Complete Currency Dynamics

Good morning.
It’s Monday, still.
But before I get into this nonsense…
Rose…you’re too kind. Thanks for the encouragement. You sure know how to make someone feel good inside. As I said before, around here, I will always be here for you.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God is good. And so are you!

Ok. Here’s more Monday market.
Quarterly table.

  • CHF (pink) most bid that session +1.63%.
  • AUD (red) most sold that session -1.07%.

Monthly table.

We can see that the risk-off sentiment continues today. It was both the Swiss (pink) and the Yen (purple) taking the bids today.

The Comms ( AUD (red), NZD (dark red), and the CAD (brown) ) still taking a hit. The money is moving towards the safe haven currencies, and away from the risky ones.

The USD (white) is not all that moving much. Maybe they are being considered risky lately. I don’t know. But, all we know is, it’s not going that way. Right?

Ok. Be careful out there. And I’ll see you guys at the close today.
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Good evening.
What a big Monday. Let’s look at it.
Quarterly table.

  • JPY (purple) most bid that session +3.18%.
  • GBP (blue) most sold that session -2.82%.
  • JPY most bought currency today +5.50%.
  • AUD (red) most sold currency today -5.15%.

See what I mean? Big moving day today. And it was all risk-off currency buying. Yen (purple), Swiss (pink), USD (white).
Even the EUR (yellow) got some of that today…huh.

Monthly table.

Now it’s a little more clearer.
Look. You don’t need to be a genius to see what’s happening here. And so far this is how the month turned. Well, it’s continuing.

We always have to be aware of the corrections. They always come. Plus we don’t know by how much. Like the one we had on Friday. But, as you see in the line up, it wasn’t enough to change that line up.

So, always be careful. All this is, is the big picture sentiment that we need to have in mind. Our strategy’s can be however we want to play it. If it’s by chance longer term, then this should be helping some. Right?

Alright. Have a good night tonight.
I’ll see ya in the morning.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (956.1 KB)

Good morning.
Tuesday’s start.
Quarterly table.

  • NZD (dark red) most bid that session +1.65%.
  • JPY (purple) most sold that session -2.47%.

Looks like risk-on has come back. Ok. So. We have a bounce. Retracement of what’s been happening.

Monthly table.

We can see that the Yen, up to this point in the day, retraced about half of what they made yesterday. But, the day isn’t over yet. We’ll have to see how much it goes. Right?

I’ll be seeing you at the end of the day today.
Make it count today.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (965.6 KB)


Good evening.
Here’s Tuesday’s results.
Monthly table.

  • USD (white) most bid that session +1.16%
  • GBP (blue) most sold that session -2.32%.
  • NZD (dark red) most bought today +1.74%.
  • GBP most sold today -2.11%.

Don’t have time here.
See ya in the a.m.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (960.1 KB)


Good morning.
Wednesday’s start.

Monthly table.

  • GBP (blue) most bid that session +.73%.
  • AUD (red) most sold that session -1.10%.

Squeezed for time here, again. But, looks like we went back to some risk-off environment. Not all that crazy, but slanting that way.

Ok. I’ll definitely be around today.
See ya in a few hours.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (961.7 KB)

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Good morning.
More Wednesday market.
Quarterly table.

  • JPY (purple) most bid that session +2.84%.
  • NZD (dark red) most sold that session -1.22%.

Monthly table.

Risk-off sentiment still continuing today. It was the Yen’s turn that session. Right? And the Comms taking turns down there, for today.

Well, let’s see how it ends up today.
Be careful out there. And I’ll see ya at the close.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (962.8 KB)


Good evening.
Wednesday’s results.
Quarterly table.

  • CAD (brown) most bid that session +1.97%.
  • GBP (blue) most sold that session -2.99%.
  • CAD most bought currency today +2.01%.
  • GBP most sold currency today -3.03%.

Well, I would have to say the CAD (brown) got the most attention this afternoon. I think they had some data come out. Pretty good boost for them. In fact, if you look closely to all the Comms that session, they took a good bid. You could call that some risk-on buying. All in agreement. Plus the Yen (purple) got shot down.

Monthly table.

Our standings are still in tact. You have a couple pretty high ones (JPY purple, CHF pink). Then the two Comm brothers (AUD red, NZD dark red) on the bottom. And the Pound got pounded.

Well, it will be interesting to see if this risk-on buying carries over to the next session, and even the whole of tomorrow. Right?

Alright. I’ll see ya in the a.m.
Tomorrow will be a busy day for me. So, I can only give the first and the last updates.
See ya then.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (964.4 KB)


Good morning.
Thursday’s start.
Quarterly table.

  • JPY (purple) most bid that session +.91%.
  • AUD (red) most sold that session -1.67%.

That’ll be the risk-off sentiment pair. And most common to hit during their session.

Monthly table.

That’s our landscape for ya. No changes taking place.
And, I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but the NZD/JPY pair has the biggest spread between all the currency pairs in both contexts (quarterly, monthly). That’s got to have been a good pair to trade lately. Huh?

I’ll see ya guys at the close today.
Make it a good day today!
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (972.9 KB)


Good evening.
Here’s Thursday’s results.
Quarterly table.

  • USD (white) most bid that session +2.03%.
  • NZD (dark red) most sold that session -2.48%.
  • USD most bought currency today +2.32%.
  • AUD (red) most sold currency today -2.00%.

Wow. The Comms couldn’t capitalize on the pips they got earlier. Went right back down, to where Asia left them off at.

Monthly table.

And how about that Dollar, huh? I mean, I know it was only one session…yeah, theirs. We’ll have to see if they can break out higher. That’s one thing they haven’t been able to do, unlike some other currencies. Maybe it’s starting to catch up to little brother (JPY, purple). They do like to travel together.

Alright. Enough nonsense.
Tomorrow is Friday. Middle of the month. What should we look out for? shrug Not sure. The trend has been such the risk-off. Will we see a boost for the risk-on currencies? Well, they’ve been trying, like this afternoon, but to no avail. Maybe they’ll give it another shot tomorrow. I don’t know, really. But, you have to keep that in mind though.

Ok. I’ll see ya in the morning.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (976.0 KB)

Good morning.
It’s Friday.
Quarterly table.

  • JPY (purple) most bid that session +1.65%.
  • CAD (brown) most sold that session -1.16%.

Monthly table.

It’s more risk-off again.
Notice how similar those 2 tables look? I think it’s interesting. The quarterly table is the results of whose most bid down to most sold currencies since April 1st. Which looks like those since this month. Right?
Yen (purple) on top. The Comms on bottom.

Alright. Well, let’s see how the day ends up. I’ll see ya in a few.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (985.2 KB)


Good morning.
Last leg till the end of the week.
Quarterly table.

  • USD (white) most bid that session +1.13%.
  • GBP (blue) most sold that session -1.47%.

Need to note about the Yen (purple). That session they were just under the Dollar (white) +1.09%. So again, their buds. They do travel together. It’s the currency dynamics, that I like to mention every now and then.

If you look to the far left, we can see their standings from where they ended up last week at the close. So, that should help to keep things in perspective. Just look at the red (AUD). You don’t need to be a math genius to see that they have dropped a lot ( -2.41% all the way to -10.60% now ). And how about the Yen (purple)… 7.50% up to 15.58%. That’s double the amount of running percentage they were sitting at, since then. That’s a lot. And that’s their running percentages since April 1st.

How about the monthly table.

Again, compare where they started the week out at. This perspective is just since the month started. Interesting.

We can see that the top 3 currencies are all the safe havens. JPY (purple), CHF (pink), USD (white). We can see by how much, also. This has been a strong trend, wouldn’t you say? Sure, it’s all hindsight, but still something to be aware of. And guess what…that’s the only thing we have. History. No one has anything more.

It is smarter, though, to keep it all in perspective.

How are they all relating to one another?

It’s all about the numbers.

Make it count today.
I’ll see ya right before the weekend starts.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (977.7 KB)

Good evening.
The weeks results.
Quarterly table.

  • CAD (brown) most bid that session +2.04%.
  • JPY (purple) most sold that session -2.41%.
  • USD (white) most bought currency today +1.66%.
  • GBP (blue) most sold currency today -2.94%.

Monthly table.

Looks like the Yen (purple) bit off more than they can chew today. Gave some of them back. But still ended the day higher. It is Friday. Which is known for profit taking.

Well, there’s nothing more I can say. The trend is intact. And pretty prevalent in both contexts (quarterly, monthly).

How about I zoom out a good bit. Here’s some daily running totals.

The top shelf is the yearly running %'s.
The middle row is the quarterly running %'s.
The bottom is the monthly running %'s.

And that’s how they are all relating to one another.

Alright. It’s the weekend.
Make the best of it!
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (1.0 MB)

Good morning.
It’s Monday.
Quarterly table.

  • AUD (red) most bid that session +5.60%.
  • CHF (pink) most sold that session -2.15%.

Monthly table.

We definitely have risk-on sentiment going on since the start. It’s been awhile coming, so, we’ll have to see how long it lasts. Asia kicked it off. And it was with some strength. Let’s see how the rest of the day goes.

See ya in a few.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (1.1 MB)

Good morning.
More Monday market.
Quarterly table.

  • JPY (purple) most bid that session +1.65%.
  • AUD (red) most sold that session -1.43%.

Monthly table.

That’s our risk-off pair, for the most that session. The Yen over the Aussie. But, you can see that the Aussie, during the Asian session really got the boost. That was a lot. Therefore, this was a retracement from that. Was it a complete change from the flow, for today? Well, I kind of don’t think so. Until it retraces 100% of that jump, I’m saying no. It seems like some risk-on is coming back.

Just so you know, I got money on that call. Of course, it’s a shorter term call. I just happen to think we are on a bounce, today. Who knows what’s going to happen this week. We need more of it to unravel. It’s been such a downtrend in the last few weeks (actually since mid April). So, a good bounce should not be out of the question.

First stop…let’s see where the end of the day ends at. Then we’ll work on how the week turns out.

Alright. Be careful out there.
See ya at the close.
Make it a good day!
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (1.1 MB)

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Good evening.
Here’s Monday’s results.
Quarterly table.

  • CAD (brown) most bid that session +1.23%.
  • JPY (purple) most sold that session -.87%.
  • AUD (red) most bought currency today +3.38%.
  • USD (white) most sold currency today -1.47%.

Monthly table.


So, what do we got?
Well, the Comms (AUD (red), NZD (dark red), CAD (brown) ) took the day. Therefore it would be a risk-on sentiment day. Plus we can see that the USD (white) took the hit for the safe havens today.

Does this change things? Well, like I said earlier today, the next stop is going to be how the week turns out. There’s always twists and turns, especially during mid week (most of the time). We just need to be patient. And I’m talking about what the broad market sentiment, feel, is presently. Right now, starting a new week, looks like the Comms, (risk-on currencies) are giving it a shot. Either for a good correction or possibly a change. But that’ll surely have to take some time because the safe havens have put a real good dent into their rivals. Right?

Have a good night tonight, and I’ll see ya in the a.m.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (1013.8 KB)

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Good morning.
Tuesday’s start.
Quarterly table.

  • CAD (brown) most bid that session +1.61%.
  • AUD (red) most sold that session -1.96%.

Monthly table.

Looks like risk-off came back. Stopping the Comms advance. The safe havens (the 3 on the top) got more bid. The USD (white) was the dominant currency between them.

So much for that momentum. We still need more of the week to unravel though.

Alright. Be careful out there.
Anything can happen.
I’ll be seeing you at the end of the day today.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (1023.2 KB)


Good evening.
Tuesday’s results.
Quarterly table.

  • AUD (red) most bid that session +.96%.
  • JPY (purple) most sold that session -1.17%.
  • CAD (brown) most bought currency today +2.81%.
  • JPY most sold currency today -1.86%.

Monthly table.

What do we got…
Well, most noteworthy to me is the Yen took a real hit today. Last 2 sessions did it.

And the CAD (brown) definitely took a bid today. I think price is getting where it wants to before their data coming out ( I forget…retail sales?..or something ). But that’s sometime later on in the week. Anyway.

Boy, I can’t tell. About where the broad market sentiment wants to go. We should find out something tomorrow, by end of day. And this is what I want to know. Will we go back to the safe haven play, or is the risk-on sentiment trying to come back for a time?

As is stands, the safe haven currencies have the upper hand. We just never know if we’ll get a shot of risk-on. Like we did at the open. But it has been fizzling out. Just look at where they started the week (Friday’s end of day numbers). See what I mean? Just can’t tell.

So therefore, be careful. Trading is mostly all about risk management anyway. Right? Knowing the direction is just part of the battle.

Alright. See ya in the morning.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (979.6 KB)


Good morning.
Wednesday’s start.
Quarterly table.

  • JPY (purple) most bid that session +.47%.
  • NZD (dark red) most sold that session -.56%.

Monthly table.

Well, the most interesting thing to me, is that the market is not really moving much. Those are definitely some low numbers. It must be waiting, and winding up for something. Maybe the U.S.'s FOMC meeting today. shrug

In any case, it’s tilted towards the safe havens. Which is the prevailing trend lately. So, all we can do is wait and see what happens.

Alright. Make it a good day today.
I’ll see ya in a few.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (987.4 KB)

Good morning.
More Wednesday market.
Quarterly table.

  • CHF (pink) most bid that session +2.31%.
  • GBP (blue) most sold that session -2.80%.

Monthly table.

Wow. The Swiss (pink). They had a real good bid that session, huh? Look at them up there. They’ve been bidding since yesterday. Right? Ok. So. Their a safe haven currency. Are they moving because of that? Or is their another reason, like because of the EUR (yellow)? See, this is why I think it’s important to know how they are relating to one another. It’s the why in what they do. A lot of the times one will move in conjunction with another one. Hence the point of currency dynamics. But also we need to know that they can move independently from one another.

That’s nice. I know. But anyway. Their moving.

Check this out. I haven’t shown the yearly running %'s. Well, I think this is a good time to show you.

For a good long time the biggest spread between all 8 of them has been the GBP/CHF. See it there? Well, that’s in the context of this year (since Jan 1st). But just look above at the monthly table. That just became the top spread pair, but favoring the Swiss (that’s why it’s colored pink and not blue).

In short, the Pound is getting hammered this month. Just look at by how much.

Well, all I got to say is be careful and mindful of the time frame you’re trading. That is pretty important. Keep the proper context in mind. Meaning, you should have some kind of idea of how long your trades will be open against the backdrop of the direction of your bias. We normally are right with the direction, at some point in time, but the timing usually is never that on. Think about that. So that’s what I mean when I talk about knowing the proper context of things.

Ok. Enough nonsense.
Make it a good day today.
I’ll see ya at the close.
MY DAILY’S.xlsx (982.4 KB)

Good evening.
Wednesday’s results.
Quarterly table.

  • JPY (purple) most bid that session +1.16%.
  • CAD (brown) most sold that session -1.82%.
  • CHF (pink) most bought currency today +1.51%.
  • GBP (blue) most sold currency today -2.14%.

Monthly table.

Well, since the Yen (purple) joined in, I would say the risk-off sentiment was back in session today.

So far, the risk-on sentiment is not around. Let’s see how the rest of the week plays out.

See ya in the morning.
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