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this thread’s been a real eye-opener and educational resource for me, as i’ve gradually been reading and researching more

i’d especially like to thank @Trendswithbenefits and @Johnny1974 for all they’ve posted here :sunglasses:


Not just an issue in the UK… Even Ireland has over 20% excess deaths including young athletes. Matti McGrath, member of Irish Parliament asked the Prime Minister Mr Varadkar who could not explain these excess deaths…

Note the county in Ireland that had lowest uptake, Co Donegal, has the lowest excess rate, and Wexford, that had the highest uptake, have the highest uptake. And yes boosters and flu jabs still being pushed…

Draw your own conclusions…

Very disturbing are the alarming numbers of new reports of increased incidences of cancer, some of which report very aggressive forms in even very young people. Pathologists everywhere have been sounding the alarms. And the prime thing the patients have in common is the injectable drug cocktail…

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That’s been my primary objection. I’m not against vaccines. But this one got whipped up in a hurry. All other vaccines for much older viruses have withstood the test of time. This one is brand new. They’ve still got a few kinks to work out.

I consider it an experimental drug; I’m not going first.

Sky News (Australia) host Sharri Markson says damning new evidence… Scientists and leading government officials email’s have been subpoenaed by a US Congressional Committee…

The same morons who said COVID-19 came from a wet market actually always suspected the virus was engineered in a lab…

Edit: Updated Video Link (03-08-2023)

Might take a while for the US Media to debauch this once supposed Conspiracy Theory… Facts aren’t a big part of mainstream Media coverage in the United States at the moment…

This highlights why we need to think for ourselves. This is a sad case of human greed where the threat was never there, and countless numbers of organizations and individuals cashed in…


The W.H.O finally admits to Excess Deaths… The silence of the masses is deafening… The Silence of Global Governments is sinister…

I’m concerned that the WHO is doing this, providing this information, so that they will appear reasonable, and as a result people will lower their guard and allow the WHO treaties to be signed in their respective countries… DYOR

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Watch the Pharmaceutical Industry funded TGA representatives squirm and wriggle on every question the Senator asked… 2 people in every 1000 experienced a serious adverse reaction injury…

Yet Pfizer’s COVID vaccine is still being pushed hard in Australia…

Tanaka Airbags in Australia, from 3,000,000 vehicles with the bags installed in Australia 2 people have died and 350 people have suffered serious injury. 1 person seriously affected by faulty airbags for every 8500 installed, total recall ordered… Obviously Tanaka didn’t grease the right palms.

“You can feel the wheels are beginning to fall off the narrative right before our very eyes… And the massive pressure of millions of idiots trying not to admit they were wrong…”

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Next Pandemic WARNING: High Security Government Jab Factory READY to go - YouTube Next Pandemic WARNING: High Security Government Jab Factory READY to go - YouTube

Something went wrong with the link, but if you click on it you will be taken to Dr Suneel Dhand

Australia’s TGA (FDA/CDC) is now asking Doctors not to report cases of Myocarditis and Pericarditis.

Critical thinkers amongst us knew this was going on 24 months ago…

As usual… Nothing but facts and researchable data…

No Jabs, No Tests, No Virus, No Fears, No Problems…

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99% of ‘COVID deaths’ not actually caused by the virus, CDC Data shows…

The figures suggest just a handful of American lives are being lost directly to the virus each week. For comparison, the virus was behind one in three ‘COVID deaths’ at America’s pandemic peak in 2021.

Hang On!!!.. So what have these unsafe and ineffective vaccines been guarding the flocks and the herds against for the last three years???



Doctors are currently advising Americans to hold off getting another COVID shot… Despite surging cases in the United States…


Because two new variants, EG.5, or Eris, and BA.X, or Pirola, have been detected in the US recently and are highly mutated. Due to their mutations, doctors say they could be better at avoiding the current vaccine immunity.

Many world renowned Immunologist’s said this would happen as far back as 2021… And for their trouble, they were censored off Mainstream and Social Media for attempting to contradict stupidity

I raised this issue at the very beginning (2nd Post) of this thread almost exactly 3 years ago…

All the while a Babypips Guardian of his own deluded Universe that frequents this forum, tried to argue these Scientists where wrong and to trust Government’s and their lacky Health Authorities…

All makes fascinating reading all these years later… As we clean up after this mass psychotic event

And as usual boys and girls… Links to the facts and data put forward in this thread…


More startling information from the CDC… Increased infection risk in vaccinated…

Way, way back in November 2020… Nobel Prize Winning Virologist Dr Geert Vanden Bossche had some interesting information on this matter…

Look at current situation, he was absolutely spot on the epidemiology effect of the mass vaccine…

Nothing but facts and researchable data… No Jabs, No Tests, No Virus, No Fears, No Problems…

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First we overlook evil. Then we permit evil. Then we legalize evil. Then we promote evil. Then we celebrate evil. Then we persecute those who still call it evil…

The one-in-eight-hundred adverse-effect rate measures only immediate adverse effects. The long-term adverse effects are still unknown…

No Jabs, No Tests, No Virus, No Fears, No Problems…

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Australia has the highest levels of Excess Deaths… Globally… The statistics for Australia are especially shocking when you consider how warm our climate is… And the standard of living is quite high (housing, food, lifestyles etc.) which hinders flu epidemic’s…

Unlike the extreme cold and damp that people face in many other countries…

While on Australia… Our government hasn’t released the annual perinatal mortality data for nearly two years. Normally we get it every December but this year we didn’t get it until July and they’ve mysteriously decided to leave off mortality data for women and babies…

Something unusual is definitely afoot…

No Jabs, No Tests, No Virus, No Fears, No Problems…

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Imagine if 747s were dropping out of the sky at this rate. :thinking:

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Office of National Statistics comparison of excess deaths Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed

There is hardly anything more stupid and dangerous than putting important decisions in the hands of people who don’t have to pay a price for being wrong…


Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests Spiked In 2021, Study Finds…

What most striking is the lack of analysis of a possible correlation of OHCA case rates with the COVID-19 vaccination campaigns that started at the end of 2020 and continued throughout 2021 ,” Retsef Levi, a professor of operations management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told The Epoch Times.

Vaccination Impact?.. “Such correlation has been observed in other studies and since the authors seem to have access to comprehensive case-level data (e.g., medical records), it looked like they could have potentially done that,” Mr. Levi, who was not involved in the research, added. “At the very least the authors should have analysed the temporal correlation between community vaccination rates and the OHCA case rates.”

Mr. Levi noted that the number of events was primarily grouped in the pandemic and pre-pandemic periods, apart from one graph in the supplementary content, which showed the year with the most events was 2021. “It is not even clear if there is an increase in 2020 compared to the baseline, or the entire increase is observed in 2021 ,” Mr. Levi said.

No Jabs, No Tests, No Virus, No Fears, Still…No Problems…



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The CDC’s COVID Booster Strategy Is Failing… Less than 3% of eligible Americans have gotten the new booster this fall. That’s down from last year’s Abysmal 17%…


(Click on image above to read the story courtesy of the Washington Post from 18/10/23)

Every reason for the poor uptake has been put forward that can possibly be thought of has been published in this article… All except one…

The secrecy and stealth about vaccine injuries and poor health outcomes post COVID Boosters have citizens staying away in their millions… And it’s a situation that is happening right across the Globe…

No Jabs, No Tests, No Virus, No Fears, Still…No Problems…