Chat room

I can’t get in either.
Might contact the helpdesk ppl.

Gave it another try – Didn’t work

No nor me.

But I joined again under a different username & can get in
with that.

I wish this gets fixed… I am sure the chat can get very hot…since many people are blocked from entering! :slight_smile:

To Topchess :

There will be 500 people chatting to each other in there when it does !! :eek: :eek: :smiley:

Hey guys…I am really sorry about the chatroom issues… our techies our working on it and when the issue gets resolved i’ll be sure to post it up on the forums…thanks for your patience

Thanks for the heads up! :slight_smile:

Can any one give me some suggestion on Oanda? Did Oanda stop you when you win .I hear some rumour about this.:confused: I want to Open an acct in Oanda but have to think twice. heip :confused: