Can someone trade for me?

If you want to be successful in life, then you need to be independent of others. Don’t look for short-cuts in life. Can you trust someone with your money in this day and age? Spend some time in learning the basics and fundamentals of forex trading and invest in the actual market.

Learn trading and do trading
Hard work is the only solution to be successful in trading

Are you serious? You are willing to let anyone trade your money? Without knowing what risk management people use and what strategy. You must be crazy!

Yes, you certainly can. In reality, hiring someone to purchase and sell forex for you is becoming increasingly popular as more people, like yourself, become aware of the benefits.

No one will trade your capital with the same respect you will. Trading may not be for you

It’s better for you to trade for yourself, but if you can’t, then you can even get signals to the trade forex market.

I suggest trading with an EA instead of trusting another trader with your account. EA trading trades automatically without needing any involvement of a trader.

Why not try out copytrading or social trading which can be useful if you want to have someone trading for you?

You can try social trading like Etoro. I didn’t have much luck with it myself

It is possible that someone can trade for you in the foreign exchange market. But don’t trust someone blindly, do your own research, and never trade with money you cannot afford to lose.

Instead of giving your account info to an unknown person, it is better to trade using EA that automatically trades for you.

It’s a wind up folks Len has nt responded to any of you

There are investment firms that offer exactly what you’re looking for. Google it, son.

You can copy trade or trade using EAs. Letting someone else use your trading account is quite risky, and it could lead to scams. You can check with your broker if they offer any copy trading services for new traders.

Yes, you can trade with the help of EAs, but I don’t recommend you doing that unless you get those services from someone reliable, because there is no guarantee of returns.