Create wealth with my GBP/USD & EUR/USD signals! No losses. FREE for now

Thankyou i will do that,when you post a new trade with the entry,s/l and t/p and i,m not able to get into the trade right away,what do you suggest i do not enter if the price has moved xxxxxxpips from your entry price?

You will need to use your discretion. One way to go about it is to proportionally lower your position size so that your risk stay the same as if you entered on time. Alternatively you can wait for a confirmation signal.

The choice, as always, is yours.

Wealthy regards,


Hi Mike,

EU any signal yet?
For GU, as itā€™s bullish as per your signal, would it be wise to long another 1 lot etc or stick with the original lot and be complacent? Thanks. U r da man!!

Hi Ultra,

For your benefit and for the benefit of others we 1. Only enter on a signal (this is called trading discipline) and 2. only enter on the pair that gives a signal.

Wishing you every success in your forex trading.


Hi Mike,
I have been following you on this thread and on twitter as part of my forex education. You certainly seem to have something going and you are an extraordinary communicator - well done! I reviewed your trades yesterday, long on both the GU and EU and am puzzled. Both of these trades hit your SLs early in the trade, 1.5667 on the GU and 1.3118 on the EU. However, subsequent posts appear to imply that the trades are still sucessfully extant. Have I missed something?

Mikeā€™s signals continue to be super duper - last weeks target of 5775 hit to the pip, followed by some profit taking, next stop this weeks target at 5970??!!

Ok Newpipseeker,

You seem to have missed what was going on:

As I explained to my group yesterday morning, the 1st two trades were based on last weekā€™s setups. We had to take them, even though I explained that there is an increased risk. These were both stopped out. The following entry on GBP/USD was based on a fresh setup this week, had only 2 pips maximum drawdown, and has so far been up to 124 pips in profit.

The reason why we had to take the first two setups was that had we not taken them and the market moved without us to TP, we would have missed the boat. So managing risk accurately we took the plunge. Does this make sense?

Wishing you the very best in your trading success,


for sure, mike makes a great job. heā€™s trade entries until now precise like a sniper. congrat.:59:

Simply the best. Mike is the best skipper to lead the traders in the right direction. I am still in shock and pinch myself when I see my trade terminal. He is exceptional and all its superlatives.

Thanks Mike for what you do.

Fx Mate

Thank you astock and freerprt :slight_smile:

We are having a pipstastic day today :slight_smile:


Hi Mike,
Just started following this thread last week and took trade yesterday on your signal, really need something positive to happen with my account as it has been heading south recently ( been trading live account for about 6 mths) havnā€™t managed to find my own grove as yet.
Thank you so much for your hard work and posting your signals
Wishing you a pippin good week :slight_smile:

HI Mike,

Could you post your EP also, apart from the SL and TP so that we know how far we are from your EP as some of us may enter a bit later. Thanks man

As tweeted I entered earlier on eur, 45 pips profit as of now.
However, the signal was not clear cut so I did not signal it.
Both currency pairs are forming patterns that have the potential to give strong signals. I will keep you posted - after I have taken the trades on my platforms and informed my trading group I will post the signals with SL and TP targets here.


Thanks Mike, Im on both your tweet and here :slight_smile:
Im worried when u said GU may retrace to 1.5683ā€¦seeing all those pips potentially fly away if it happens, hope not
When roughly would you expect GU to hit the super high TP? by Fri? Looking thru your Zulu trades, usually within 2-3 days.

BTW, EU any further signals to enter? Cheers bro!!

Hi Ultra,

That retrace on GU has become FAR less likely now. I cannot make predictions as to WHEN TP will be hit - I can only give you the entries, stops, tpā€™s etc. but WHEN the market reaches TP is up to the market.
I am expecting a powerful long signal on both pairs. A storm is brewingā€¦ :wink:

So far last weekā€™s gbp/usd long has hit over 303 pips in floating profit, Mondayā€™s trade hit just short of 200 pips and we are still looking to reenter both pairs. My eur/usd long from this morning has reached over 170 pips in floating profit so farā€¦ I can feel the energy in your trading roomā€¦ a real buzz! :slight_smile:

Happy trading, and happy pips!


Wow, Mike, you are great! Last night I took your suggested trade and now Iā€™ve covered all my loses on my new mini account! Thank you so much! Iā€™m more than willing to pay for your signals or even buy your system if you ever decide to sell it.

PS. please donā€™t charge me too much for signals since Iā€™m still a college student. Maybe a college discount? hehe :slight_smile:

Thank you very much again! I hope to see more great signals from you so you can really convince me to stick with you! :smiley:

Mike, is there a signal for EU?I long the earlier one you suggested yesterday but SL-ed. So didnt reenter yet as no signal from you. Cheers.

not yet ultra, only the special one i took this morning around 7am gmt

Hi Mike, first I want to say Thank You for you desire to help others. Iā€™ve been following your thread from the beginning and I am truly amazed. Iā€™m considered a newbie in forex, however; Iā€™ve been involved in stocks and understand the concept of technical analysis. I like your approach, very conservative and only enter the market when thereā€™s a potential for major pips. I consider myself conservative but your process works. I guess you made a believer out of me with your success. Congrats! Now down to business. I would love to follow you on Zulutrade. Iā€™m in the demo stage and Iā€™ve done pretty well with diversifying from other reputable providers. I searched for you ā€œfxprosperityproā€ and I revealed nothing. I presume that youā€™re not officially listed as you have not reached the minimum requirements. Iā€™m only have a week experience for Zulutrade so I want to make sure Iā€™m not searching wrong. Can you please let me know when I can add you. I have 24 days left on my demo and then I hope to go live. Thanks!!!