Bollinger band trading with MAs

The problem is that I don’t have a strat in the same way that most folks on this forum do. I just watch price action continually and take certain signals but I use a lot of TA and I read a lot of FA as well so it’s difficult to explain sometimes.
I have some MM methods that I consistently use but I’ll try to post more charts about some trades with reasons why.

The Sunday gap with bollinger is one trade I often do - doesn’t work every time though.

The Sunday gap with bollinger is one trade I often do - doesn’t work every time though.

Did you see anything this week? the pairs I watch did not gap enough to make it worthwhile considering the big spreads. So for me no gap trades this week.

I will give it a few hours and see what happens. I like trading Sunday but with tomorrow being a US holiday I am not sure if that will affect the markets tonight. I am being extra cautious.

Yep, I took GU at 1.4409, half off at 1.4431, TP2 is the close of the gap around 1.4450ish. Spread 3 pips.

A couple of interesting blogs to show what a real trader gets up to:
Trade2Win - Active Trading & Forex Community
Trade2Win - Active Trading & Forex Community

Yep, I took GU at 1.4409, half off at 1.4431, TP2 is the close of the gap around 1.4450ish. Spread 3 pips.

I was looking at GU but the demo I chart with and the broker I trade with had a big discrepancy with price. That doesn’t usually happen I couldn’t tell what was going on so I stayed away:D

Shr1k, i dunno if you wanna consider a different form of money management, but…

One that may cater to you is the reverse labouchere.

You can google it, but the basics are as such.

Starting line

1,1,1,0 —add first and last numbers to get 1…that could be 1 lot to buy/sell

if that one wins (depending if it is a certain pip amount, determined in advance).

then you add that 1 to the end of the line

1,1,1,0,1 ----next buy/sell is the first and last number added which is 2.

2 lots to buy sell…

If that loses you scratch off the first and last numbers.

1,1,0 --next lot amount is 1. and it continues until you lose the string OR

for me personally when the lot size is double the initial pip amount and you lose your trade.

Example…If i opened an account with 5$k…I would feel comfortable, with 5$ a pip…That may be more than recommended, thats why I mentioned you in this post, you MM seems aggressive, but maybe others can benefit.

I would divide that 5$ per pip, by 5, to get 1$ a pip.

Then I would make a line of

1,1,2,1,0—so now the 5$ is spread out a bit, first lot would be 1+0=1=1$ per pip.

When lot size was double 5$ a pip, i would continue until my first lost, or if you are feeling very risky, lose twice in a row in your buying/selling.

Another time to stop using high pips would be if you reached a certain goal, such as 10% or 25% or some such thing of your gross account.

So if i had a 5$k account and gained 500$ (5,500$) i would reset and starting pip size would be, for me, 5.50$ a pip, i would again divide by 5, for a 1.10$ pip lot.

The benefits are low downdraw, you only risk more when you have gained more, and if you get on a hot streak, pips would be raining all special like.

Wanted to throw that out there.



Your comments above tell me you have a long way to go before you can really trade. I gave you the greatest of all indicators to show you the trend as well as a very good method in seeing the trend reversal and you belittled my gift and the indicator.

Until you learn a lot more I suggest you hold your comments. If you truly want to learn how to trade then stop chasing simple methods like Robert posted. The internet is full of these methods but none will ever teach you the things you need to know to become a full time trader. It’s not that you can’t make some money with some of these methods but just like Roberts method they leave too many questions unanswered and your post is proof of that.

I’m not putting you down as we all have been newbies in our past. Graduating from newbie to successful full time trader is a long road and no simple trading method will take you to the end of this quest. If you cannot answer the basic questions of forex trading then you yourself need to take the bull by the horns and educate yourself. 99% of all the posters on these threads are newbies and some have huge post counts with little in their bank accounts.

I post because I find it interesting and a break from the actual trading the charts. I’m a full time trader and I assure you I’m no newbie as others would like you to believe. Do not believe everything you read not even from me. I post to get you to answer a question or to want you to believe in a certain way. Your response tells me about you and your level of experience. Robert told me in his posts who he really was.

If I told you I was a professional trader you would look at me differently then if I told you I was a newbie. I have seen it dozens of times on this and other sites. The answers they post to my questions tells me if the person is telling the truth. I put no words in their mouths.

Some of these individuals had alterior motives and I hounded them and the site administrators until the thread was shut down. I watched as newbies lost all their money because of their belief the individual was a professional trader. These were not just people with little education but some were Engineers, Doctors or Lawyers.

I watched as a College student lost his rent money and was litterally crying. I sent him a PM before a live trading session and warned him but he did not heed my warning. I could only watch as my comments were shut off by the so called professional in a live trading session. It was a bunch of sheep being led to slaughter and it was sickening to watch. This sticks firmly in my memory as I believe this was the same individual who commited suicide that same week at the same college as my youngest son.

People who have to hide behind something usually have a reason for acting this way. These people are looking to boost their own egos and once the game is up will run for cover. I’m not here to boost my ego or theirs and will post with a firm hand until they answer the question.

Roberts method is a simple one which done correctly can make you money. The method is nothing new as all simple methods have been tried countless times. I wasn’t trying to attack Robert but was attacking his method to bring out the truth of how to trade it. He chose to talk down to me and belittle how he thought I traded. Robert did not post the answers I was looking to see and if you review his posts his answers were not definitive but vague. If I don’t see the answers how can you or any other newbie understand how to trade the method? How do you the determine trend, the entry and the exit?
You can advise people to hit the button but I can assure you I can trade circles around Robert. If he would have stuck around and been a little nicer I could have shown him how to trade that method. His arrogance was his down fall.

So you now have a choice to make hellogoodbye4201. You can accept my posts and learn a little more or flounder on your own with a thread full of newbies in the same boat. San Miguel is no newbie but from his own
admittance he trades one way and only one way. It is your choice and either way it won’t bother me.

The only reason I’m back is that some of the newbies from this thread have taken heckling me as their prime objective in life. These are the low lifes that have posted nothing of value on this thread and only show up to boost their post count thinking this is the way to the being a profitable trader. If they’re going to attack me then I will come back to roost where it won’t be so hard
for them to find me. Go ahead boys “make my day” I dare you to post some relative questions or better yet some answers. I bet you won’t post anything different then you posted before but I’ll give you both the benifit of the doubt. Show me what you have and answer hellogoodbye4201’s question.


Hello SanMiguel,

Thanks for the post. It looks like a boring job to me with all the in office politics. I’ll keep my independence.


I find your posts to contain a lot of good trading practices which these newbies are lacking. Don’t ever be afraid to posts. I believe you know more about trading then you realize. Looking forward to your comments.


I don’t consider it one way but interested in what you mean. :slight_smile:

I do intermarket analysis, which has a lot of different variables to consider and whilst I guess you could say some of my TA is traded one way (mainly support and resistance), many of the reasons for the trade are based on looking at multiple instruments at the same time. For example, dollar index, trades on euro, gold, oil, etc.

FA isn’t something much discussed on this forum though it is in almost every blog out there - TA is used in conjunction.

Hello San Miguel,

Sorry for the misunderstanding San. Like I said you know how to trade. I just put all of the things you do in one basket as the exact explanation is a bit long and as you already know I’m long winded enough. FA should be the first thing the newbies should learn but I’m afraid it’s the last. Posting about it on this thread as you have has opened a few minds to explore the value of FA farther.

I believe you posted one time that you aren’t about to change the way you trade but liked looking at new trading ideas as I do. I trade the same way or at least most of the same parts.

I like reviewing methods and indicators and waste a lot of time but once you find a method that works like the S&Rs, Bols and others it’s hard to beat. You are correct in the difficulty in teaching these concepts and the truth is most newbies won’t and don’t ever really want to put that much effort into learning how to trade. These types are happy with just watching an indicator and why I post a few now and then.

I’m not a teacher and more like a drill sargent. There are many traders that like to spend months trainning, teaching and posting charts. I tip my hat to them and to you. I’ve seen the poor results of newbies leaving early and still clueless on most of the threads. I guess some are teachable and others will never be traders. It’s just the way of things.

Trade well and prosper San,


I’m only responding to your first paragraph because I just dont feel like reading the rest. In [I]your[/I] eyes you’ve given me the greatest indicator. Just because it works well for you doesn’t mean it works well for me. Don’t take it personal. Maybe I’m not even using it right, I don’t remember how you said to use it and what settings to use.


You’ve never posted a system, ever. RC posted plenty of [I]guidelines[/I] to help you with your trading. You have posted the shi channel, but never followed through on my questions on how to actually use it. I noticed it repainted heavily and with no support disregarded it. Don’t attack someone elses system/method/strat if you’re not going to post your own. But, maybe you can’t post your own because it is a Professional strat and you can’t have all of BP knowing about it? That should give you something to think about. Remember Johnny, nothing personal. Not trying to insult anyone.

P.s. I heard that when you reach 1k post count your trading skills go up :smiley: LOL

Which big boys in New York use SHI-Channels?
Be specific.
So far, I’ve asked 5 desks at different firms, including a tier 1 and a tier 2 brokerage shop & they’ve never even heard of it let alone trade it.

That’s funny, because when similar questions were asked of you & one of your fellow posters (+ your “teacher”) over at Stock Hideout today, you did exactly the same thing. :slight_smile:

It all went eerily quiet when your “teacher” & any of you guys were asked to trade your method live for a month in front of a few unbiased observers.

In fact it got so uncomfortable when you (& your “teacher”) were asked to validate & verify your claims of consistently large returns from the method you trade, that you begged the moderator (who coincidently also happens to be your “teacher”) to delete the posts…which surprise, surprise he obliged in very quick order LOL.

It seems you’re quick to cast the odd stone or two, but when the tables are turned you run & hide behind your “teachers” apron, shoving out post after post of delaying tactics.

I think it’s high time your method was placed under the scope & fully exposed, don’t you?
If your claims stand up to scrutiny & match the boasts of your self-proclaimed success rate, then the newbie’s here should benefit greatly shouldn’t they.

After all, you’re bad mouthing & disrespecting this R Carter guy over at your main Stock Hideout home & bragging to all your pals that you’re going to continue to hound this guy until you eventually get the thread shut down – as you claim you’ve accomplished on here several time already, but strangely couldn’t verify when asked to do so earlier either.

So, if your method is that good, you’ll have no problems revealing it’s awesome power to the members here will you.

Hopefully, if he’s brave enough, you’ll now get to see what he’s got. :wink:

By the sounds of it he’s probably gonna go somewhere else and complain LOL. I sure hope so… Tired of dealing with his BS.

Well I can see you haven’t learned a thing on this thread except to trade with the trend and watch the monthly squiggily thingie and which direction it points. But it takes you a half a month to determine the trend you said on one of your posts before you jump on the Daily. But then just recently you couldn’t figure this out again and posted a question whether you should trade last months trend for the upcoming month. You’ve got to be kidding.

Now you accuse me of attacking without just cause and Buddy you just proved my point better then I ever could have. You’ve been around this thread from almost the very beginning and I don’t believe you can tell anybody how to trade any of the methods already posted.

By the way, I answered your questions quite a while ago but you can’t even remember the method you boasted you made all of those pips on just days ago which I think says something about your credibility. I think you’re all bark and no bite. You’re like the untrained dog who just keeps pissing on the carpet and blaming the cat. You keep showing you can’t trade any of the methods already posted here which there has been way too many for one thread. If you can’t handle Robert’s system then trying to teach you mine would be an impossible task. Nothing personal. Not trying to insult anyone as you are the one writing your own posts and that says volumes all by itself.

Robert couldn’t teach me anything period as I already know how to trade. My questions to Robert went without viable answers as he didn’t know the answers. I don’t expect you to understand as you don’t even know the questions much less the answers but that is what being a newbie is about and some have been newbies for decades.

San Miguel is the only knowledgeable trader here and as I’ve advised you before you should listen to every word of his posts. He will not advise you to jump into a pool that is empty.

I’ve learned far more from RC than from you… You haven’t done anything on this thread except attack people. Nobody wants you on this thread, all your doing is ruining the discussion. You offer no benefit in being here. You don’t discuss your system or whatever BS you have and you avoid all questions. As Apache Rider said go back to your other forum and brag about nothing you’ve achieved here, then beg your mod/teacher to delete any post questioning you. You’re full of it J[B]BS[/B]. You’re nothing more than what lives under a bridge and demands money from anyone trying to cross. If you have nothing valuable to say, which you never have, then leave.

P.S. the system I made the gains on i choose not to tell people. As someone said recently to me, We need losers to make money, Don’t go telling anyone.

You’re now the second person on my ignored list, congrats. Hopefully San will be the next person to ignore you so he can rid this thread of you.

1 sec gotta un ignore Johnny now to see his reply lol

Just glad to see Rcarter posting.

If what the apache rider said is true, and JohnnyB is trying to shut down this thread and/or get it locked, then maybe Johnny shouldnt be allowed to post here.

Since my twice reading of this thread, only JohnnyB has been so aggresive and i do think a bit hostile towards Rcarter and other posters, more recently HelloGoodBye (the scoobster).

And I think the thread could be killed by him and his constant attacks.

He has not posted a strategy which is fair enough, although I did see a hint of one around the 390s (page). But I dont think it quite qualifies.

I dont think that he has posted anything beyond fundamentals and they were non-specific towards helping you attain pip gathering in the timeframe/days they were posted. He may disagree, and thats ok.

I did pick up the shi channel from him, so i personally gained, but in my personal opinion the attacks towards the posters here does some balancing towards that.

If another thread is opened for the showing of systems that is Good.

It would be my hope that this thread doesnt end, but I honestly think that Johnny might have been making effort in that.


:stuck_out_tongue: anybody here using Bollinger band with MA in trading GBPJPY??? :cool:

Try Sh1rk, think he scalps the JPY pairs