Can Teenagers Make Money ,Trading Forex

The issue here is not the ability of a teenage trader, the issue here is the legality - if it is allowed in their country to trade at that age.

True, regarding the legality - no real broker would knowingly allow underage people to trade on their platform.
Personally, I think it’s for the best - people under 18 are children still. Their brains and congitive functions are not fully developed. Teenagers make reckless decisions because of that - they do not fully comprehend long-term consequences of their actions, that is a medical fact. As such they should not be trading.
So the issue is the ability too, not just the legality.

My thoughts exactly.

I am pretty sure that teens are not allowed to trade if they are under minor age (less than 18 years), so to answer your question, no.

There is no age limit for trading that you have to be legally adult to do trading but yes you should start trading at the age when you have the power and understanding to take risks and have enough money to spend on the trading. Of course, teenagers of age 18 can easily do trading they can get knowledge of trading and can excel in this field with good returns.

Yes provided they are 18 and have good knowledge about it.

In the business of Forex trading we need to remain focused and also understand that losses can happen at any point of time.

Yes, they are just a part of a trader’s journey.

If you have knowledge and confidence. you can trade in any age and you can even learn more.

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Avoid underage trading please as it can cause trouble. Otherwise starting early could be beneficial. Start small and it should be fine.

I start trading when I was a teenager. It’s fun :smiley:

Why not! If teenager has the req knowledge, skills and capital, go for it

It does not matter what age are you

If you are a teenager under 18, then no, you can’t. Minors cannot have legal forex accounts.

Ofcourse. Study about it and trade.

Yeah just have your parent open an account for you and start trading.

I taught my three nieces how to trade, the youngest was 13 at the time.

Haha nope nothing age specific. In fact, trading forex has nothing to do with age.

Surely, trading is not limited to anyone’s age. It is more about how well a person can settle in trading and make the most of it. I started trading when I was a teenager and since than, I have never looked back.

You need to be 18 legally to be able to trade forex.

To make income from this business you will need to make use of a Reliable trading system.