Create wealth with my GBP/USD & EUR/USD signals! No losses. FREE for now

More eye candy :wink:


Guys, you have no idea about the amount of pips you can obtain by following Mikeā€™s advice!

Mike, you are my HERO!


Why, thank you Charlie! :slight_smile: Plenty of pips for everyone in our group :slight_smile:

Hi Mike, Another great week. Really like what youā€™re doing on your website too and your decision on donations. Youā€™re gonna alter the norms for the whole FX market signal business if youā€™re not careful mate, for the better too!!! Building trust amongst your group, awesome.

Dear ProsperityFXPro a.k.a Mike,

Another week has passed while trading with you, what a pleasure my Master!

No one, & i literally mean it, can believe how profitable, & the most important, enjoyable is trading with you!

The profit is unbelievable, yes it is! Over 180 pips for cable, 128 for fiber, & it is still counting!!

Even when we take a trade without your official signal, it is all inspired by youā€¦

If one day they will decide to assign a Master for FOREX, it definitely should be youā€¦

Enough of talking about youā€¦? I cant help it, but alright, allow me to put down some facts so other can learn & see the potential of our Master :slight_smile:

Last Wednesday, while in your skype room chatting with the team, there were a few members talking about the news & if it is going to affect our trade (your signal), i was scared to be honest, not only me i guess, as there was the US interest rate decision, & the speech after, & according to the expectations, the USD will get stronger, & we were long on cable!! Even though i was scared, i listened to the voice inside of me which was telling me to trust you & see what will happen. And i remember that you were there in the room that time, as usual, happy, relaxed, & confident!! watching us questioning your signal, smiling as if you were telling us, what the heck, Cant you trust me yet? & at 17:30 GMT that day, some kind of magic turned the market upside down, all the analyst, signal providers, brokers, etcā€¦ were crying i guess, & you were laughing eventually :slight_smile: i gave up all the doubts & decided to blindly follow your magic! or i prefer to call it science, because it is so solid to be questionable!

The other occasion this week was today, when you clearly mentioned (you even tweeted it) that cable will test 1.5681, & you asked us not to worry because we will re-enter with greater lot size. This was amazingly accurate, and we all were watching the struggle between bulls & bears, & we learned our lesson, & knew why you didnā€™t give us a re-entry but rather waited to see what will happen.

One amazing thing also i would like to highlight, your tweets. We could make a very valuable book on trading by using only your tweets as a reference! The above case, was tweeted with explanation on why we are taking half size trades, & what are the chances we re-enter again, & the amazing new t/p that was announced afterwards.

All the respect Mike. Thanks goodness we are trading with you. For the nice, intelligent, & expert person you are.

From the bottom of my heart, i wish you all the best in your personal & professional life. This is the least we can do considering all our gains.

P.S. Many thanks for allowing the donations in your blog, i really wanted this so badly. And if someone is using your signals without donating, just let me know, & i will know how to deal with him :smiley:

Sorry for being so long. Thats the least i can say for someone as beautiful as you.


Dear ProsperityFXPro

I was skeptical at first when I followed the signals I got stop out when I traded your signals unlucky for me but this week Iā€™m a believer I will carry on being a follower keep up the good work appreciate it very much beer on me īŒŒ cheers Mike



Great job Mikeā€¦ Still wondering how you gets these insane TPā€¦ Keep up the great work

Guys probably a lot of you have studied economics at school or at university, well the first lesson they asked me; does anyone know whatā€™s or who is the market? well after some years finally, I know the answer, Mike is the market! He decide where EU and GU go, if all the all world is sure that Euro will grow up but Mike say sell the Euro will fell! is incredible! believe me guys!!! Nothing to say, all my respect Mike good job and pips for everyone! was a nice week with you all!



Like most Iā€™m a busy guy and like most would love to create an additional income stream using fx.

Iā€™ve been following your signals on twitter - but to be honest Iā€™m not able to follow you as much as Iā€™d like - just a lack of time.

Iā€™m aware that you are registering as a Zulu trader - so I was wondering if that was the answer - I.e. I automatically follow your Zulu trades which means Iā€™m on all your trades without having to always be around.

I do have a couple of questions regarding Zulu automation and your style of trading:

  1. You tend to adjust TP and SL - could this also be done on Zulu ie would Zulu reflect all the necessary adjustments that you made to an order?

  2. You also take partial profits off the table - I presume Zulu could also facilitate this?

  3. As for Zulu - I presume itā€™s a case of paying to subscribe to your signals and leaving a deposit with them to trade - ie on which platform would your signals play out on, Zulu?

Many thanks,


Thank you for your message.

  1. Yes,

  2. I believe not - I will find out on Monday.

  3. I believe you do not pay zulu to subscribe - they get paid out of your brokerā€™s commissions.

Wishing you every success in your forex trading,


Thanks to you Mike I made 205 pips this friday!

keep that good workā€¦nice weekend and see you on mondayā€¦ :wink:

First of all, I would like to say that I have had a busy weekend and did not have much free time to setup screen shots with annotations to explain everything very visually. I am therefore posting simple annotated charts of where important aspects lie. More detail will lie in the explanations for last week. Hopefully by next week I will have these in video form so you will receive more information in easily assimilable fashion :slight_smile:

Last week was interesting. We had a few very good long trade setups on both pairs. We also missed quite a few of them LOL The coloured arrows in the charts all represent different timeframe entries, and their precise positioning depicts the exact timing of the entry. The circled trade on euro shows a trade we missed, the black horizontal line was a temporary TP for eur/usd - of course as explained before if we are trending and long of both pairs, the trend really ends when both pairs have reached their respective tpā€™s, so this trade could have been left open for longer for more profits.

There was also some confusion amongst traders with respect to adjusting the stoploss on the GBP/USD trade later in the week. The last call of the week for adjusting sl was intended only for the most recent trade at the time - not the trade that was entered two days prior that was well into profit by an excess of 100 pips at that time.

Furthermore, we entered once or twice last week and were stopped out with small sl - there was so much going on this last week that I lost track of the specifics. Regardless, taking all the trades we took into account we made a nice healthy profit.

Considering all these variables that surrounded last weekā€™s trading, and taking into account that the trend is not yet over, it is very awkward to be giving total pip values for last week. Instead, I will make a passing mention that the approximate total pips profit potential on all setups (including the ones I missed) was:

GBP/USD: 600 pips


EUR/USD: 1,600 pips

I hope all this makes sense to you. If it doesnā€™t please comment and I will do my best to reply when I get a moment to spare. Otherwise, rest assured, all will become far simpler to explain once I implement video explanations very shortly.

Best wishes, and hereā€™s to an abundant trading week ahead!


Buy eur/usd 1.3131 sl.1.3118 tp.1.333

Entry based on last weekā€™s 1 hour setup. We will add/reenter on a fresh setup of this week once it happens. We simply cannot let trades like this pass by as the sl is tiny and tp huge in comparison. So although there is increased likelihood of a stopout it is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things :slight_smile:

The most recent screenshot of our work together :slight_smile:

Enjoy! :smiley:

To our success,


Hi Mike, is the trade call still valid for EURUSD?

Hi Sabrina,

The long from last week - YES!
The long from this week based on last weekā€™s setup - NO.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes


Hi Mike,

Does it mean that the current valid trade call is:

Buy eur/usd 1.3131 sl.1.3118 tp.1.3330

Pardon me as I cannot seem to locate last weekā€™s.

Hi Sabrina,

I now understand what the problem is, my apologies.

I have been offering live signals via other channels and it is simpler and quicker to do things that way. If you are not part of our trading group then this is why you have not been receiving the updates. Please do not worry, however, I will be offering the same signals here on my babypips thread as they happen - albeit with a slight delay as it takes a short while for me to write the information and post it.

I wish you the very best in your forex trading career,

Wealthy regards,

PropserityFXPro :wink: