Bollinger band trading with MAs

annnd all the way back again to stop out my remaining half at b/e.
Joy :slight_smile:

Next one today, didn’t take the buy at 0100 as asleep but might have thought about it. With hindsight, you can see the purple lines running flat so not a definite trade.

Green crosses red at 0600, I wasn’t sure here so I took a trade 2hrs later with a half position, then added on the extra half when the flat bollinger was pierced around 0830 GMT.

I did okay this morning and got 50 pips. I waited for the 1H 5ma to cross the bolls 20ma centerline, entered at 1.5245 and closed at 1.5195.The 5ma/20ma cross worked very nicely this morning! Now I’ll wait and see what happens after NY opens.

Added: PS damn, went back to sleep for a while and missed out on another 40-50 pips:mad:

dont be upset u missed pips. Would you rather miss a winning trade or take a losing one? lol. U cant catch them all


Second of the Major Zurich Axioms…
…[B]Always take your profit too soon![/B]:slight_smile:

Ive encountered the dreaded sidways yelllow MAs but, I have a question. Is it dont enter a trade when BOTH of the yellow ones are flat? or if only ONE is flat?

Okay sounds good.

Hi Robert,
In regards to the 20:2 bol, how do you change the centerline to red? Also, what setting do you have for apply to, is it Typical Price HCL/3? Thanks.

Try adding a 20sma, close, red.

I am trying to setup the process like Robert had stated in his document. I didn’t see anything about a 20 SMA. Please explain.

The centerline on the 20:2 bolls is a 20 period simple moving average and usually based on the closing price, not HCL/3. Sometime people will put up the 20:2 bolls let’s say in black. And then overlay a 20 period simple moving average in red turning the 20:2 bolls centerline red making it easier to tell the difference between the centerline, upper & lower bands. I hope this makes sense and helps.

Excellent description d-pip, thank you! Of course that brings me to the next questions. On the 15 min when the green crosses the red whether up or down signifies the way to place the trade and the 1 hr is to check the trade that it is going in the same direction? Also, on the 15 min when the green crosses one of the yellow the trade should be closed? The only time not to trade is when yellow lines are horizontal for a lengthy period. Correct?

Yes, I think you’ve got it right. The hour shows the big picture and the 15m is the zoomed in view.

PS I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, the green 5ma on the 1h will give approximately the same value as the green 20ma on the 15m, the red 20ma on the 1h approximately the same as the red 80ma on the 15m, and the yellow 10ma on the 1h approximately the same as the yellow 40ma on the 15m. So when the green is crossing the red on the 15m, the green should also be very close to crossing the red on the 1h.

Hi d-pip,
Another question for you. The crossing of red and green lines seems to be working well along with the use of 2LWMA H/L. Is the crossing of yellow lines to get out of a trade crucial or can it be used as a reference to stay out of a trade?

I haven’t been relying on them that much, hopefully RC will stop in and can add more on using the yellow lines. For exits I’ve been just using a 50 pip TP. For example this morning I entered at 1.5310 and took my profit at 1.5360. Now the market moved another 40 pips higher and I guess I could have maximized the trade but I’m happy with the 50 pips! The way I figure it, the first 50 pips are the safest. :slight_smile:

Absolutely agree with 50 pips! Hopefully Robert will have more insight. Thanks d-pip.

Do you have idea how to fill or trade a gap when it is occured at the openning of the trading week(sunday or thereabout)?
Comments are welcome from others as well.
Thank you,

TSGT stands for That Sunday Gap Thing Merchantprince and I have discussed this and I trade it most weeks.

I have an account with Oanda I can see the gap forming and trade off market hours if I want to pay a big spread. I would suggest getting an Oanda demo account so you can see whats going on before the open.

I have had good luck trading the gap. I enter towards Fridays close as soon as the market opens or a little early if the spread starts to come down. I set the TP a few pips this side of Fridays close. I watch the trade If it starts to move the wrong way I close it out. I find if the gap is not to big it will often close in the first few minutes then the trend will resume. So sometimes you have to be quick. Its a nobrainer kind of trade.

Thank you for this.I went long for both EURUSD and GBPUSD last friday as European Union was discussing the possibility of granting loan to Greece at lower interest rate of5% as against the market based bond rates(7.5%) and to my surprise,I made 100 on EU and 60pip on GU when the market opened today.I must confess that i had no idea whether the gap will be filled or this is the start of uptrend for EURUSD and GBPUSD.That is why i am asking for the way to fill gap.I have been consistently monitoring this for some times and if you look at my last two or three posts in this thread,i asked the same question but nobody replied.
Thank you

I will say the size of the gaps this week is very big. I am no so sure about my previous post holding true for gaps like we have now. but E/U and G/U did each have a pretty good retrace right at market open. If you were watching open trades you still could have done quite well. I have been trying to focus more on direction then magnitude with my trading. A gap to me is a good signal of the direction the market will go at a very specific time. Easy pips if you are not greedy. As far as gaps signaling anything about the overall trend I dont have a clue:D.