Bollinger band trading with MAs


The charts illustrate well I think what we were trying to do here. :slight_smile:

Just one final point. The centre line boll is still tracking down and is likely in the interim to take PA with it. When the center line boll reduces its angle a little more PA may well break through and up but still expect this to be a while yet. Plus bolls are closing indicating not much of a big trade.

However, if bolls continue to tighten and maā€™s start to line up. Look for a significant break out. (all of the above on the 15m chart).

That parabolic drop in GU pair this european morning was caused by ā€œverbalā€ BoE intervention. Mervyn King stated in a newspaer interview that a lower ļæ½ would be ā€œhelpfulā€. Soon after that remark the GU plunged. :slight_smile:

So how far down do you think it will go? I notice itā€™s getting close to some support

I had planned to get up at 3am and try trading the London open but slept through it :frowning:

Support areas ainā€™t matter in those cases.

These are parabolic moves either caused by Central Banks verbal intervention or actual interventions by Central Bank selling/buying curencies.

For instance Crude Oil dropped more than 500 pips in less than 24 hours. :eek: But thatā€™s because Crude Oil is seen as any other currency.

Probably because they just bought a load of dollars yesterday :slight_smile:
Everyone, Iā€™m going to buy the $. It would be helpful if the ļæ½ went lower.
Oh what do you knowā€¦Iā€™ve just made myself 200pips. Lol.

As cas says, itā€™s a big move, almost 400pips since yesterday. If it keeps going down, Iā€™d say maybe the 1.59 level (fib extension )but thereā€™s no guarantee that this move wont just spike out a load of stops and then move back up to continue in this range that the GU has been in since May. As you can see, itā€™s having a bit of trouble getting past this point, there is more support at 1.6, which is also a big pyschological number.

Iā€™m guessing weve all made a bucket load of pips today on that last down. Iā€™ve closed out now because of possible support on the 1hā€¦ however brief. :smiley:

Might even try a long, I think I can risk 20 pips today. :slight_smile: Plus were way outside the 4h bolls!!!

Maybe not!!! :D:D:D


Surely this is support whats your take?

Unsurprisingly, I missed out on this one. But Iā€™d charted the lower resistance of an upward trend on the Euro which seemed to begin at the start of September.

What do you think of buying in here (1.4690) at a small lot size with a 100 pip SL, and holding the trade intraday (positional?) for a few days/weeks to eventually get 200-300 pips?

I know this is somewhat off-topic and I promise not to derail, but I saw that you were discussing this event today and it made me think of doing this.



Theory is good. But pa doesnā€™t stay in a channel forever. Plus it looks to me that its not through testing support yet. The 1h chart is good for this i.e. price will step outside the bollinger lower or upper band wick partial retrace towards center boll and retest the outer boll band again. Look back on your chart and see when price has stepped outside of the boll. Almost every time it retests. Personally Iā€™d wait for a second candle test of the lower boll and preferably a wick then a change of colour candle. Then go long. :slight_smile:

Iā€™d certainly wait for a change of candle colour. :slight_smile:

as I mentioned before I missed a lot of it during thenight EDT, but I have a sell going on now and just watching the 1h. close to +30 right now.

Just look at the range in the last 24 hours.

How far will you get with a 100 pip SLā€¦?

You could pay me for it and I wouldnā€™t do it. Not in this kind of environment we are seeing @present. :slight_smile:

Yeah, before you replied Iā€™d already canceled the trade, that mid BB is still downward and the outers looked like they were trumpeting. I wanted to be sure this verbal announcement didnā€™t trash the currency even more before bottoming out.

What I am looking at is a long-term trend of all currencies moving up against the USD - eventually. But you are correct, I will be waiting and watching the 1H for a candlestick pattern indicating a return to upward movement.

If you people want to go long I can enter a short to force it go up.
Let me know. :D:D


ha! works every time doesnā€™t it !


Sure does.

I also learned another thing today for the millionth time.
when waiting for a set-up to complete you not only wait you have to pay attention and not answer E-Mails and play with the Dog or listen to the wife.
This is Why. :frowning:

What goes down must come up.

Think I might be at odds with Newtons law? Maybe Iā€™m getting confused with Quantum Physics? Iā€™ll defer to you Pof. TALOND. :D:D:D

Unless itā€™s a rock on the bottom of the pond. :smiley:

But it does look li8ke it wants to go up. Going to watch it close and not jump in to soon.



Do you trade when the 5 lwma crosses the 14 on the 15m chart or wait for it on the 1H?
