Bollinger band trading with MAs

Hmm… my monies on 1.6073’ish? :slight_smile:

that makes 3 of us waiting. I just closed my second buy of the night for about 18pips, that’s enough. I got bit too much early on by getting in too late just to watch it turn

ok you two, explain those numbers to the new kid

Maybe tonight she’ll run up around 1.6050 - 1.6075 and hopefully tomorrow drop like a hot iron down to 1.5900 for a daily range of 150 - 175 pips?

of course that entire drop will happen while I’m asleep tonight. I’m on track with my 20pip a day dream, so calling it an evening. may check in again later, or is that earlier?


Cas was looking at the previous high. I was looking at my upper down trend line. Who knows… but perhaps we can get a pool going to pass the time? :smiley:

So you’re looking at those numbers as an upper limit and then it should drop?

see, I’m learning

I’ve got resistance from last week at 1.6050 and a drawn trend line around 1.6073

I’ll split the difference and bet 1.6067 :slight_smile:

A few ups and down at this 4hr resistance area.

Wow… I didn’t expect this… 1.6185 and still running the wrong way!
I’ve been waiting to go short…:o

maybe we should have hung on to our long GBP positions from tue! LOL

Oh well, we’ll try to get them next time, “they” say there’s always another bus!

I have no idea who “they” are but I’m sure they’re right!


“they”…could be the “Market Gods”. :slight_smile:

Looks like GU topped [for the moment]. 1.6200 is a lofty height indeed. :smiley:

Cas, what’s your take on the Dow 10,000? Stocks, gold, oil, etc have had a nice run up, is it time for a 15% - 20% pullback? Wouldn’t a good pullback make for a stronger long-term recovery? What do you think?

following my 1h strat I would have been up over 400 pips in the last 45 hours.
don’t you just love hindsight

So now what? Enter long and try to catch some of the ride up if it continues? Or is it too dangerous to jump on board at this point ?

Still just wait for a turn down?

I woke up at 3am EDT that’s 7am GMT, and tried to trade… first one way then the other, what a mess, screwed up, wrong thing to do. when will I learn, trust the force, follow the MAs…

I was thinking the same myself! With only one hedge or temp close of position in the whole move. :slight_smile: I wouldn’t enter a long now… I’m thinking this move must be nearly played out 1.6276?

I just went long at 1.6227

nosebleed heights, hope I’m not screwing up again.

RC no insider insights on this?

Yea… I wish I had got in two days ago! :D:D

I even thought that double top of 2 x 15min candles was going to come back down but no. Hmm.

R.C. being the banker, you’re the one supposed to be the mastermind behind these big moves :wink: What are you big boys up to ? :confused:


It’s all liquidity. The FED prints more and more USD and it get’s shoveled into equities, oil, gold and commodities.

The more the FED prints the more above rises. Unless the FED starts draining liquidity the above will just keep rising and the USDX will keep going south.

GU is the best example just now. :smiley: