Bollinger band trading with MAs

It’s interesting you mention that. I am watching how PA is rubbing up against the 200 MA on the 5m chart just as the 63 ma is also closing in on it like a cone. Looks like there may be an MA crossover on the 15m chart and perhaps we’re about to see a change in trend back downward…?

If you think about it there are no magic properties to the 60 or 63 sma. If your trading the 5m chart using our tried and tested 20:2 boll then the 60 sma is just the center line on the 15m chart 20:2 boll and so on and so forth on longer time frame charts. Try putting up a 60 sma on the 5m chart and it will correspond to the 15m chart 20:2 boll center line thats all. :slight_smile:

So for the purposes of this trading style, should one ascribe any particular value to how PA interacts with the 63 or 200 MAs? I checked the original post back on Page 1 but did not see any notes on this.

Ah… you have asked perhaps the most interesting question I have seen on this thread.

If you have up a 5m, 15m,1h, 4h you will notice that at any given time PA is heading in differing directions dependant on the TF chart. :slight_smile: Say 5m and 15m is heading down whilst 1h and 4h are heading up. :confused:

This is actually a big question. You could trade the smaller TF chart in the direction PA is heading or you could do the same on the 1h which is counter? There are varying strats two of which I trade I posted yesterday both based around the 1h chart.

But for the purposes of answering your question I would say this. If your trading the 5m or 15m chart and you are following PA on this TF chart thats fine. But this is where the longer sma come in as high lighted… a 60 sma on a 5m chart will in effect be a 15m 20:2 center line boll. A 240 sma on a 5m chart will effectively be a 1h center line 20:2 boll. So when PA hits these they are significant. You could even place a 60:2 boll on the 5m chart to approximate the 15m 20:2 boll and a 240:2 boll on the 5m to approximate the 1h chart. When PA hits these its even more significant.

There is nothing new about this other than its all on one chart. Many newbies get very confused having four TF charts up that say opposite things. Do I trade long or short etc. If they are all on one chart it makes things a little easier to comprehend. Thats why I trade the 1h chart as a central pillar and take longer trades on the 4h and daily. Also the 5m and 15m shorter trades. But always with an eye on the 1h chart. Two strats and trades… one short term, one longer term both around the 1h chart.

I have indeed taken this advice just today and successfully made a Buy trade off the ma crossover on the 15m chart, even as the positional Sell trade I placed earlier in the day off the Daily remains intact for an overall trend downward.

This sounds like a fascinating exercise! Although I switch from chart to chart to watch as PA moves in regards to the various indicators (including the BB) in each TF, having all those smas on the 5m would really be illuminating. And since I take trade my signals from the higher TF charts, I don’t have much clutter on my 5m chart to begin with.


With all those spikes on the 30m, 15m, and central 1hr boll are we heading for a quick scalp down again? PA seems a bit undecided although generally heading up on the 5min after the bounce from support.
1hr boll is at 4 o’clock

The sterling is holding major support. If that can continue…I don’t know.

FITCH, raised a warning about British gilts being downgraded from AAA which caused the sterling to be sold off, yesterday.

But only as far as major support it went because those “news”…the warning in regards to gilts downgrading…has been up for 2 days prior.

So something else must be bothering GU. :smiley:

That 1.6538 is [B]major[/B] GU support. PA is having another go at it.

boll bounce day - having fun with this :slight_smile:
1x10pips (should have closed at 20)
Been closing short of the 20:2, which could have got me some more but meh taking the conservative route today.

Me too! Have a 5m chart up with a simple 20:2 and 60:2 (to simulate 15m 20:2 boll) thats it besides lots of pips of course. :slight_smile:

I haven’t been using a 60:2 but I think it summounts to the same thing as using separate charts, which is taking the boll bounces when PA is on upper bands of either chart?
Although 1 exception to that is the last 5min down at 14:10.
Circle = taken trades
x = not taken
? = should have probably taken

Edit: took the one at 16:15 as well for 19 pips out of a possible 40…hmm - found the price action on that a bit risky though it didn’t break the low of the day…

Here’s a new one: what happens if TalonD’s 1H crossover strat conflicts with an MA crossover in the other direction? I wouldn’t have thought it would happen for obvious reasons, but I have a special window open just to catch a Talon crossover (I missed the one yesterday as it happened real early in the morning) and it looks like it might happen here in the 16:00 hour. All the MAs on my Talon chart are nudging just up to and slightly over the mid BB, meanwhile it looks like in the same hour we could get an ma crossover downward on both the 1H and 15m charts using the standard methodology discussed in this thread.

This contradiction may not even happen, of course. I’m just wondering if it’s happened to you guys so far and, if so, what might be the best course of action.

I think I’m right in saying that most are trading the 5m and 15m so Talon’s 1h crossover strat will not effect how they trade.

If you were using the 1h chart with the 20:2 boll and 5:1 boll tunnel you could see that the 5:1 was on the turn but PA might be limited to the upper 20:2 band or at most the center line boll on the 4h given its direction is at 4 o’clock.

1h center bb line (20sma) is pretty much horizontal right now and I don’t like to trade my 1h when it’s like that. I kind of use that as a way to keep out when it’s ranging. My 1h works best when it’s in short term (day or two) trends. right now 15m is generally headed up so if I trade Asiaion tonight I may look at a buy during the evening hours. 1H is more of day or two trade and you can trade fluctuations of lower time frames during that time. I’m trying to stay away from the lower time frames due to not being in front of the charts during the day, but I do try trading the 15m at night when it’s slow as grandma

I should edit that a little… I also have a 1h chart with heiken ashi candles, that gives me an early entry prior to center bb crossing. and it’s indicating up, like you said, looks like a center bb crossing may be happeing soon.

Edit:… I keep editing for spelling. I need to learn to spell better or type better

Ah… so youre thinking of going long tonight Mike. Better cancel my shorts for tonight then…you know what my forcasting is like. :D:D

You’re the 30yr veteran. You know better than me. One thing I’ve noticed is often price will hit the upper bb once or twice during the Asian and then drift down. So it’s been drifting up for a while. But the turn’s coming. Tokyo starts up in a few minutes, should be a little movement then.

other patterns. I always said there’s a morning dip and and evening dip, add to that sometimes a noon dip and one over the volume plateau. Not always reliable and sometimes swamped by noise or bigger moves. So I’m thinking with the time change recently maybe that should be more like a 15:00 instead of 14:00

I think it’s possible to trade the 1hr bounces…entry timed on the 5/15min and then leave either 50% or the whole trade open if it happens to cross over the 1hr centre bollinger during the trade - sort of a combination of the methods?

well the long went pretty well, there wasn’t really much of a dip though. And I’m still too undecided on that horizontal 1h, so that’s enough for one night.

now where’s my geetar, gona play the Talonditis blues…

LOL :smiley:
I just googled “Talonditis” and it points to this thread with a definition. A new affliction I didn’t know had a name that I suffer from:)