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“You can feel the wheels are beginning to fall off the narrative right before our very eyes… And the massive pressure of millions of idiots trying not to admit they were wrong…”

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Was the pandemic created for the jab?

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This video is a section of an in depth interview from Kitco News released on March 26th

A report on the Financial Cost of the Pandemic and Vaccine programs to the United States economy is about to be released by Founding Partner of Phinance Technologies, Edward Dowd which will show just how destructive the COVID mRNA vaccine’s have been to the US economy.

Respected Director and Author of a global macro alternative investment firm, Edward Dowd gives us a teaser of the shocking numbers contained in the report due to be published in April 2023.

The interview in it’s entirety is well worth watching as it discusses the future of US Dollar and Banking into 2023 and beyond… Possibly a bit too intellectual for this environment…

“You can feel the wheels are beginning to fall off the narrative right before our very eyes… And the massive pressure of millions of idiots trying not to admit they were wrong…”

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April 3 2023… NEW - Complete overload of the new hotline for damages from COVID vaccination on the first day in Bavaria, Germany.

The new hotline for corona vaccination damage in Bavaria was apparently completely overloaded at the start. The Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) was only able to process a third of the calls on Monday, as a spokeswoman for the Bavarian Ministry of Health told the “Augsburger Allgemeine”.

I found it fascinating how government agencies and jurisdictions which had previously been regularly publishing data on the rate of COVID cases in vaccinated individuals stopped publishing that data when it started showing those who took the doses had worse outcome rates and higher infection rates than those who did not take the doses.

“You can feel the wheels are beginning to fall off the narrative right before our very eyes… And the massive pressure of millions of idiots trying not to admit they were wrong…”

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# Thousands more Aussies dying as ‘excess deaths’ rise…

So, what are the facts?

In 2022, Australians died at a rate not seen since World War II, according to the final mortality data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, released last week.

It was an excess mortality rate of 15 per cent – higher than the 12 per cent previously estimated by the Actuaries Institute.

The majority of the excess deaths were from Covid-19, the ABS said. More than 10,000 Australians died due to the disease and another 3000 “with” the disease, making 2022 (Post Pandemic) the deadliest year for Covid-19 in Australia on record.

On Wednesday, Sydney radio icon Ben Fordham joined the calls for a probe, saying the government’s refusal to conduct one was fuelling conspiracy theories.

“Sadly, people in power don’t want to talk about it,” the 2GB host said on air. “Does it have something to do with our one-track focus on coronavirus and other diseases and illnesses that were forced into the back seat while we fought off COVID?”

Fordham said that, without an inquiry, the issue of excess deaths will be “weaponised…” “You have lockdown alarmists demanding a return to tough restrictions, and others claiming it’s all linked to the Covid vaccine,” he said.

“As we know, Australians won’t cop (more restrictions).”

The Therapeutic Goods Administration has received reports of more than 900 deaths that occurred after vaccination in Australia. After examination, it determined that only 14 of those deaths were linked to the jab.

Fordham criticised the agency for what he said was limited transparency as to what is considered a death linked to the Covid-19 vaccine.

“It must be said, the TGA doesn’t display a lot of transparency on this issue,” he told listeners. “We’ve actually had private briefings with them and trying to get straight answers is a bit like pulling teeth.”

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We just had a case in UK where a coroner put down the cause of death of a doctor who died 2 years ago of blood clots 10 days after an Astra Zenneka jab as “Unintended consequences of vaccination” ! His death had been recorded on the death cert as “Natural Causes”.

“The first case ever” - according to BBC - I’ll post a link when one pops up - this was radio 4 this evening !

Progress indeed !


I eat at a Chinese bufft and shop at walmart with no mask.

If there was an airborne virus, I would at least have gotten sick.

I do know more than a few people that died immediately after getting vaxxed.

During the nazi era, they exterminated quite a few people… they called that a holocaust.

We are in the middle of a holocaust where the intent is to exterminate maybe six billion people.

Happy trading.

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Ultimately, Covid shots have no history and limited research and were rushed to market. The real effect of this shot will not be known for 10 years. Then you will see those late night commercials asking if you have taken this shot, you may be eligible for our class action lawsuit.

New theories of the possible link between Covid shots and tinnitus are emerging

Thousands of people say they’ve developed tinnitus after they were vaccinated against Covid. While there is no proof yet that the vaccines caused the condition, theories for a possible link have surfaced among researchers.

Shaowen Bao, an associate professor in the physiology department of the College of Medicine at the University of Arizona, Tucson, believes that ongoing inflammation, especially in the brain or spinal cord, may be to blame.

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Yep, by which time… All the Pharmaceutical Executives, Politicians, Government Advisors, Health Officials and all the other Vaccine narrative spruikers will have disappeared into the sunset with their ill-gotten gains…

It’s going to be hard to sympathise with the large numbers of the gullible ailing, disabled and impaired citizens… Who lined up like cattle and got their minimum two shots, now refuting any responsibility for their lemmingesk behaviour…

“You can feel the wheels are beginning to fall off the narrative right before our very eyes… And the massive pressure of millions of idiots trying not to admit they were wrong…”

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Yep, and don’t forget those employers who made their workers take the shot or lose their jobs

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The link in this video is the important point.

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Who (WHO) defines truth??

Those who control the past, now control the future… Those who control the present, now control the past… 1984

“In the age of censorship, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell.

“You can feel the wheels are beginning to fall off the narrative right before our very eyes… And the massive pressure of millions of idiots trying not to admit they were wrong…”

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Hey @Johnny1974 Thanks… And keep up the great work adding to the important analysis contained in this thread…

In a few years, it will be a time capsule to the dark days of lockdowns, coerced medical procedures, rampant Government overreach, their grab for greater authoritarian control and the persecution of those that defied the tyranny…

The data, the facts, the statistics… The Science are all pointing to something sinister happening with Global populations post COVID… And yet suddenly Governments, media, health authorities and the gullible masses prefer to ignore the science…

Like the fanatical My Body, My Choice mantra that miraculously evaporated during the most recent global psychotic event… The sci-elence from this community is no doubt due to the footnote I end a majority of my posts with…

“You can feel the wheels are beginning to fall off the narrative right before our very eyes… And the massive pressure of millions of idiots trying not to admit they were wrong…”

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scientists have warned that the Earth could run out of conspiracy theories by 2025 if they keep coming true at the current rate…

“You can feel the wheels are beginning to fall off the narrative right before our very eyes… And the massive pressure of millions of idiots trying not to admit they were wrong…”

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