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@Falstaff But Governance across the West is very broken and needs major repairs…

I agree… "There is something fundamentally wrong with the “Party system” of “Democracy…” We have the same issues here in Australia… Although it is only the Leftist Political Parties here that demand that all members’ of the Party vote with their Leader…

Where as Right Wing Parties members’ are free to vote with their conscience and constituent’s…

It’s what is making Left Wing Governments so dangerous and powerful in the modern era… It’s almost like a Westminster form of Jihad…

Where the Left will fight to the death… Be the cause right or wrong…


@dushimes Yep… It’s hypocrisy101… I have some wealthy friends that live in the United States… Democrat “Joe can do no wrong” supporters who fled from Pasadena (California) to Austin (Texas) when the shite started to hit the fan…

Another couple who got multiply jabbed that don’t even want to talk about vaccines or politics anymore because it’s an inconvenient truth they would rather avoid…


I hope people who went along with lockdowns and vaccinations watch this and take it on board…

In Australia, you were threatened with jail time and huge fines if you faked your vaccination passport, so I faked my passport with photoshop so I could go out to dinner or just buy a coffee in a cafe…

Worked every bloody time…

The worst part was permanently damaged friendships and relationships, which were perfectly healthy before this BS began…

Early in this thread a few of the truly gullible swallowed the “Follow the Science narrative…” Hook, Line and Sinker… Proving just how many citizens were unable to think for themselves…


I find the ‘worst part’ is the confirmation of what a dreadful judge of character I was in the first place :upside_down_face:

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That’s absolutely right :exclamation:

You only have to look at the sentiments expressed all over the web (like those in this post, just above, in this very same thread!) to understand how tens - if not hundreds - of thousands of people worldwide, in similar family situations to that of @TruncatedUsernam , also had relationships with former friends who turned out to be crazy antivaxxers permanently damaged. :disappointed:


@S_Jane_M You’re in the wrong thread… Proof, facts or Data are required before anything’s taken as gospel… Unlike many other threads… Unsubstantiated opinion won’t cut it here…

TruncatedUserman’s tales of death and destruction is a little to hard to take seriously. …

His family’s Pandemic history reads like a scripted speech at a Pfizer or Moderna Sales Seminar…

If you bother to read the thread in it’s entirety… You’ll see there is plenty of all three component’s… Proof, facts and Data rather than fallacies, fables and fairy tales… Enjoy.


Excess Deaths in the United Kingdom… Midazolam and Euthanasia in the COVID-19 Pandemic…]

It was only a matter of time until Dr. John Campbell would cover this matter…This has been a scandal since the very beginning of the pandemic…

Peak Prosperity did a breakdown of this a year ago… “Midazolam Murders - when a common sedative becomes an execution drug”…

Citation: Wilson Sy (2024) Excess Deaths in the United Kingdom: Midazolam and Euthanasia in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Medical & Clinical Research, 9(2), 01-21.

Macro-data during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom (UK) are shown to have significant data anomalies and inconsistencies with existing explanations.

Midazolam & Morphine… A deadly concoction… Those poor elderly people didn’t stand a chance… Overdosed & dispatched with COVID-19 on the death certificates…

People died from the fear mongering and trusting their healthcare professionals… The only thing being cured in this instance was Government’s pension liability… No wonder why they don’t want to talk about it in the UK Parliament… They never speak of it in the United States or Australia either.

Facts and Data rather than fallacies, fables and fairy tales…

Peer-Reviewed Study link below…

Citation: Wilson Sy (2024) Excess Deaths in the United Kingdom: Midazolam and Euthanasia in the COVID-19 Pandemic… Medical & Clinical Research, 9(2), 01-21.


I’m surprised, but not surprised.

Thanks for sharing!

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@S_Jane_M Ohh dear… It appears your playmates have been pinged for Sock Puppeting…

These three self appointed “Experts” TruncatedUsernamPipsteriod and JohnOptimist have been removed from the building…

It was obvious to those paying attention in this thread that TruncatedUsernam’s Post was absolute rubbish from the get go… And you were silly enough to ramp his BS in a Booster post of your own…

This thread is for Facts and Data rather than fallacies and fairy tales

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When it comes to big pharma anything possible, Their stranglehold on America cannot be broken, who will stop them.

This documentary was first released in 2012.

To sell a cure, first you need to sell the disease. According to some research, pharmaceutical companies are medicalising normal conditions, like the menopause, promoting non-existent diseases, and transforming mild problems into serious conditions that need treatment.

How To Sell a Fake Disease (And Then More Drugs) | Big Pharma Documentary


I’ve been thinking about this quote lately. Keep in mind how most people think. I used to think only high school elections were a popularity contest. But Presidential elections aren’t much different.

Also, people are very emotional and easily influenced. A political event will happen, then CNN and Fox news will tell very different narratives. Each side thinks the other side is wrong, without realising they’ve both been emotionally manipulated.


@dushimes Exactly the case… Mainstream Media has been weaponised… Unfortunately many global citizens cannot see reality through the narrative’s

As @Falstaff has rightly pointed out in many of his posts… What we are seeing is the Madness of Crowds… Just like Lemmings, the AVERAGE VOTER will follow their fellow citizens into the abyss without really thinking is it right or wrong…

Safety in numbers… As the chaotic response around the Pandemic has just proven…Mankind is not far removed from the pack animals we supposedly evolved from a few millennia ago…

That’s what this thread is all about… A developing realisation over the last 4 years of how gullible we have been to believe everything we have heard… And nothing of what we have seen…

I currently identify as a Conspiracy Theorist… My pronouns are TOLD / YOU / SO


This is what happens after the fact, when the truth has become overwhelmingly clear.

It reminds me of the quote, ¨it’s easier to lie to people than to convince them they’ve been lied to¨.

Perhaps this is because, at the beginning of the event we make a decision. Later, because we don’t want to admit to being wrong, we hold on to our original position more fiercely. And once we realize there’s no escape from being wrong, we’d rather just stick our head in the sand and pretend like the whole thing didn’t happen. ¨Would you just let it go!, is what we’ll say when the shame kicks in. It’s easier to say that than to say, ¨I was wrong.¨


@dushimes Yes…

I’m no Antivaxer… This whole situation was suspect from the start…

  • Vaccines skipped many of the trials that have been put in place to confirm efficacy and safety…

  • Vaccines data and trial information was withheld from Health Officials and still is to this day…

  • Vaccines Manufacturer’s wanted the trial data unavailable for publishing for 50+ years…

  • Vaccines Manufacturer’s wanted total indemnity against death and injury of vaccine recipients…

  • Vaccines had Emergency Authorisation only…

  • Emergency Authorisation only granted when no other effective treatments against said Virus…

  • All other treatments for COVID19 were constantly vilified by Health Officials and the Media…

  • It was obvious early on that Governments had no idea what to do so just followed jurisdiction’s ahead of them on the pandemic curve… Right or Wrong… Human Rights be damned…

  • Scientists… Immunologists… Doctors… Nurses… Anyone… That spoke up against the vaccines were instantly censored, vilified and cancelled…

And now so many that lined up for the jab(s) refuse to admit they just followed their peers without a thought or a care… Many may have died or been injured just to keep their employment…

Unfortunately for many… Early on AstraZeneca was the vaccine of choice…

“The Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide, months after the pharmaceutical giant admitted for the first time in court documents that it can cause a rare and dangerous side effect…”

There is a lot of negatives surfacing during the discovery phase of the Class Action against Astrazenaca which will be in the UK High Court late 2024… Early 2025… It doesn’t look good…


Good point - and so true(ish) - As you may know here in the uk - they discharged people with covid directly into “care homes” - No appeal - No visitation to the “care homes” by relatives etc - just all took place behind closed doors and of course many residents died - not even able to be admitted to hospital for treatment - by law !

Now our “PM” Sunak has reduced “National Insurance” and given much notice that instead of increasing tax allowances - he intends to continuing to do so.

NI was started to provide Welfare for teh populus “From the cradle to the grave” - ie to fund teh National Health Service and to fund the pensions when people reached “Retirement Age” - but instead of investing this income the various Govts just spent it like it was theirs to spend ! and “Pensions” got funded from General taxation at the time it was needed. Unless you were part of the Parasitic class (Govt employee, Local Govt employee, Post Office, Utilities, Police, Army Air Force etc etc - when spacial Pensions were a part of your conditions of employment and many were given “Final Salary Pension Schemes” - ie whatever your final (maximum) salary was - you got paid that for teh rest of your life)(Inflation proofed) All again funded out of “general Taxation” So I have a neighbour who “worked for a water company” and is on a “Final Salary Pension” in addition to his State pension and of course he could retire at 60 so the upshot is he is well into his 90’s now and literally “Rolling in it” - I only worked for private companies and myself so just have State pension and what modest savings I managed to make, plus whatevr I can “find” in side hustles. - Net result - this pratt likes a life of Riley and my taxes PAY for him. I asked him what he did for “the water company” and he somewhat sheepishly told me that for 30 years he was a “gardener” !

Nothing wrong with that of course - but Jeez the unfairness of these parasaitic “Public Service” employees - is totally busting the uk !

Now as I said - Sunak is reducing NI - he has also brought in a dictate that the banks have to inform “THE STate” if anyone in receipt of payments from DWP (dept work and pensions) has any income apart from their DWP payments (or savings over £10k) and no doubt the “Big State” plan is to Make pensions “means tested” - so if you have savings, own a house or get a part time job - your state pension will be stopped until you “Own nothing and be happy” - Naturally the “pensions” of teh Parasites referred to earlier will render them imune to this as their income is way greater than what they could lose.

And almost half of our population is a part of this Parasitc “Public Service” system !

There is no way the uk can survive this ! and the rest of the EU is in at least as dire a state !


Vaccine hospitalization mortality - does the narrative stand?

Video discusses a rare paper that looked at the survival of COVID-19 vaccines vs non-vaccinated after hospitalization and see how the results compare with the preferred narrative that COVID-19 vaccination still protects against severe outcomes…

It also touch’s upon an older study of animals vaccinated against SARS-1 to help explain the results…

They had the autoimmune issue / problem data from SARS 1 yet they pushed full steam ahead with the “Safe & Effective” marketing regime…

Most people are vaccinated and avoid discussing the topic… We broke the golden rule of never ever ever mass vaccinate into a pandemic… And now highly vaccinated countries are going to wear the dire consequences…


Fauci’s stunning admissions about the ‘science’ of social distancing, COVID origins the lab leak and his personal emails: The takeaways from his bombshell testimony in Congress…

Fauci confirmed during Monday’s hearing that the lab leak theory - the idea that COVID began at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) - is a real ‘possibility…’

  • Fauci says ‘no science’ behind six-foot social distancing rule…

Fauci testified before the body behind closed doors that he was not sure where the six-foot social distancing rules came from, telling committee lawyers that rule ‘sort of just appeared…’

  • Fauci admitted that masking kids didn’t help prevent COVID spread…

The former NIAID director insinuated there was no time to do a study on mask effectiveness for children amid the outbreak, and therefore rules were adopted to cover kids’ faces - in many places for years…

HE is what crashed our world economies… His mandatory but illegal rules ruined the western world… China is laughing and thanking him for a job well done…

“You can feel the wheels are beginning to fall off the narrative right before our very eyes… And the massive pressure of millions of idiots trying not to admit they were wrong…”


Fauci’s wheels are ‘falling off’


This is nice to see, but unfortunately, Fauci doesn’t really care. The deal is done, he got whatever benefits he wanted out of this ordeal.

There’s no real punishment for him. Unless he’s going to jail or losing his PhD, it doesn’t matter. Testifying before congress is a slap on the wrist.

He was about to retire and decided to go out with a bang. And that’s exactly what he did. Now, he’s free to enjoy his golden years. He just put a cherry on top of his career’s sundae.

I guarantee he sleeps peacefully at night.

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And he was Awarded presidential commendations “in recognition of his exceptional efforts on Operation Warp Speed”

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