Bollinger band trading with MAs

BBands set to high and low? didnt know you could do that on this platform. its pretty cool :stuck_out_tongue: 5:1? perhaps?

Well,mere changing trading trading system as if you were changing cloth says a lot about your thought processing and i am i am not sure you complete college.If you have not,I encourage you to go back to school and earn a degree rather than trying to mislead folks in forum.


No need for the animosity in this post.

It’s a free forum, and a lot like the radio. If you don’t like what you’re listening to, change the channel.

Ya, at first it looked like bbands but I could tell they were set to the hi and lows so i figured MAs since in mt4 you cant set a bband to high or low. But, I checked, and now i know :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll be expecting my scoobie snacks within 2 days. your rich you can afford the express shipping:D

So your retirement with the move to france, just a lie?:smiley:
Your 8 children, not even produced yet?:smiley:
Your airplane, not even a pilot license? :smiley:

PS, I am so disappointed in you:)

Good explanation there. I hadn’t thought of that.

I’ve been making some gains on the daily with the 2lwma high low. Seems to work best though when youre trading back into the tunnel in the direction of the main daily trend. My losses have come when trying to trade against the trend.

If that pic you showd me is your mom’s house I’d like to see the basement! LOL

Then get your mom to pay for it :p? Either way I’ll be expecting them tomorrow:D

LOL! Wow![/B] that was a long time ago!
If nothing else, you have a good memory. :slight_smile:

Not the posh Side? with all the money you make in trading? Now your wife must feel like she married a “cheap penny pincher.”:slight_smile:
You are “practically” divorced.:smiley:

OOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that’s so sweet.:D:D

Hi new to this thread, I’ve started digesting the massive amounts of data here and hope to eventually be able to contribute to discussions.

I know its not the weekend yet (silly posts) but could not resist.

So who you backing? USA v England in the soccer world cup on Saturday. By world cup I mean the real world cup not ‘The world series’… only US types need apply… LOL.

Your going to get your asses kicked! :smiley:

Edit: What no come back? Where’s JBS when you need him… lol.

Don’t let 'Merica beating England in the world cup distract you, I expect my scoobie snacks by tomorrow

I have no idea about soccer:rolleyes: but this I have to say is true of about 90% of whats posted around here any day of the week.

I know its not the weekend yet (silly posts) but could not resist.

Nice… LOL. Expect a higher game Saturday… now its for real! Scoobie snack on the first plane if we lose. :smiley:

Ok, and if we lose we’re even? lol:D

OK. Let us get to what can benefit other members of this community.I don’t need to brag about it and i have not spend twenty or thirty years on trading but i will like to show folks here the inherent flaws in your trading system.I used to think that most of what you posted here were airtight until my interact with others professional and experienced traders show me otherwise.

Now , i barely use and change much indicators like you,but i challenge you from next (June 14th-18th) monday till friday that two of us post trade idea(entry place,stop loss and take profit) side by side and let us see who has a winning rate within that week. Thereafter we should post the strategy of entry and exit.

Others can monitor it for accuracy.


[B]LOL! What do you consider airtight? [/B]

And which one of the many trading strats that RC has shared with us do you feel have [B]inherent flaws[/B]?

There aren’t any universal strategies, what works for one trader won’t work for everyone. Don’t forget we all trade differently, different size accounts, trade different time frames and trade different sessions and times of day.

Some strats work best if you’re sitting in front of the screens 100% of the time monitoring the trades, other strats (ie 4h and daily) can be traded with less eyeball time.

Different money management and risk require different trading strategies, trading with 1%-2% of account at risk is a lot different than trading with 0.1%-0.2% at risk.

If you’ve have some knowledge and new strats you’d like to share with the folks here please do. But if you’re looking for a traders pissing contest as JBS was, please just drop it and move on.

Since last September this thread has been a great place to learn, share trading info and have some laughs, not a place for gun fights, let’s keep it that way.


I think Matt should post his strat. I hear he kicks butt!

Headmaster111, WTF happened between here:

(post #4045 from this thread)

And here?

One month, and an about face in civility.

Speaking of brash, and bravado, have you finally lost a trade since this statement? (link to post #30 here: 301 Moved Permanently )

I think most of us let that one slide.
You’re living in a glass house, and throwing some mighty big stones.

Live, and let live should be a life’s goal.
Again, no need for the animosity, OR the pissing contest invite.
Learning, and adapting are a smart man’s way of dealing with a changing market.
If you don’t like what Robert does, go read something else.

Start with some good philosophy.
