That's interesting Brexit v Global Warming

the ones i put in bold, actually are “consensus sciences”


tomatoes are beeing produced mainly in green houses.
there you go, green house effect proven. youre welcome. science in real world you can actually observe.

now to make it complicated,

venus is the planet farther away from sun than earth.

venuses atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide = average temperature on venus +640 celsius

earth atmosphere is 1% carbon dioxide = average temperature (even thou much closer to the sun than venus) 14.6 celsius

need more logic?

mars is much closer to the sun than is earth… mars carbon dioxide = 0%
mars average temperature = (minus) -125 celsius

green house effect working on a planetary scale? = proven

need more proofs?

I used to love champ with a glass of buttermilk, mmmm


I think the 2050 thing comes out of the “Paris party” doesn’t it ? - Close enough to seem reasonable - far enough away for them all to be retired or dead when they “fail”. - but the May woman is the only one so far to be dumb enough to bind it into law ! (Admittedly it has teh 5 year “escape clause” - but that is dependent on agreement that “the science has changed” by those with a vested interest (ie no “Escape” at all !) - but £39 bliiion spread over a number of years to “get out of EU” versus Hamonds “fag packet estimate” of £3 TRILLION over 30 years (say £120 Billion per year - for 30 years ? )

Nothing wrong with that ! - Essential in fact from an environmaental perspective - but does absolutely nothing wrt “global warming” - do you remember when they brought plastic bags in ? To stop deforestation ? :smile:

  • Ok we’re hearing over here that “cycle lanes” are a safety issue

  • Selling back to the national grid - implies solar panels - We had that over here a decade or more ago and my Sister in Law jumped on that bandwagon - When the sun is shining the Electric goes back to the grid - when nobody is using much. The amount she gets in subsidised Refunds pretty much nullifies her bill and has long since covered the £10,000 she paid to have it instaled. However as I implied - the “electric” she sends back is a very low demand tim and is simply wasted - whilst the poorer customers have their charges increased to cover the losses by the Electric suppliers!

  • “Park and ride” ? has it’s place perhaps - as a decongestant but how cost effective it is - is open for discussion.

  • 400K heat pumps ? ok well as a student taking the “Environment and Services” part of the course - heat pumps were what I decided to put into my “Ideal home build” - However there are Heat pumps and “heat pumps” ! There are a couple of issues here.

For the uninitiated, they are basically Fridges (Air conditioners) running backwards.

What heat source are you using ?

  • Water ? - taking the heat out of a lake or River (Even ground water if aplicable) - are pretty good in use - but 400 thousand homes / businesses ALL taking their heat from a water source ? How many can you run off a single lake before you freeze it solid ?
  • "Ground source " needs a LOT of pipework busied in the ground and it sucks heat from the ground into your house. It in common with water also have the issue of the underground pipework and probably maintenance issues with the attendant questions of leakage of the “Refrigerant” and probable environmental contamination. Together with the difficulties of “Retro- fitting”.
  • “Air source” - you can pretty much forget ! Yes it produuces some warmth but in common with the others, the ELECTRIC costs are high (Think Air Conditioning costs) and the “air source” heat pumps are recognised by the major house builders who install them on “New builds” as a “token for the Greenies” They currently offer No cost saving in comparison to gas heating - And again "Where is the electric coming from to run 400 thousand Air conditioners backwards in the depths of winter, with only a few solar panels and some windmills to rely on ?

So it is inevitable that Electric costs will skyrocket - rendering them even more disadvantageous.

Undoubtedly - although I would say “Virtue signalling” :wink:

The trouble for Politicians is that the Catatrophists have hyped the slight possibility that Co2 raises temperatures into a full fledged FORECAST of Catastrophy. There is no real evidence to suggest any such likelihood - yet there is an impression created to lead teh Politicians to believe that to even investigate these claims properly would be Political Suicide.

Sometimes small numbers of hugely vocal Zealots create an impression of far more support than is actually true - As can be readily seen in the success of the BREXIT Party and the real people’s frustation at remaining ignored and unheard !

But a really low estimate of £3,000 BILLION ? when our GDP is only £2800 Billion ? For no real improvement in our lives and probably devastated economy "Virtue signalling All those uneccessary deaths and misery caused by this fantasy ? - For NOTHING ?

Jeez -

[Edit - sorry for teh typos - usually I go back and correct - just can’t be bothered this time - lol]

Perhaps the most ambitious part of the Irish plan is to have zero sales of fossil fueled cars by 2030.

The Society of the Irish Motor Industry haven’t rubbished the plan - they point out that Ireland switched from largely petrol to diesel in 2008 and with the right infrastructure and taxation incentives it can be done - we’ll wait and see.

There is an interesting thought doing the rounds on Brexit - it seems the original agreement (back in Dec 2017) is still available - that is the one where NI remains within EU and UK but UK is out - no border issues good for NI trade etc.

Now if BoJo were to say … hmm… I’ll guarantee UK out by Oct 31 and no backstop applicable to UK - then DUP will have to throw a hissie and either trigger a vote of confidence or put up with it.

Imagine the former - then BoJo can say to the country - ‘here it is, I haven’t called this GE, do you want to back me or not?’

Interesting thought.

Wrong - Venus is the second planet from the sun of the solar system and is closer to the sun than the Earth which is the third planet.

I agree the atmosphere of Venus is around 96% CO2 - The surface temperature is hot, but only varies by about 5 degrees C between day and night (A day on Venus lasts nearly 2 months in Earrth’s time due to it’s slow rotation speed.)


  • a) the CO2 Content of the Earth’s atmosphere is currently around 400 Parts per million, which is about 0.04% of the Earth’s amosphere. ie 1/25 of your 1%
  • b) Earth is further from the sun than venus.

?? :smile:


  • a) Mars is the fourth Planet from the sun in the solar system and is therefore further from the Sun than the Earth which is the Third planet from the Sun
  • b) The atmosphere of Mars is around 95% CO2 - ie much the same as Venus.
  • c) The surface temperature varies considerably beween day and night.

So why if they are both 95% CO2 is there so much “Global warming” on Venus and None on Mars ? :expressionless:

Where are you getting your information from ?

I remember there had been some debate in the early 2000’s about the spurious claims that Venus was overheating due to CO2, which was later disproved - I didn’t realise “they” were still using it to “con” the Catastrophists !

  • Why do you think there is so much CO2 on Venus ? (Hint - think Volcanoes - which can be quite hot)

I am in fact quite disturbed that NASA seem to be contributing to this fallacy - even though they are very much the “Experts” on Planetary travel and in fact when sending probes to Venus, don’t even bother with Parachutes because the atmosphere is so thick they are not needed !

It would seem that those doing the “Climate science” at NASA are not the same ones as the expert scientists doing the “space travel” !

Anyway, for anyone interested, Here is the truth about “CO2 = Global warming on Venus”

was this meant as a joke, if so I don’t get it

I still say everyone here is missing the point, This is all about a small group of people trying to control all of the earths resources. By arguing against Global Warming and for Brexit you are interfering with their plans


What a Real Climate change says about the “science is proved - 97%” as she resigns in total dsgust !

So it’s only going to cost us £3 000, BILLION in the next 30 years (uk alone) [Plus the 2700 deaths every winter, which will increase every year] and no politician dares to question the children who are chanting on the TV ! :roll_eyes:

Even here on Babypips - one is vilified and abused for even daring to express some lack of certainty in THE FAITH !

[ In fact, she is wrong on the “98% agree” because over 60% are “don’t knows” ! as shown earlier and the rest are all being paid to agree ! - The definite “don’t agrees” never get included in the calculation - but hey third rate “scientists” cheat ! ]

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UK Prime Minister Theresa May has resigned but she is pushing a environmental rule that will ban plastic. She is trying to help save her legacy as she failed miserably as a PM. No body knows what is going to happen to UK regarding Brexit. What do you think?

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Dr PatricK Moore was a founder member of Greenpeace and a PhD Ecologist

Excellent video, Falstaff.

You have posted some really useful stuff on this topic of “global warming”. — Kudos for your efforts!

Throw another log on the fire. – Make some more CO2.
It helps crops grow. – CO2 feeds the world!

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Thank you for your kind words @Clint

Now all we need is for President Trump to win the 2020 Elections having dumped “Paris” and it will give the rest of the Politicians wordlwide the courage perhaps to call BullChit on this whole debacle and let us all get back to reality ! :smiley:

Yay !

Wait and see what we have in store for those prepared to look with an open mind ! :wink:

Patrick Moore was once anti nuclear - calling nuclear power stations nuclear time bombs (somewhat melodramatic).

He now gets paid by the nuclear industry to be an advocate (nothing wrong with that either).

In that interview he has boats nuclear powered - hmmm… many military subs are so powered but they are staffed by trained pros:

Komsomolets a Russian sub sank 30yrs ago - reported from Norway last week that a radio active leak has been detected, but it’s ok, it’s only 800,000 times greater than normal.

The UK needs to renew their Nuclear power by 2025 - the existing output is dropping fast, now at 20% - will be 10% by then.

Problem is the waste - so is a GDF (Geological Disposal Facility) coming near you?

The hope is for only one for the entire UK - basically drill some holes into suitable rock and bury it.

Edit: there is a map out there showing suitable sites - happens that near me one was identified, the ensuing outcry has hopefully put a stop.

Also there is a little more than holes, likely your own local gov has hosted one of these:
RWM welcomes community leaders at the LGA Conference 2019 - GOV.UK

Did you watch the Video ? :smile:

Yes I did, - I also remember his input with the Blair govt re Nuclear stations.

The interviewer in that video didn’t ask for disclosure on the Nuclear issue, that’s a choice that was made.

Same old, Same old - Don’t debate the facts - smear the person ! :roll_eyes:

No smear - he gets paid by the industry to lobby on their behalf, no big deal, just a fact - no disclosure - so makes the interview partial - in my humble opinion of course :slight_smile:

You can PROVE that of course from your position of anonymity ?