Can you cook a potatoe once it grows roots


I’ve just opened my cupboard and realised that my jacket potatoes have roots growing, are they still ok to cook, or should I bin them?


No their not good any more. Although I wonder if you can make vodka from em…

Thats a good idea actually…
And I did end up cooking it, not feeling to good though…ekk

wont hurt you I dont think. If you start to grow roots you may have a problem. Should have tried the vodka idea.

a potato is a root isn’t it ?

Potato: a stem in disguise

What is the potato - fruit or root?

The potato is one such example. It is actually a stem - but a stem that grows under the ground!

Many plants are masters at adapting themselves to their surroundings; they can change their structure to suit their needs - primarily of water.

Just as we keep large vessels handy in the scorching summer to store water, plants deal with the problem in a smarter way. Their body parts have changed over a period of time so as to adjust to their surroundings. Thus, the potato plant has changed the shape and size of its stem to store food and water. And this storage is done under the ground where it is relatively cooler.

Here I thought it adapted itself to fit in the bottle thats in my freezer. Good to drink on cooler days like today to warm up the insides. Cheers

definately one of the stranger questions i have seen on here, but intresting info. thanks i will be sure to make more potato vodka in the future :stuck_out_tongue:

as long as the roots are not to large you can just wipe them off. If you have some massive roots growing then they have started to invade the interior of the spud. If the roots are only a couple of mm then just wipe em, cook em in oil with some salt and pepper at 350 for 35 minutes.


This is great, while the markets are slow and less liquid, babypips is a cooking forum

what’s the spot potato/vodka exchange rate?

I think you better post this question on or something. :smiley:

you could cook them and eat them . the question is what would i do

Next time just plant them in the ground.
You could have a vodka farm.

I dont think this method is really feasable. The RR ratio is way off. You are better off cutting your losses and making an algroton.

This is probably the most useful thread I’ve seen this month. Believe it or not.

Are you eating alright Jezz? Will you be asking whether peanut butter is still good after you wipe off the mold? :slight_smile:

Oh no, this is terrible, cmon people, potatoes don’t grow roots, they are the roots, what grows out of them is shoots, dear o dear oh dear, basic fruit and veg knowledge, is there any hope?

Thank you all so much.

I am actually ok, I was a little bit scared as the potato was soft around the edges, although it did cook as expected.

Just for some added details, I had beans and butter with the potato.

The mold is good for you. It’s pennicillin. Or was that bread mold? :smiley: