Can you learn forex without a mentor,?

hey there, sure thing, u just have to make sure that what u are learning really works, and not dreams and fairytells. it just takes effort, willingness to learn, perseverance


There is already a thread asking this same question. It’s been around for a while. Delete this and read that one. Thanks. Bye

i think i got a topic " need a Forex teacher" it looks all about same. already have discussed.

it depends on you , try to give best effort when learning , and mentor is a very complicated issue in Fx trading, some paid mentor there is who are actually good but difficult to find practically.

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Even if your self taught your going to have a mentor because your learning from someone… The best traders take abit from everyone… So I wouldn’t recommend one mentor

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For some people, the answer is ‘yes’. For you, however, the answer is most likely ‘no’.

You clearly lack confidence, because you are doubting yourself already. And you clearly lack inititive, because you have not bothered to read the similar threads that already exist.

This is not an auspicious start.

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I started forex with no formal education about it. Internet has unlimited resources which can help you learn whatever you want. But, gaining experience of forex trading is also important.

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Self-taught! Just run over the BabyPips courses and stared on demos

self taught is most effective , no way to deny . but as a newcomer its very difficult. so sometimes a Fx Mentor is really needed to lead a better trading life.

So is trading a side hustle or full time venture at the moment ?

Just interesting if Self taught traders feel confident enough to take the full time lunge…

it’s not that serious, the person was just asking a harmless question. like damn smh

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lol I missed that one :astonished:

i can’t stand rude people lol like just say nothing at all if you plan on being rude you know?

NO I think its good! I mean this should be an environment where its okay to ask stupid questions…not that this was a stupid question.

I didnt spot that answer hen I replied earlier so Im glad you did

lol if your not asking questions your not learning

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exactly, who cares if there was another topic posted pertaining to the question lol If you don’t run the site, then it shouldn’t even bother the person. Just pass the post and move on the the next one, that’s not hard to do. But to get rude with someone is completely unnecessary


I am learning forex without a mentor. You have gazillion resources (One of them is Babypips, ofcourse :p) online that can make the process easy for you.

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for sure, i’ve met a lot of good traders that learned on there own, through trial and error

My response was entirely serious. And I see nothing rude about it. Those are some unpleasant truths, to be sure, but I treated the OP like an adult and pointed out his obvious psychological weaknesses. It is no different from a sports coach pointing out that the obese asthmatic probably isn’t going to become a pro football player unassisted. Profitable trading is as deeply psychological as football is physical; the OP asked a serious question, and I answered it in a serious way.

I am always baffled by those who think that pretty lies are somehow ‘nice’ or virtuous. Real time and real money are spent in the pursuit of learning to trade. Where is the virtue in having the OP waste his just so I can appear to be ‘nice’ on this forum? That seems more like selfishness (virtue signalling at the expense of others) or cowardice (fearing the consequences of speaking truth).

“We’ve all become so conscious of how we’ll be perceived and so frightened to
possibly offend someone that we’ve filtered ourselves to what borders on dishonesty… when did speaking plainly become such a sin?”
― Aaron Blaylock

“Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it’ll always get you the right ones.”
― John Lennon

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it was rude lol but okay

:man_facepalming:…this is just so dull of you! want to come here and act all smart…!