Cowabunga system MT4 indicator

Please can you download cowabunga system and install it on mt4 platform on smartphone apart from pc

will be looking in to this

Cowabunga Forex trend following strategy is a combination of Metatrader 4 (MT4) indicator (s) and template.

The essence of this currency strategy is to transform the accumulated history data and trade signals.

What’s the link? I cant find it.

This is the latest link, but it looks like you need a subscription now to download from this website. $50 a month!

Just read from the beginning. This is from 2007, post 36 I think. I haven’t had a chance to install the attached file, but the zip file has a mq4 file in there.


Didn’t work. I think I need the ex4 file which wasn’t in the any pair zip file. I haven’t found the ex4 file in the thread. Anybody have it?

UPDATE: I did work! I was playing around with MT4 some more and realized I didn’t refresh the indicators list! So right-click “Indicators” and the select Refresh. Duh! The chart changes with different colors. I haven’t confirmed whether the indicator is actually doing what it’s supposed to, but it runs. So progress!

Please mark help, how do I get the custom indicator on MT4?

Look up like one or two posts buddy.

Thank you !!

is it…working?

Did you give post #787 a read?

The two files you need are there. Grab those, unzip both, import the ex4 file into your Indicators data folder and load the template file (Charts options and then Template and then Load). Done!

This is related to exponential moving averages right? I am as of now using MACD with a lot of good probabilities, tend to use SMAs sometimes. Has anyone used this indicator effectively?

Amazing good stuff

The best part is, there are indicators for this strategy in both TradingView and MT4

hi, im new here. im sorry to ask this question; where to download the indicator ? i find it and the pages direct back to here. million thanks for help

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Got a link or two?

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Here are the ones for Tradingview.

Here is the forum section for the MT4 indicator.



Are there any screenshots for this indicator?


Dude, great share. I’ll check it out. Thanks!