Correlation charts

Does anyone where I can find correlation charts for the majors against commodities and equity markets? My trading platform doesn’t do price overlays for anything except currencies. I found hundreds pairing up currencies but not for gold, oil, Dow, S&P, copper, etc… I know the school of pipsology shows how to make my own, but I thought with all the data out there someone probably has put one together already. Any help would be appreciated.

and what plattform are you using? Do you have mt4?

FXCM’s Trading Station II.

Have you tried talking to Jason in the brokers aid section of this site. He is a great guy to talk to from FXCM and I am sure can be of some help.

Thanks, I appreciate the direction.

You can make overlay charts with currency futures at Big Charts.

i’m interested too

Hi diletarra,

I’ll go ahead and chime in :slight_smile:

The Marketscope chart inside FXCM’s Trading Station platform has a price overlay feature. Take a look at the screenshot below where I circled the overlay button in red. The chart shows the US30 (tracks the Dow) candlestick chart with a EUR/USD line chart overlay.

Also look at the bottom of the chart. This oscillator is a custom indicator from FXCodeBase you can add to Marketscope, and it shows the correlation between two symbols. So it will show you the correlation between -1 and +1 for the chosen symbols. How cool is that! The custom indicator can be downloaded here FXCodeBase.COM: Forex Chart Indicators and Development • View topic - Correlation (new version) and check out this post for instructions on adding the custom indicator to Marketscope. The instructions are in the section starting with “2. Add the indicator to Marketscope”.

Also, if you’re using a demo or live account with FXCM US, it won’t have access to commodities or stock indices in the charting unfortunately. What you can do instead is register for a demo through FXCM UK at Forex Trading | Forex | Forex Broker | Currency Trading | FXCM and the demo will have oil, gold and stock indices.

Let me know if you run into any problems.



Thanks Jason, unfortunately(at least for charting) I am in the States. I appreciate the tech support though.

It almost like Jason has a sixth sense when he has a customer in need lol. I am going to start calling you spidey for now on