BRENT bearish not responsible for any loss

Quoting the signal provider

Hello. I’ve just been killing time until you got here!!! LOL!!!

Go kill time on charts :joy:

I think its all over.

Damn im so happy i got my signal provider to tell me to go short on oil when it was 57

I put my screen upside down and went short


Charts only open is six minutes for me (for my $TICK trades anyway).

I think we will hear from our signal provider in about 6 months when WTI fell below 57 after it peaked at 469.00 and he claims how right he was to short at 57


this thread so quiet today

i feel like on graveyard when i visit here

Have you not figured it out yet??? Silence is DIRECTLY proportional to the size of the current loss!!! LOL!!!

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nice theory but it cant be right, as he was very loude the last few months. i dont think he was winning those few months.

This is taking long now i.e. for a response from our friend. Must be having African coffee somewhere and taking a well deserved break from all the stress. Must be pretty ■■■■ being long Oil right now!!! LOL!!!

im damning myself for going long oil. probably the shitties decition i made this month.

but meh, everyone makes dumb decition sometimes

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maryo has no end