Can someone trade for me?

How many years of experience do you have in Forex?

Hay I hope you found some one

Time is not a big deal in Forex trading, the main deal is to keep survive in here with great discipline. If you can do this , within very short time there is a chance to get maximal result from here.

I like how the OP asks questions but doesn’t reply after he gets several thoughtful responses. :confused:

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I am not actually getting your point. If you want someone you will work for you on your behalf then you are addressing the usage of PAMM accounts where expert will trade for you by pooling your funds with his investment accounts and try to give you desired profit.

You are right that surviving in the Forex market is the big deal, but don’t you think that with the passage of time a trader gain more experience.

Are you still studying and demo trading Forex? :smiley: 'Cause it you are, then maybe it would be better if you could try to trade for yourself :smiley: You know, just so you could make use of what you’ve learned. It’s gonna be very challenging, but still a learning experience, right? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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First of all, why does someone want to trade on another body’s account. It is foolish. He can make his own account and trade with that. I think he is trying to con. Never and i mean never give your account details to anyone.

Hello Friend! I would like to advise you to trade on your own as it is really difficult to trust anyone on the forex market. Moreoever, it is not a wise option at all to give your own money in someone else power and control. Stay wise!

If having someone trading for you maybe a mirror trading/copy trading service would be an acceptable option?
Make an account, fund it, and then pick which trading strategies to mirror/copy.
To me that seems to be the best solution to the issue.

Actually there is nothing 100% in Forex trading , so depending on own trading style is really difficult , for that reason sometimes we have to depends on others approach but the main problem is most of them are found to be scams.

Many of the traders wants that other traders trade for them. This isn’t a good option because nobody is sincere with you. Everyone wants their profit. Don’t trust anyone in trading because it’s all about the money which you don’t want to lose. Thanks

jun 4 post belong to long time ago
i find this sad, because he probably dont know how to using the trading platform or even do some task on computer , so its hard for some people to get into idea of trading and making money ,not everyone has passion to keep it up and find the way in trading world , most of them heard people make a lot of money and rush into it and give up after sometime

It’s more safe if you can trade by your own skill…

Many peoples are very lazy. They thinks that someone will do trade for them. No one is fair in this world. Everybody loves their money. If your money goes to the wrong hands than you can lose your money. So, always do your work and never trust anyone without making some research.

If someone has the ability to fo forex trading, why would he want to use your account? He can easily make an account and do rhe trading for himself. It would be foolish on your part to give him your account details. The guy is trying to scam you or just making fun of your limited knowledge.

yes it is. nowadays most of the people are found to be scams , so there is no real chance to trust someone completely.

Many traders wants some helpful hands who do trade for them. This is the foolish thing they ever had done. So never try to find the easiest ways because if you do so than you can’t be able to face the difficulties comes to your path. Do your work because no one is fair with anyone.

Best would be to learn how to trade all by yourself. It is not always advisable to rely on others

Many peoples wants someone who do some trade for them. But the only thing which I know is if you choose a wrong person than there is a huge possibility that you lose your money in a very short time. You must have to learn trading and do it by yourself if you want to be a successful trader in the future. Never depends on others if you never wanted to lose.