag drove off another great veteran trader? Nice. Why oh why will [I]no one[/I] use the Ignore function with these losers? I do and I never have to read trader1000’s garbage again.

Hi Merchantprice,

Which Veteran Trader are you referrring to ? Already I am searching for Phil838 and Sweetpips. Are they still around ?


Edit : Nevermind, I went back pages to find it out. RCarter is an asset and we need him here.

Leave trader1000 alone.He does not have anything to offer this thread.Let us work on how to bring back Robert.That is should be our priority,not paying attention to someone who wants to be obstacle to our progress.

Gents - post some charts or something ffs. :rolleyes:
10 pages of crap that I’ve now just contributed to myself.

Is Sh1rk still about - haven’t checked in on his scalping thread for a bit.

I saw Shr1k on today. I think RC is still hanging around the forum some.

So what’s up with the big climb in GU tonight in the Asian session? Fortunately I was paying attention and got about 100 pips :smiley:

See I grin when I make em. but you don’t hear from me much when I’m not makin em :stuck_out_tongue: