Climate change is a complete hoax

1 million people to die in UK by 2050 - of cold due to green taxes.

Or is it the next 50 years ? (That’s all right then ! :rofl:)

Is Carbon Dioxide Endangering the Planet?

Here’s an interesting debate between Craig Idso and Jeffrey Bennett at The Soho Forum in New York on the following resolution –

Resolution: There is little or no rigorous evidence that rising concentrations of carbon
dioxide are causing dangerous global warming and threatening life on the planet.

The debate runs an hour and a half. The audience votes twice, before and after the debate, and the results of both votes are announced at the end of the video.

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This landed in my email inbox on Thursday. It’s from Agora Financial in Baltimore.
I trust that Agora will forgive me for re-posting it before getting official permission to do so.

Dave Gonigam - Managing editor
The 5 Min. Forecast

Does anyone even care nowadays who’s named Time’s “Person of the Year”?

Used to be that designation mattered — back in the day when the magazine was owned by the influential media baron Henry Luce. But Time has fallen victim to the internet like the rest of the “legacy” media. After a succession of owners who couldn’t figure out what to do with the thing, today it’s an ego vehicle for Marc Benioff, the founder of Salesforce .com.

Anyway, Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old Swede who in the summer of last year began demonstrating every Friday outside the Swedish parliament, demanding “action” on “climate change.”

“In the 16 months since [her protests began],” says Time, “she has addressed heads of state at the U.N., met with the pope, sparred with the president of the United States and inspired 4 million people to join the global climate strike.”

Thunberg still isn’t a household name in the United States. In Europe, she’s a rock star.

Your editor follows European media more closely than most. “Climate strikes” are a weekly occurrence over there. Organizations like “Extinction Rebellion” regularly disrupt daily life in major cities to make their point — for instance, shutting down London’s subway system in October. (Wait, doesn’t the climate-change crowd support public transit?)

The most striking thing when you watch or listen to news coverage of these demonstrations is that the protesters are always and forever demanding that politicians and bureaucrats take “action” — while rarely specifying what those actions should be.

A typical Thunberg quote: “It feels like we are at a breaking point. Leaders know that more eyes on them, much more pressure is on them, that they have to do something, they have to come up with some sort of solution. I want a concrete plan, not just nice words.”


For a few years now, well before Thunberg burst on the scene, we’ve said the climate-change scare isn’t about carbon, or even about climate. It’s about control.

“Let me tell you what the most dangerous policy action in the world is,” wrote former investment banker and government whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts in 2014.

“It is to decide that a phenomenon such as climate change is our No. 1 problem, that we need urgent action on it before understanding who is going to control the policy discussion and implement the solutions. Build a consensus that man-made climate change is our No. 1 problem and I assure you that our mystery governance system will use it to achieve a global taxation system and more centralized control.”

“Climate change is a convenient horse for elites to ride in the implementation of a new world order,” wrote our Jim Rickards in his 2016 book The Road to Ruin.

“Debating the science of climate change is beside the point. There are heated views on both sides; some science is settled, some not. Global elites treat the debate as settled to mask a larger project. For elites, a global problem once defined conjures a global solution. Climate change is the perfect platform for implementing a hidden agenda of world money and world taxation.”

In the three years since that book was published — and as the rhetoric from the climate-change crowd has ratcheted up — Jim has become more emphatic on the topic.

“Climate change is a real phenomenon,” he wrote his readers this week. “I lived for 10 years on Long Island Sound. It has a rocky coast because it used to be a glacier, frozen solid from Orient Point to New York City. It melted. That’s climate change. The problem is that this happened 20,000 years ago and took thousands of years to play out.

“And that’s the point. Climate change is real, but it’s slow, complex and unpredictable,” Jim says.

“Here are some facts: CO2 levels are rising, but there’s no evidence that CO2 causes warming. The evidence points the other way, that warming causes CO2 to be released from permafrost and the oceans.

“Sea levels are rising, but the pace is about seven inches in 100 years. That minimal rise will not inundate the New York subways or drown island nations. The rise that is occurring will likely be reversed due to feedback loops long before any seven-inch increase.

“By the way, sea levels have risen 400 feet since the last ice age and people adapted just fine. Remember Al Gore’s polar bear extinction scare? He hopes you don’t because the evidence is that polar bear populations are thriving.

“Moreover, a mild global warming episode appears to have ended around 1998. Claims of ‘record’ temperatures since then are based on dubious measurements (including putting land-based thermometers in asphalt parking lots; satellite infrared measurements show no warming), and the results are within the margin of error.

“Climate does change,” Jim sums up, “but not because of carbon dioxide and not in ways that humans can control.

“Since that’s the case, what’s the elite hidden agenda using climate alarmism as a Trojan Horse to advance?

“Because climate does not respect political borders, any response to climate change must ignore borders also. In short, climate change is an excuse for global governance, global taxation and intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign states by unelected global bureaucrats.

“Unfortunately, investors cannot simply ignore this con job, because the activists are coming after energy companies, transportation companies and the entire free-market system.

“Climate activists may be frauds,” Jim concludes, “but their agenda threatens your portfolio to the core. It’s time to push back, call them out and, above all, diversify.”

My comment –

Regarding Miss Thunberg from Sweden:

I don’t want the opinion of a sixteen-year-old on any topic whatsoever —
— with the possible exceptions of puberty, and Taylor Swift.

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Just watching your vid now @Clint and I’ll come back on that - but just heard the breaking news that the “conference on Climate Change” has broken up in disarray - NO AGREEMENTS HAVE BEEN REACHED !

It seems that even the worlds politicals are beginning to wake up and stand up and call BS! :wink:

Thanks for posting that debate @Clint - The first thing I did was to do a brief search on the SOHO Foundation, to see whet sort of “Agenda” they might have ? - The conclusion I came to was - a sincere interest in debate around various subjects. in a valid though some might say “Old Fashioned” way to attempt to get to the real truth behind many many subjects,

The debate itself followed the same tactics as we have come to recognise as the same in most respects with regard to a good many issues nowadys. One side relying onwhat we have come to recognise as postmoderist tactics with appeal to - “belief”, Opinions and manipulation of emotion, the other, on logical deduction, factual agument and presentation of real data.

It was undertaken in a polite, and amicable way and everyone was allowed to have their say without the tactics of de-platorming, ridicule and shouting down of contrary arguments in the way which has become so familiar to us in these arguments and indeed attempted so often on these threads.

Neither of the protagonists were particularly knowledgeable in certain respects, but they had enough knowledge to make the listenng worthwhile.

In particular the references to “Maggie Thatcher” in ker statement (1987) was allowed to pass without demurr whilst in fact Maggie was one of those in teh forefront of setting up iPCC (70s and early 80s) and she had her own Agenda ! In particular that this quoye was dated just after she had brutally destroyed Arthur Scargill and was intent on destroying Coal mining in the uk - she deliberately funded the “research” into proving the negative effects that burning coal had on the environment. Her one aim was to punish the miners and their famiilies, such that they could NEVER hold the country to ransom again. She in fact eventually saw what she had started and tried quite hard to stop it ! She was one of the first true “sceptics” but by then the whole movement had developed a life of it’s own and she failed.

Most of the arguments were familiar from 10 years plus ago, except that the positive effects of CO2 on the planet as a whole were not to the fore back then.

Much was made of the “Venus effect” and clearly the motion protagonist had not done his research properly and completely missed “Mars”. I think this discussion could benefit from the discussion elsewhere on this forum so I link;

“Venus is hot because of CO2 et al” ( A postmodernist view of “truth” )


"Sorry old boy - the TRUTH about “Venus” et al " (an “enlightened modernist” replys)


I may at some point disect the debate and categorise the statements in tabular form because it is so completely typical of the current postmodernist “View of life” except for teh civility instead of the typical violent argument -(which of course they cannot even appear credible without) but maybe not - there’s aLOT of work in doing so/

In the meanwhile I’ll link to Patrick Moore’s brilliant dissertation again - it is just so knowledgeable and beautifully researched and presented !


We will never know what the leaders of different countries agree on.

Like 99.9% of Americans, I have never heard of Greta Thunberg until I saw this from Will Franken, this is just part of his act, the full performance is great

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11 am and 46 degrees in central Florida, can someone please send us some global warming

This has got to be the most retarded thread on BP.
So much garbage and ill-informed nonsense. Talk about empty vessels making the most noise.


Hey Dennis,

I contacted Greta Thunberg in Sweden on your behalf and told her what’s happening in Florida.

Here is her reply to me:

Hello Clint,

Please explain the situation to your friend, Dennis.

You see, 46°F in central Florida is not normal. That is, 46°F in central Florida represents a change in the climate. In other words, it’s climate change. And climate change = global warming.

So, Dennis is getting global warming right now. See how logical this is?

Sadly, Dennis has brought this upon himself, by causing global warming. It’s all his fault.
His chickens are coming home to roost. What goes around comes around. It’s Karma.

So, please tell your friend, Dennis, to stop using electricity, stop using gasoline, stop using natural gas, stop using heating oil, stop using firewood — do they use heating oil and firewood in Florida?,
I don’t know. Anyway, if they do, stop it!

Dennis and all his neighbors in Florida are heating up the planet, and making Sweden melt.
So, please tell him to stop it!

I have no future on this planet, because of what Dennis and his neighbors in Florida are doing.

I am going to the U.N. in January to demand that they invade Florida, and tell Dennis and his neighbors to stop causing global warming.

I’m sixteen years old, and I know what I’m talking about, and everybody had better listen to me.

And that includes Dennis.

Very truly yours,

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That’s odd here’s what another swedish guy has to say about what is actually happenning in SWEDEN ! - You’d think Greta would know this stuff ?

I’m convinced that most intelligent people, including most Politicians are fully aware that the "CO2 = Global Warming" mantra is entirely false and Politically motivated by mercenary intentions.

But how exactly does this benefit the acedemics, and Politicians (Governments) who go along with this fantasy ?

PS There is actually NO field called “Climate Science” - ergo there are No valid “Climate Scientists” as so many try to convince you.

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Having so many people from abroad asking about the fire crisis downunder…

You’d think my offices are in downtown Shanghai… or Beijing…

Melbourne is 350 km from the fires and is still choking… the South East of the continent is covered in smoke and very dark and gloomy… has that nuclear winter look…


Canberra (Parliament Building) is faring even worse… I believe our politicians will be quite safe…
Shite doesn’t burn…


Aussie humor is still alive and well… although I’d say they mean it…


Wow, look at all the really tough, big men in here who seem to be really upset by the words of a little girl.

It’s purely designed as a wealth distribution method by the socialist one world order of elites. Rich countries have to pledge monies to the world climate fund so it can be given to poor counties to fight climate change. However the governments of those poor countries are so corrupt that most of that money goes to line the pockets of that countries fat cats. Australia’s contribution is currently $400 million per annum.

The most idiotic part is that the biggest world pollutor, China, is considered an emerging economy and therefore qualifies for funding from the world climate fund. Ridiculous!!

That’s why idiots like Piers Morgan on the BBC criticise a country like Australia that produces a meager 1.3% of emissions and ignores China’s contribution of 33% of emissions.

No on has yet held China to account and in fact they can continue to increase emissions until the 2030.



China is still building fossil fuel power stations at an impressive rate (Although they are also in the forefront of nuclear energy as well)

But have you heard of the Belt and road ?

(Link provided to a documentary here ) ;

It is forecast that they will build over 700 New Coal type power stations along the route to help the under developed countries to advance towards western standards.

Yes I am well aware of the Belt and Road initiative of China as I am aware that China is using the long game method of taking over as much of this world as possible.

Small inroads like building military sites in the South China Sea. Insisting that Taiwan be call a Provence of China and forcing countries by economic means to distant themselves from Taiwan to further isolate Taiwan and make it easier for China to take over Taiwan. It’s these little things that the world ignore at their own peril.

China has it’s tentacles into Australia as well, owning ports air fields power companies and large chunks of agricultural land. They have even attempted to insert spies into our political system and regularly hack our security systems.

They are bribing poor Pacific Nations as well as poor South American Nations.

Make no mistake China is for China, they are nobodies friend and are still a Communist country even though they trade under a pseudo capitalist economy.



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They are now pretty much completely deranged - sadly the footsoldiers are just incredibly misguided.

The terrorist Police have classified teh movement as Extremist - which of course they are !

Ode to a Firefighter.

By Peterma.

“Be prepared!” the Watchman’s shout
That distant roar is a fire not out.
The Fireman readies, he has been trained,
He stands on ground on which it has not rained.

“It’s only weather” states the minister of prime,
It’s been like this from the beginning of time.
Bronzed by the sun on the island of grass,
Fires come and go and all will pass.

The temperature rises, the flames soar high,
A Fire tornado spirals to the smoke filled sky,
“Shake my hand” says the minister of prime,
His white shirt glistens amidst the grime.

The Firefighter engages, water in his gun,
No time for bravery, no place to run.
The fire rages filled with anger and no shame,
I will destroy your lives, then whom will you blame.

You called me a hoax, that matters none,
You will come to know that my work is not done.
There are those that seek a better way,
Their numbers are small but rise each day.

The fighter is finished he receives no pay,
Yet unselfishly he prepares again for the fray.