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A multimillion-dollar legal case levelled at British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has claimed the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine administered in millions of people was “defective”.

“In fact, the absolute risk reduction concerning Covid-19 prevention was only 1.2 per cent,” the legal claim stated… (Click on image to view article)


“A poll conducted by in 2022 showed [more than half of the respondents regret getting vaccinated, or were unvaccinated and happy with their decision…”

“Only 35 per cent out of more than 45,000 people said they were vaccinated and would make the same decision again…”

“You can feel the wheels are beginning to fall off the narrative right before our very eyes… And the massive pressure of millions of idiots trying not to admit they were wrong…”


IT’S OVER! This Vaccine Lawsuit will change EVERYTHING…

The Babypips Forum is unequivocal proof of the lack of critical thought in the world today…

The fact that a large part of society did not apply critical thinking or common sense and ignorantly rolled up their sleeves and naïvely queued up for their shots

The fact that Big Pharma produced these rushed to market concoctions with NO trials, NO data, NO liability, NO long term research… All under the guise of Emergency Authorization was what scared the hell out of me… And confirmed the absolute Madness of Crowds…

Unfortunately… I believe the worst effects are yet to come… The world will know a whole lot more about this in 10 YEARS time… That’s how long it takes to know the true side effects of any vaccine…

How disappointing that many took it and shamed those who questioned it an now they have to deal with their choice… I am having a hard time feeling sorry for them…

Even the Legal Profession is beginning to comment now there is money to be made… With many other lawsuits and class actions being compiled for the UK High Court on the defective Oxford AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine…

Strangely, the AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine, despite being banned in several countries because it’s too dangerous, continues to be licensed for use in the U.K…

Go Figure…

Maybe the only positive outcome of all this is that, hopefully, people will consider thinking twice about any mandatory medicines/vaccines, and more transparency will evolve as a result…

No Jabs, No Tests, No Virus, No Fears, Still…No Problems…


Human guinea pigs

This thread appears it will morph in to a legal commentary from here on in… A change from the Medical debate it began as in 2021… It’s not going away, because the injuries are escalating, also several countries are now paying out big time under their COVID Vaccine adverse reaction schemes…

It’s now no longer just a theory…

Great analysis. I would add that it is extremely difficult to be accepted as being injured due to the COVID Vaccines, largely due to the immense political pressure applied to whatever it takes to refute, distract and delay these responsibilities.

People who are responsible will do anything and everything to avoid the consequences of their actions.

The phrase “conspiracy theory” is reserved for anything that goes against the narrative. It is ideal to encourage the conforming to belittle those that consider said theory. That phrase, to me, was a flag to follow the evidence further…

It’s not always easy to do because of how the brain works. We tend to lean on confirmation bias so anything that leans towards our beliefs, we tend to bias towards those beliefs and the opposite for those against… Only the apathetic said conspiracy…Those that researched it know truth…

Unfortunately… “Conspiracy Theories” have the annoying habit of becoming true…


Post covid vaccination syndrome


Dr. Jeffrey Sachs on Rising:… “I Was a Democrat… COVID CHANGED THAT…”

Curious how so many “smart” people are just now figuring out what was obvious to the rest of us morons… Unfortunately, in this case better late than never is too late to repair the damage,…

And basically, the entire scientific community seemed to forget the principles of virology and immunity. Hence, once you recover from a virus, you are generally immune to said strain of virus… The Magic School Bus taught us that much way back when…

Never forget what they did In the name of “”Science””


Vaccine BOMBSHELL - 973% Increase In HEART FAILURE…

As a US Navy whistle-blower reveals an increase in military cardiac events, even the legacy news now reports on adverse events connected to the Moderna COVID Vaccine…

US Army issues stunning reversal on soldiers discharged over COVID vaccine…

This is what happens when politics interferes in military needs and soldier status.,

Just think, at one point, not that long ago, we weren’t even allowed to talk about this…

No Jabs, No Tests, No Virus, No Fears, Still…No Problems…


Some stats from the insurance industry (the bookmakers who give us odds about dying).

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WEF and excess deaths… Finally people are starting to talk about the excess deaths here in Australia, I’ve see the change in recent weeks…

People are also starting to realize that maybe the entities who profit when you are ill are not the entities we should be trusting to keep us all healthy…

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The follow-up video

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@Johnny1974 This is exactly what the Died Suddenly documentary discussed a few years ago… I prefer questions I can’t answer than answers I can’t question…

Same documentary Health Authorities and Doctors screamed was nothing but a conspiracy theory…

“We’re seeing right now the highest death rates we’ve ever seen in the history of this business,” said Scott Davison, the CEO of OneAmerica, a $100 billion life insurance and retirement company headquartered in Indianapolis. “The data is consistent across every player in the business.”

Davison said death rates among working age people – those 18 to 64-years-old – were up 40 percent in the third and fourth quarter of 2021 over pre-pandemic levels.

“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three sigma or 200-year catastrophe would be a 10 percent increase over pre-pandemic levels,” Davison said. “So, 40 percent is just unheard of…”

The best part of being a conspiracy theorist… Is not having myocarditis…

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Global Excess deaths are continuing unabated… And the adverse reactions and injuries from these vaccine’s are even more astronomical…

And still doctors and the Medical Profession as a whole pretend to be baffled?

Excess death rates in Canada, Japan and Finland are becoming alarming… With over 85 % of the Canadian population has been doubled vaxed with at least 50% boosted so it’s no surprise that excess deaths are at 15%. Normally 300,000 Canadians die every year from all causes…

At 15% that’s about 45,000 excess dead Canadians every year…

Canada lost about that number dead in 6 years of conflict in WWII. We lost 60,000 Canadians dead in WWI. Every two years the decisions of government and health authorities are as destructive to Canadians as two world wars…

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It’s not looking good for those who chose the path of least resistance

Largest COVID vaccine study ever (99,068,901 vaccinated individuals) have confirmed that the shots made by Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca are linked to significantly higher risk of five medical conditions - including a nerve-wasting condition that leaves people struggling to walk or think… Dementia anyone…

Foreign DNA Contamination in COVID-19 Vaccines Exceeds WHO Limits: A German professor who analysed batches of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine found them to be contaminated by the presence of foreign DNA “well above” the approved limit. Brigitte Konig, an external professor at the medical faculty of the University of Magdeburg, Germany, conducted an investigation into COVID-19 vaccines and found the doses had DNA contamination that were 83 to 354 times above the limit prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO)…


“You can feel the wheels are beginning to fall off the narrative right before our very eyes… And the massive pressure of millions of idiots trying not to admit they were wrong…”


UK ONS Manipulation of Excess Death Data by changing the formula and retro-fitting it… 29,000 Dead bodies have just disappeared… Just from 2022…

ONS says, “For decades, we have employed inferior methodology in the preparation of our Statistical Analyses … And it-just-so-happens that we are choosing NOW, to address that oversight.”

Solution: Let’s count the number of funerals every year from now on… And lets just see if the excess bodies match the rubbish coming out from the ONS in the UK…

Unfortunately, global population’s have to remember, authorities have lots of experience now in manipulating figures… Prime example, COVID deaths. To qualify as a COVID death all you had to do was die within 30 days of having had it, even if you’d recovered and were actually mowed down by a drunk driver or if you’d died of terminal cancer but had it in your last month.

The United Kingdom is screwed… In ohhh so many ways…


Despite the controversies, the European Union isn’t sick of Covid shots.

The union is orchestrating a tender for nearly 150 million doses of mRNA Covid vaccines updated to the dominant variant, in a move that is widely expected to award Moderna a new contract.


This news is shocking, but not surprising… Trudeau is brilliant. No one is talking about ArriveScam now. I wonder what JT has planned for next week to deflect from this Virology Lab leak…

Turbulent times ahead…

There is something fundamentally wrong with the Canadian parliament… They have three different elected parties ( Bloc, NDP, Liberal) working together as one major league party. Meanwhile the Progressive Conservatives are left on their own to fight for justice and accountability in Canada…

If this latest revelation about Liberal malfeasance does not push Canadians to demand an election; then I simply do not know what will. Is the CBC or any other Canadian network covering this story?

Canadians should not be silent about this cruel, malicious crime that has been perpetrated against their nation, their very own people…


The Australian Health Authorities are beginning to realise how wrong they were applying mandates and lockdowns during the COVID Pandemic… When one’s position is completely indefensible all one can do is silence their critics

What disturbs me the most is how happy the police were to take orders to attack and charge their own people who broke no laws, they were told to jump and just asked how high, you would think the police would say no to being given illegal orders…

The pandemic showed just how easy it is to crush the public and how happy the police are to do the crushing…