Bollinger band trading with MAs

Alright, ill try it on a few and see what happens lol

Hey hellogoodbye4201,

FYI, Investopedia has some good info on Heikin-Ashi bars, explains the math behind them etc. You might want to check it out.

Heikin-Ashi Technique


Heikin-Ashi: A Better Candlestick

Thanks, ill read those now. Its always better to know more about what your using to trade.

I reread the last few pages I am still not sure exactly what the entry signal is on the 4h HA. I see its a color change but what else are you guys looking at?

I have been looking at the 5:1 bol and 20:2 bol I have on all my charts. Its just a MA cross over when they do cross. That cross following a touch of upper or lower 20:2 BB [B]and[/B] a change in candle color looks like it usually is the start of a trend. Perhaps a good opportunity to manage multiple lots. 1 lot when the 4HR HA changes color after touching the outer 20:2 bol, one more lot when the 5:1 crosses the 20:2, and the final lot when the entire 5:1 bol crosses the 20:2 center line. I use the term lot loosely. this idea just came to me when I was looking at the charts trying to see exactly what RCarter is doing with the HA. I might give this a try if I can get a peek at the charts throughout the day.

I’m wondering whether to enter a sell now. still have bear HA candles since Friday… but I hate to jump in too late and have it turn on me. I’ve done that too many times.

not sure, no one else is having that problem maybe its a glitch

I entered short this morning since we still have bear candles on the 4H HA chart. But price has been ranging since then so I’m at about break even right now. If I had entered Friday I’d be in positive territory now but the usual story with me, late getting in.

This ones idiot proof
this is exactly what I need thanks:D

another idiot proof strat I have been using is as soon as the the markets open for the week take a trade towards Fridays close. No BBs no MAs dont even need a chart. Just watch the spread and the size of the gap. This is the closest thing to guaranteed pips I have found. The bad part is it only happens once a week.

If it’s idot proof and I still lose… then I would be a… ? moron? That’s it. I need a system that’s moron proof.

I’m still trying to do it the “old fashion way”, regular candles, the 20:2 & 20:1 bolls & the 5 ma. :wink:

Hoping to go short if GU heads back down towards 1.5260, the 4h 20:2 mid-line.

well the HA candle change to up so I closed my sell at a loss and opend a buy. We’ll see where that goes!

LOL!!! I went short at 1.5269…

For everyone who goes short someone else goes long and vice versa and everyone thinks they are right.

A couple of times I’ve looked at my charts to try and figure out this gap thing everyone is talking about (I even had someone at work who doesn’t trade forex ask me if I am trading gaps, since everyone they know that does trade forex are raving about them). But it seems like maybe either I don’t know what to look for or FXCM doesn’t show any “gaps” on TS. What am I missing? :o

By the way, what happened to that killer scalping system you were featuring on myFXbook? You were kicking ass with that strat, didn’t you like triple your account in two weeks?

Go baby go! :slight_smile:

added; Closed with 25 pips

They should only appear on Sunday nights? Do you get Sunday data?
Check out EURUSD or EURJPY from yesterday and see how price gaps up then proceeds to move down to fill the gap in the next couple of hours.

FXCM doesn’t show any “gaps” on TS

Your right TS fills in the gaps. Take a look at an MT4 chart or set up an Oanda demo. Oanda has a 24/7 price feed its pretty boring to watch on the weekends but you can see and trade if you want huge spreads any time. The market according to the pricefeeds I have access to usually starts moving about 4 hrs before “market open” this movement along with an hour or 2 on Friday evening is what makes a gap.

That scalping strat requires way more screen time than I can manage right now. It defiantly works I ran a few hundred live trades, and it does not require a ridiculous amount of risk. The issue was my hourly wage I need some more capital. I am working on it;). When I was trading that strat my real job was very slow so I had a lot of time. I am not at a place in my life where I can drop the real job and try to trade full time and grow a tiny account. My wife might have something to say about that!!

what scalping strategy was this :)?

He sort of described it in another thread, but it wasn’t clear to me then.

I’m really hoping he’ll lay it out for us in detail, because it was sick how much money he made with it (till he decided to go off the reservation a bit at one point). He may still have it up on myfxbook; believe me, the stats speak for themselves.

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