Bollinger band trading with MAs


I maybe wrong but I don’t think you mean the 1030GMT candle?

You posted this at 1004 BST which is 0904 GMT so I assume the candle you’re referring to is actully the 0830 GMT candle as thats the only candle on my IBFX demo that has a big up candle spanning the Bollinger today as per the attached.

If you’re sure you mean the 1030GMT candle you must have access to some sort of flux capacitor so can you procure the winning lottery numbers for the Euromillions draw this Friday please?

Thanks in advance! :smiley:

Even though SSD is up over 80 on the 4h, (from the other thread) I have a buy on right now because every thing else is pointed up.

That GU 1.6000 area is major S&R.

[B]red ear[/B]


8:30…10:30…in two weeks time it is what…7:30…9:30…??? :D:D

yeah exact time there doesn’t matter much, it was a good move anyway.

I’m out of my long, just in time, got about 6 pips doest that make me a scalper?

I’m still on hold with the 4h strat. But I’m checking in every hour, getting ready and hoping for something!

All the indicators are pointing north. So i’ve put a short on at 1.60 with a 10 sl. As Cas says major resistance point and worth a punt? :slight_smile:

I’ve lost too many times when I punt LOL

my weakness has been punting too early and I guess what I like about the 4h strat is the slow step by step confirmation process :slight_smile:

I commend your patience… don’t like trading the Asian… haven’t got the temprement for it! :slight_smile:

I"m going to wait till it either goes through the resistance (sounds like WWII) or turns down.
just wait and see…

my weakness is punting too late… Talonditis :smiley:

I’d like to see the stoch starting to break or at least heading closer through the 80 and a nice “classic” reversal candle. I’m sure we’ll get it ether way, north or south.

I’m trying to drop my impulsive cowboy ways and trade more like a proper thoughtful Brit!

Reversal candles. I need to study up on the most common candle formations so I’ll recognize those. Been meaning to do it.

this is the 4H the orange dotted line is the 600 line. red and green fan lines from the other thread. Will it continue to climb up the red line or be turned bac k by the orange? It’s just slightly above orange right now, to early to know?

I look for an “old school WD Gann” reversal patten, think it’s called a 123. pretty complicated name! :smiley:

The only time I can see where I would have hedged my position on the 4h chart long was at 1.5987 when 3/6 LWMA crossed on my 1h chart then closed the hedge at around 1.5950 when normal service resumed.

Unfortunately I’ve been away from the charts for a few days. :mad:

so you are long despite the stoch and the 1.60 ?


Regrettably I’m not in at all… my 10 sl got hit… yea no suprise there. :smiley: Just got bored and tried to buck the indicators. I don’t yet see anything that indicates anything other than north.

1h chart (your system) and 3/6 LWMA are still strong up and way over the center line boll. Came close 12 hours ago (hense my hedge if I had been in the long trade).

All I can do now is wait for the swing south… not about to get in this late. :smiley:

Well your smarter than I am, yesterday after getting 131 pips I got out around 1.5890. Way too early… and haven’t got back in yet… dumb!

You sell yourself short d-pip! 131 pips is a good haul in anyones books. :smiley:

well I did get 90something pips on the 1h strat, closed out too soon obviously but still pleased. my biggest gain so far and just had to quit while I was ahead. Looking for the next big move now but trying to grab a few pips tonight while it’s all still pointing up.

yeah 131 is great. no need to be greedy, just think if you could get that many every day!

I’ve got to give you the credit :slight_smile:

post #44 & #45

[B]R Carter[/B]

That makes two of us…waiting. :smiley:

1.6040…or…1.6114…? :smiley: