Broker with tightest spreads using MT4

I’m using this trader called WSD Direct. They offer tight spreads as low as 0.5 on EURUSD on the MT4 platform. I’ve been trading with them for quite a while now and it’s brilliant!

To me this is one of the most difficult questions I have. I’ve demoed at least a dozen brokers, read reviews, and can’t really find a consensus. You’d think that most traders would want the same things… tight spreads, no commissions, ECN brokers (traders don’t mind when a broker trades against them!!! really? seems like a pretty clear cut case of conflict of interest to me), good customer service, quick withdrawls, and little/no slippage. Now with the new NFA hedging rules (which I don’t really agree with either), I’m considering out of country brokers as well. I still want regulated, just not overbearing. Sometimes I feel doomed to demo for all eternity. :slight_smile:

ACM has MT4platform and the spread for majors is 2.8 in the standard account, but they go as low as 0.9 for other accounts… the platform MT4 is as any other of their platform, it doesn’t have different spreads or anything like that

MB trading has meta trader 4, plus it offers micro lots, and even single unit lots like oanda. however, they don’t advertise it

Can anyone suggest the best ECN broker?

i suggest broker like prime4x you find best deal for you trading strategy

sorry, barely ever heard of these guys.

I advise everyone to go with a KNOWN broker. FXCM, IBFX, FXOPEN, ALPARI are amongst the good ones!

Kinetic Securities (a full service broker) of Sydney, Australia offers MT4 in deluxe version with spreads of 1 pip for the majors and 2 pips for the rest!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

You can google them easily.

I recommend [B][I]investorseurope[/I][/B]. It is an ECN broker and is covered 100%. Has the spreads are lower and no commissions

I’d agree with that dude, especially fxcm and fxopen.

Sorry… among the above list, only Alpari shines.

If you want the best and if you can do without MT4,
nothing beats Dukascopy.

And I would much prefer a modest commissions I
pay at Dukascopy than the random markup on
spreads that most brokers do even while proclaiming
to be STP or ECN. In fact most, if not all, STPs
highly mark up the spreads. And ECN that does not
charge commissions are questionable places since
they will have to mark up the spreads.

My broker is unknown for small traders. Untill today nobody has complained of the one with which I work.

yeah but it’s also unknown for large traders.

I’ve advised that broker as one client. Best site visit that broker.

I know that many larges trades know it.

If i am in Australia, do i need or is it preferable to use an Australian broker or one with Australian presence?

I am thiking of going with Go MArtkets…
Can anyone recommend a good broker for Australia that will work with EAs/MT4?


I would choose one that at least has a server in my own country as I imagine a good internet connection with the price feed is important, I don’t know if you would suffer some lag or internet disruption with a server in another country or not but I’d rather be safe than sorry.

Sorry, man I have to disagree with you here.

First off let me start by saying that Dukascopy is a potential contender for me but only when they get their MT4 platform up and running live. Hopefully by then they will understand why I need more than 14 days on a demo account. I know you qualified your statement by saying if we can live without MT4…

One of the brokers listed above is MB trading and they outshine Alpari who have proven themselves to me to be an absolute bucketshop. I have a highly profitable trading account with MB Trading and their spreads are fantastic.

I have not tried Alpari’s new variable spread model, simply because they lost my trust when they were operating with fixed spreads. They would increase their Asian Spreads on the EURGBP & EURCHF but leave them unchanged on the demo platform. When I queried them on this, their response was “commercial convenience”. A leopard does not change its spots…


Why an Australian broker?

GoMarkets is about the only Ozzie broker that I know of, but there are several hundred MT4 brokers so I may be wrong. I haven’t personally tried them but I believe they are ok. You need to figure out what your criteria is for a broker before you select one and I am not convinced the country that it operates from is an important criteria(unless it is based in some banana republic).

SDC is quite correct when he says you need to consider the time delay to your broker but this is easily dealt with by using a VPS which is an integral part of EA trading.

alpari are good, but their spreads can widen. fxopen has better spreads than alpari.

If you like MBT, that’s fine but their spread is
very short of being “fantastic” as you describe
it. Dukascopy is superior. And I see just way
too many people handicapped by MT4 preference.
Dukascopy will launch MT4 soon but this MT4
handicap most traders seem to have is something
I really scratch my head at. My thinking is that
they are not really trading but using expert
advisors. Dukascopy is superior and Jforex is
superior to anything out there currently. I am
never impressed with MBT’s spreads of GBP
pairs especially GBPJPY. I would say it borders
on ridiculous. So everything depends on which
paris you choose to trade and ultimately how
fair the broker is to all available pairs. So
while you may say Alpari sucks, a lot would say
that MBT sucks.