Can Teenagers Make Money ,Trading Forex

I think age does not matter while trading forex. However, i suggest invest only that amount which can afford to loose by yourself

In Forex market to learn trading, skills to trade as well as basic and technical knowledge can be grasped at anytime irrespective of age. Teenager are more passionate to earn money and become successful so they tend to learn with more concentration.

Skills and knowledge are more important than your age. So focus should be on that

I think teenagers arenā€™t the least of the traders. And trading from an earlier age is good, and you can gain experience and be a successful trader by the age of 25. Plus, teenagers have faster learning ability, which will help them quickly master trading. But there is a problem that young traders are very impulsive, greedy, and their emotions often guide them. Because of this, many young people quit trading, thinking that it is not for them.

Some teenagers are make fake IDs and bank accounts to trade with the help of relatives . This is increasing day by day so we can expect more teenagers entering the market in the hopes of making a fortune.

Hey everyone, I am a fifteen year old from australia and iā€™ve been researching the forex market for quite some time now. How can i start trading on a live account?

Theres 3 or 4 teenage traders on The Trading Nut Podcast that are successfull. One of them was 15 years old.

Yes teenagers can make money in the forex, if they understand market well and can even turn their trading as their career.

I want to do trading so bad , Iā€™m 15 but they wonā€™t take my id :neutral_face: and I donā€™t know what other app to use

Iā€™d like to know too

Just because you cannot trade at the moment does not mean you cannot learn how to trade. You can start with the pips school.

Yes of course, itā€™s just a matter of training.

Yes, at the end of the day, skills matter the most.

I donā€™t think age can be a matter to trade in the forex market. If you have proper knowledge about the market you can easily trade in the market and make profit.

Why not? If you have knowledge about forex market then go ahead.

I just had to add a grumpy reply - the answer to any question that starts, ā€œCan I as a teenagerā€¦?ā€, is ā€œNoā€.

Have your parents open a demo account in their name.

Yh Iā€™ll probably do that

Everybody can make money on Forex you must only know what you are doing.

Everyone can trade Forex, be it teenagers or old people. However, as teenagers are younger, their emotions work more. For this, they need to control their emotions. If they can control their emotions, they can make a lot of profit from trading. They need good analysis and they need to learn a lot.