Bollinger band trading with MAs

I expect to get the grand tour! :smiley: No stone left unturned… its a new area for me but trading is trading so I expect the same systems, software and dreaded analysts. :slight_smile:

Been trading the following set up for the past few days with better than expected results. Normally I have a multitude of charts up but this time tried a 15m chart with a 20:1 boll and a 5:1 boll approximating the 5m chart and a 80:1 approximating the 1h chart (all on the same 15m chart). Really interesting instead of looking to the XX:2 boll for a counter trade I wait for PA to step outside both of the 20:1 and 5:1 proportionate to the 80:1 (1 hour boll). Caught some big movements these last few days.

yesterday I was an expert… today I’m just a drip under pressure…


Get that tap fixed Mike! :D:D:D Or is it forcet (forgive the spelling… no clue)

faucet lol… you Brits! :smiley:
is it loo or wc ? lol
trouble is, my tap is dripping money… next fing you know I’ll be up de bloody stream wif out an oar.

(that was my attempt at phonetic spelling of a c0ckney accent) :smiley:
not making fun, just being funny. I have fun with accents, you should hear my Australian.
smooth as a gravy sandwich

you know, every time I think I’m starting to get this stuff figured out, I realize I’m wrong.

quitters never win and winners never quit.
Well tomorrow’s another day…

Well if your well heeled its lavetory (Oxbridge types = private schools (Ivy league Oxford and Cambridge)… if not its loo. :smiley:

“Cor blimey govnor”… your right up there with **** Van Dyke in Mary Poppins! :smiley:

For a more modern day appraisal… try the film ‘Lock stock and two smoking barrells’ great film and authentic ****ney… to quote Vinney… its been emotional! :smiley:

Seriously… try the film its actually got a narative story from bigining to end rare these days and is unashamededly a guys film! :smiley:

I’ll have to find that movie and watch it. I was going to say cor blimey but didn’t know how to spell it. should have googled it :smiley:
I got my c0ckney from Michael Cain and Ms. Brahms and the janitor guy on ‘Are you being served’

hmm well… cor blimey! actually have a little profit showing, better lock in a break even while I can. and call it an evening.

I am Hammer and Tack in me comfort zone wif me five Linnet charts(wif a better understandin’ of wot I am seeing) and sum sla movin’ jpy pairs and I am up tonight ter.:D:D

Hehe… you guys would last about 3 seconds in the East End of London! :slight_smile:

I was told dont ever say ‘Bucks’ … if your not a US type… its suicide! If your not inside your outside. :D:D

Well returning to the mundane… PA looks set on a course short. I have set a TP at 1.6760. Looks slow tonight.

I’ve got a sell going also. just curious, how big a stop loss do you have? I use smaller stops when I attempt the Asian session. Won’t be up watching it much longer though

Suppose the 60SMA cuts right through the middle of that (like it would because it’s close to the 1hr middle boll)…what do you do?
ignore it and aim for the 20:2 on the other side as a target?

Edit: got a sell on from 1.6823 but it’s hanging around the 1hr middle boll point, SR, and pivot point.
Took 20pips out of the 30 on offer there (20:1 1hr bollinger target).
Figured I could get the rest on the daily breakout if it goes further.

Great film :slight_smile:
“Snatch” is a good film as well though shortly after he started casting Madonna in everything and I haven’t bothered watching another Guy Ritchie film :slight_smile:

GU…5m, lower to upper 3:20 boll…“bolli bounce”…71 pips

Don’t you love those spikes…? :smiley:

always a bit concerned with those news spikes whether it’s going to keep on going but I suppose it was so far outside the 20:3 that it was bound to come back some?
I took the sell about 30mins after the news, thinking about getting out now…

Outside 5m,20:3 I take it…especially when it’s confirmed by 1h,20:3 boll…or/and 4h,20:3 boll also.

I just get in…:smiley:

1.6841 is the “red line”. GU bias changed from up to neutral…short term and intraday.

I tried a short last night but didn’t make anything. looks like a good bb bounce day. but not so good for my 1h

Oil is moving into position…“false breakout” I reckon…:smiley:

That’s gonna be fun…10:30 EST…Inventory releases.

gu is just ranging ahead of the news then? Wait, it’s already 14:00 gmt.
time zones confuse me

Presumably, all the reports expect a move to the upside?
Still paper trading it but the 15min 20:2 and 1hr 80BB chart produces some nice moves when flattish.

This is a bit tricky…because Oil is OB…and moved below 80.51 again. I reckon we will see +100 pips spikes to push it above 80.51 again.

It’s starting already…:smiley: