Broker leverage

hi @TYGMedia why wouldnt you just trade with the trend then also wait for correction and trade that aswell? i will collect statistics on that too thank you. Thank you so much for the help and insight I appreciate it

Hi @tomo22, that will be our option. We choose our trading style that we comfortable with. Some like to trade reversal, some just want to follow the trend.

It doesn’t matter what we do, as long as we understand the market. This is what differentiate one trader from another.

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Hi @TYGMedia, what is smart money concept, FVG and ICT? What is all of this. Is this price action?

Hi @tomo22; I consider SMC, ICT and Price Action are Trading Philosophy.

Philosophy means it’s not something absolute, can’t fit everyone. But some people will have a benefit from it by adapting themselves accordingly.

SMC tells us about how to analyze market base on its rules. ICT emphasis more on timezone. Price Action almost similar to SMC. Some principle of SMC similar to Price Action.

FVG is Fair Value Gap, popularize by SMC as it’s one of the key analysis elements. You need to learn SMC to understand it more.

I don’t want to discuss SMC, ICT too deep. They have too many interpretations that will invite unnecessary arguments. Just learn everything, be open minded. If you can implement the principle in live trading, then it’s worthy to learn. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you observer my trades, most of them similar to SMC/ICT, but I’m a price action trader. :grin:

hmm interesting.

I think my next move is too learn about range shifting. Its a bit complex to me. I don’t understand when to use it and how?


whats your trading strategy. I feel like I rely too heavily on SnR can you recommend me some other factors I can use to trade with?

Can you also recommend me any videos to watch on range shifting

Hi @tomo22, range shifting is something like pendulum movement. All instruments have it. We just need to find out its characters. I’m afraid it’s not popular, you can look for CRT as reference. It’s different but the concept is similar.

My trading is what I had told you. Need to find SnR, get structure. Look for external, trade for internal. Range shifting is the confirmation, safety of trade depends on market range. This is the pinciple. You can find the detail in TYG Trading Story. :slightly_smiling_face:

hi @TYGMedia its interesting i looked at your setup i can see that you use a combination of SMC with FVG’s and all that.

Why do SMC students and Price action students fight over which concept is better?

also why do SMC students hate on SnR when its literally the same as supply and demand.

Demand = support
resistance = supply.

in terms of CRT ill take a look at it. I wanna try SMC and I wanna try incorporate some of its tools to see how it works

Heres my attempt at SMC. Only issue I had was finding global demand. Its a new market structure as CHOC occurs as breaches through the lower low so I’m not sure where to put the new demand. I don’t think I can put it at the first or second BOS since that was old market structure.

is this correct FVG between these 2 candelsticks


I’ve noticed that you can find a lot of FVG with engulfing candle sticks. When is the correct time to use fvg and when shouldn’t you use one? perhaps wait for BOS? or CHOC

Hi @tomo22, the truth is, I don’t use SMC. I have been trading this way since 2010. I believe it had not been invented. I focus on range shifting which is very similar with FVG.

If you understand price action a lot, you will realize market dynamic. This is the core of technical analysis. Since most people only care about profit, they ignore about this thing. If you understand the science behind price movement, you will understand many things.

This is the reason I don’t want to talk about trading concept. We, as trader, have to be open minded. If we are using ego and fanaticism, the war of trading concept will never be ended. We will create many terminologies to make distinction, to be looked smart. Example: CHOC is the same as trend reversal as in PA. BOS is simple a breakout in PA. FVG is simply a range shifting in PA. Liquidity is simple an alternate ego from SnR. Then, what do we need to fight for?
We are breathing Air. No we are breathing oxygen. No we are breathing O2. What are the point ? They are about the same. Debating something will certainly creating sales opportunity, that’s the real point :grin: I agree if this is the purpose, we need to differentiate something to make it valuable, then we can sell it. We are all human, we need to make money, it’s not wrong to convince others then make sales, isn’t it ? :innocent:

In SMC, they are saying liquidity. Like what I said, SnR is area. SMC indicates Order Block (OB). from OB we get FVG. OB is range in PA. It’s only terminology and the rule on how to apply them.
Before FVG, you need to understand about Order Block (OB). Find how to find it first. :grin:

Note: Please, I hope no one will fight about what is ICT or SMC. I’m just a practical trader, enjoying sharing knowledge. :grin:

Hi, @TYGMedia thank you for getting back to me. What is market dynamic and how can I learn more about this part

“If you understand price action a lot, you will realize market dynamic. This is the core of technical analysis. Since most people only care about profit, they ignore about this thing. If you understand the science behind price movement, you will understand many things.” I think this is very valuable and I want to learn more.

also I should watch that video that you linked me that teaches a similar function to range shifting. I really wanna learn this. Like you are I’m open minded to all perspectives and want to take in any learning I can and effectively use all.

thank you

Hi @tomo22, Market Dynamic is science about trading. By knowing the science, you can design many thing in trading. It’s simply because you know the essence. Analogy, when you know about chemical reaction, you know the formula, you can make use it in your favor.

Market dynamic give explanation about every market movements. For example you see head and shoulder. You wont just simply explain a possibility price to reverse. You will understand the expectation in the market. You know when big institutions start to move, when there is zone for private company to speculate and when big retail trader will be the initiator. We are common retail trader is the lowest level in market hierarchy.

By understanding market dynamic, we can fit ourselves, mimicking the trade of institution, private company and big retail trader. You understand how financial industry work, how macro economy participate in money flow then create movement in market and finally the movement of particular instrument of our trading portfolio.

You need time to understand every piece of the economic puzzle. Look at all legendary trader, they are know very well market dynamic, example: George Soros, Warret Buffet, Jim Simmons, John Bollinger.

I don’t say I am as good as them. I’m still far behind them :slightly_smiling_face:

You need to understand in detail about how economic works. It’s not just know it but can see through it and impact to current and future. For example current fed cut rate, what is the direct impact? It’s US banking system, specifically in business loan. What is the second implication, it’s international investment, money will start to flow from US. It will increase US dollar supply. How can we proof it? Look at DXY. Which country will have the impact, look at the exchange rate. Will the impact has good or bad effect? We look at the stock market. And more … more …

We can also observe how financial market fear about the current situation. Look at the XAU and Crypto. When confident is on stake, XAU will move up. We can correlate each instrument to describe situation on the market. All of these, for us as a trader, give us an insight of market.

Probably you can first learn Macro Economic then try to observe every fundamental with price action. For example you are monitoring news from EUR and USD, compare how price action in EURUSD. When you touch USD, you have to monitor XAU, USOIL and US30. There are something hidden and interesting during critical moment. An instrument can lie, but when we monitor them all, you know what will going on next. :slight_smile:

I would also advise opening a demo account for the same amount of funds that you plan to invest in the account. So that you learn to trade with real invested funds, and not with a million.

@TYGMedia wow this is amazing thank you

how does CRT differ from range shifting.

Are able to explain to me what AMD is from CRT please. Ive watched a more simplified video but I understand it too clearly and probably would want to understand AMD (accumulation, manipulation and distribution) thank you

Hi @tomo22, CRT is talking about range in specific way. When you are using CRT on higher TF, you will see range shifting on lower TF. It’s also a price action event when you apply PA on it.

AMD is telling about momentum, as in price action you can see it when breakout, sideways and reversal. So you can learn many thing that fit you to improve your understanding. The principle is learning the chart.

For example you want to use CRT. On currency pair, you can use it on W1. But on XAUUSD, you can have it on D1 or even H4. Once you get the range, you can go down to lower TF to find trading signal. It’s the same thing with looking for market’s structure. So all of these are perspectives only.

AMD is simply one of principle in market dynamic. Since AMD is a very old technique, it was explained in stock market only. It tells, market has 3 phases (at least, the recent AMD has more phases, we talk only the original AMD):

  • Accumulation, when an opportunity is identified, institutions will take the opportunity, price will start to shake.
  • Manipulation, when institutions have taken the opportunity, they will do all things necessary to pump up the price, price will start to soar. When price is starting to move, that means the institution’s “trap” is working. We, retails trader, are on their hand of mercy.
  • Distribution, when the institutions have felt enough, they will starting to sells their stakes when we, retails, are still in euphoria. Once they are done, they will abandon us, take our money, leaving us stupidly wondering what has happened. :sweat_smile:

As CRT, please look at TF that provide strong candle. Example BTCUSD on Monthly, XAUUSD on D1. EURUSD on W1.

Since CFD is a two ways trading instrument, AMD will be a bit different. But for simplicity we treat it just like stock market.

On EURUSD W1, we can see last week candle:

  • After a bulls candle (two weeks ago), market is going down. Big institutions had been buying slowly, undetected, initiated accumulating phase.
  • When they were already in, they started second phase to manipulate the market, as retail, we will see movements and breaks out started from lower TF to higher TF. Seeing the movement, we got manipulated and open positions.
  • After target had been reached, they are selling theirs, under distribution phase, as you can see market is falling now. :sweat_smile:

By having this understanding, you can see clearly the range shifting in within weekly’s candle. Please find out the PA patterns in the CRT, (H, HH, L, HL or L, LL, H, LH). From here you can see clearly an area of high winning rate.

hi, @TYGMedia okay thank you. Ive been watching alot of romeo not sure if you have ever heard of him before but he teaches and uses CRT and turtle soup. Ive been studying this.

i will look at the PA patterns. I understand now how range shifting works however, I’m still a novice

here’s my go at crt. I found the crth and crtl. then noted a turtle soup leading to a liquidity sweep due to sellers SL I enter in at TS however, 50% line is also preferred for beginner and ride the decline/distrubution

@TYGMedia I’m having trouble with entry. How do I enter at the manipulation area? I use weekly time frame to identify CRT and then wait for manipulation to occur, however once I wait and switch to a hourly tf I notice that I may be too late and the 50% line is the only opportunity I really have

Weekly timeframe is too wide I guess, better to combine daily with hourly in my view.

Really how is weekly timeframe too high? I think weekly is great. Provides better opportunities when switching to a LTF. Like switching from weekly to 1hr provides a lot more clarification.

If you know Romeo he trades similar to this I’m pretty sure


Hi @tomo22, the key in manipulation is reversal. So, you need to pay attention to market structure. For example CRT on weekly, after rally, the next will be correction. So, there will be time for us to look into lower TF, wait for range shifting to create a reversal. That will be a strategic area to enter or exit the market.

You can also look at SnR around manipulation area. The reaction around SnR is telling you the real intention of market.

If you can say weekly is great respected by LTF, you’ve actually known the secret :grin:
Just keep doing it until you feel bored and very bored … :rofl:

Note: You can use daily TF as the range, or even H4. But it will be a very fast scalping or an intraday position. It’s also a trick to get a high RR position, such as 5-10RR.

I’m confused. Aren’t you supposed to take the trade during manipulation after turtle soup?

I would wait for turtle soup to occur and be aware of another retest because TS can do that. Then I would trade an engulfing candle or if I’m not too confident trade the 50% level of the distribution candle. I don’t understand when you say there will be a correction after rally/decline. I’m looking to be able to trade the TS but I can’t seem to be in time because I would need to be in a lower tf.
