Coffee is life, don't you agree?

Read this today. I don’t drink anywhere near this. It’s actually crazy to drink this much coffee!

I’m trying to actually decrease my caffeine intake. I hate being dependent on something. (Although if you think about it, we’re all dependent on food, water etc. anyway lmao.) But yes, the insomnia and the diuretic effects of it is starting to get a tad bit annoying.

Coffee has water… :joy:

True that and so does soda! :joy:

Drank my first cup of coffee WITH cream and sugar for the first time in 6 weeks. It was a bit underwhelming. I thought for whatever reason, that the cream and sugar would make the cup head-exploding delicious. It was good, don’t get me wrong, but not earth shattering as I was hoping for. Maybe it’s the beans? I switched to beans and grinding, from just pre-ground coffee, during the 6 weeks. Maybe I need to get me some more delicious beans. More sugar? Hehehe, that could be it, but I don’t want to go with sugar overload.

I’m working through two very large bags of beans from Costco. It probably wasn’t the smartest idea to go bulk right from the start. I’ve got a Columbian Supremo and an organic medium dark Arabica blend. What are you guys drinking?

Mine seems to have been dropping off naturally. Recently there’s always been two or three cups left in the pot. So I started filling the pot to 10 sometimes 8 and that seems to be doing it.

I usually get my coffee from a store called Trader Joe’s it’s a lot of organic stuff things like that good pricing. Good portions. But the coffee seems to be somewhat inconsistent sometimes it’s a spectacular grind and others not so much. I do love the taste of a great medium roast coffee. I drink itblack no cream, no sugar just the coffee.


True, anytime anywhere! Always a YES to coffee.

I’ve been trying grinding my own beans with a nice shiny little grinder machine. Actually I can’t say the coffee tastes better or even different, but maybe the beans stay fresh longer? - ground coffees loses its colour and flavour when its left in an opened pack.

There was an episode of My Strange Addiction where this couple did coffee enemas lmaooo but they dont drink coffee.

Can’t think why people waste good coffee by having it introduced from behind.

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lmaooo yea I don’t even understand how that even crossed their minds to begin with

@tommor, I think most people can’t tell the difference. I’m sure I couldn’t. I grind them at the store. Dump the whole container in, one and done.


You grind them at the store? I’ve never heard of such a thing. What sort of store?

In many places there are specialized shops for coffee that grind the coffee you buy at the store.

I’ve got a Trader Joe’s close by. What beans do you get, if you don’t mind me asking?

Yea, I think it will be tough to gauge the taste difference if you’re not comparing the same bean. I will say I feel like the caffeine effect is lasting longer on the fresh ground beans as opposed to the pre-ground stuff. But could easily just be the beans.

Costco, a warehouse style wholesale store lets on grind beans after purchase. Like @frandlost said, they have commercial grade grinders in the store for you to use. But I’ve even seen this at the local grocery store.

Well I guess that proves I ought to get out more.

@dudebro usually $5 can of med. Roast.

But sometimes it is darker than others. Not sure where they source it. May actually have a few suppliers.

The other can is the organic med. Roast breakfast blend. More $$ but I like that too.

Here’s an interesting article:

Not sure how objective it is but I have heard similar intell.


Ahh, thanks for sharing! I have an unopened bag of organic medium roast in the pantry that I need to bust open. And I was right down the street from Trader Joes and forgot to make a stop. Next time.

I think I was ignorant about the processing of traditional coffee. From the article you shared.

First, conventional coffee is among the most heavily chemically treated foods in the world. It is steeped in synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides – a real mouthful with a bad taste.

Makes you wonder a little abut what you’re consuming multiple times a day.

I also drink coffee every day. But the strange thing is that I am not addicted, just to relax my mind :upside_down_face:

Can’t live without coffee. :heart_eyes: But I can’t drink it without milk. I don’t put sugar but I use sugar free vanilla. :blush: