Can you recommend a course on trading psychology?


Can you recommend a course on trading psychology? What’s worth buying? What specific solutions were you looking for?


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As I just mentioned in a different thread, the books by Brett Steenbarger are all giants in the trading psychology field.

I have not heard of any trading psychology courses though.


Hi Jerry,
Psychology is a vast field, be it your own or trying to read other traders and the overall markets psych.Theres some content here on the website

Id also reccomend a few books that are most deffinately worth a read,
trading in the zone by Mark douglas
Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behaviour by Ori and Rom Brafman
The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli
The psychology of trading by Brett N. Steenbarger

And to aid in general self development maybe a read of
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience


My favourite Steenbarger book is Enhancing Trading Performance, but all his books , including his Traderfeed blog (that looks like it’s just got off Noah’s Ark)

Your right when you say psychology is a vast field. I think many a trader with a year or more under their belts comes to trading psychology as if it’s the real holy grail after many failed searches.

But more often than not it’s just more book learning with nothing much to gain. It’s not like the book (any book) says ‘here is the secret to being a fearless or emotional or a disciplines trader, now go make a million’

The monitoring of the you whilst trading can take many forms and to many can seem a waste of time.

If you like the idea of structured learning as a trader Enhancing Trading Performance is a monster.

Another great book is The Hour between dog and wolf - which actually brings the whole subject of biochemistry into the equation.

However there is one thing I keep saying than none of these books dwell on.

Stop caring so much about being a ‘trader’, work on other income streams and all the discipline issues wi fade into the background

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Well somebody values his work quite highly !

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Slightly out of my price range that one

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@Johnscott31 - Yep Mee Too! :wink:

However it’s been along while since I read any of that stuff so I ordered this (On your recommendation :slightly_smiling_face: )

I have to say though that I found This very helpful't+so&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss

About which a reviewer wrote…

" [

Jane Easton

5.0 out of 5 stars An antidote to superstition and conspiracy theories?

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 11 January 2021

Verified Purchase

Although it’s a bit technical, the basic ideas are really important - the author also has some great Youtube videos outlining these ideas - and I wish they could be taught in schools and higher education, along with other critical thinking skills. Given that we seem to be in a world that is flooded with information and misinformation and that most of us are hard pressed to know what to believe, an explanation of how the human brain works, how it interprets or misunderstands information and why, seems very timely. Indeed, vital."

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I’ll add to that great list the Mental Game of Trading by Jared Tendler.

I love this John. Its so true. As much as I like to trade to create passive income. how people are able to approach the space as their only source of income will never cease to baffle me, alot of pressure to meet a target.and the generation of a minimal amount of profit daily weekly quarterly etc just to sustain meeting ends meet. Its just not for me.
I’ll deffinately take you up on your read reccomendations, work can sometimes provide boring days that still need my attendance so forever looking for a new book. Thanks

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I’m sure all the information you need is in the public domain, there are many articles, videos on YouTube and other things that can be useful to you, but first you definitely need to understand what things are the worst for you, i.e. your weak points that you need to work on.

I know that this matter is quite subjective but all the courses and books on psychology were useless for me.
I mean that I received the knowledge but I couldn’t apply then to my trading. Instead, I tried to concentrate on my trading strategy. I am strongly convinced that if you ave precise strategy where only objective criteria are included, you can reduce the total effect of psychological factors to your trading dramatically. You just go through the stages which were previously tested and you don’t experience any emotions associated with making the deals. This works much better than books on trading psychology, from my perspective, that is why I strongly recommend you to switch your attention to your decision making process which matters really much and which can be modified the way that you won’t have to read psychological books or enroll the courses.

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Trader psychology and business psychology in general are some of the most complex areas.
When you are in charge of your own money and you have to control everything, it can be extremely difficult.
You have to learn to live with that kind of responsibility and it is a constant work on yourself.
You are right to look for concrete solutions.

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I think it is a beneficial to absorb the extra knowledge, which may or may not translate in trading.

I don’t think that the courses on psychology are able to help you somehow overcome emotional problems.
I mean that I have tested so many pieces of advice concerning psychology and I implemented them to my trading, but there was no tangible results. I decided to pay attention to my trading strategy instead of listening to ‘psychological gurus’ and I was right. I made my trading strategy more accurate and precise, I don’t have vague criteria for making decisions anymore, so I don’t experience any emotional distress while opening this or that deal. More than that, I started to spend less time watching the charts and it influenced my psychological consisntency. I have noticed the thing that the more you watch the charts, the more emotions you experience and the worse trading results you get in the end.

You can read Trading in Zone by Mark Douglas and The Psychology of Trading by Brett N. Steenbarger, found them quite relevant.

Trading for dummies is recommended the most. You can surely check that out. Market Wizards – Jack Schwager is also a good book. Happy reading session!

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A course, no matter how good it is, will not help you 100%.
You need to learn how to control your emotions yourself so that you can become a profitable investor.

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Best book so far!

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Trading in the one by Mark Douglas

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Agree! Trading in the Zone is one of the best books on Trading Psychology. The Psychology of Trading - Brett N. Steenbarger is another good book.

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