Create wealth with my GBP/USD & EUR/USD signals! No losses. FREE for now

Skype request sent. I’d like to participate in your free signal service. Thanks

Hey what is your blog i would like to get more information on your signals

Hi Figgahz,

I can’t really tell you - it would be seen as advertising on this thread. So here are a few tips to point you in the right direction:

a. Read some earlier posts - perhaps you might find it there,
b. You could always search my username on google? :slight_smile:
c. Ask other members on this thread.

Happy trading,


Mike… you are an amazing guy !!!
Just wonder… how you predict cent per cent right ???
hoping to learn from you alot !!

Extremely exciting signal provider. I’ve been following for three weeks now and never lost on any intraday signals. Short stops and beautifully long targets. XXXXX

Hi all, what does CCT mean?
Mike im cheking your blog but i dont know what it means, you got in GU? whats de TP and SL?


CCT = COUNTER-COUNTERTREND. So… we have a main bullish trend, but we are currently in an incomplete countertred - yet we get a reversal signal - that is CCT trend :smiley:

My current GBP/USD CCT sl is .5718 and tp. is a good 15 min candle close above .5806


Thanks Mike it was my first day on your Skype room today and took a nice profit, time to go and read those books your recommended

awesome signals; humble man. Gem. that is PFXP

Never thought about Trend within Trend within Trend. It is nuts…I mean, totally crazy; Mike you are incredible.

watching mike’s trades for about two weeks,very impressive, seriously,we all tend to doubt good things but make an exception here,check his trade history //u ll find it if u want// and u ll c it yourself…
whether riskier or prim trade, u ll know
great work

This is known as fractal. Many technical studies are based on this, such the Elliott Wave.

Counter-counter trend

yesterday, we had what i call a ‘counter-counter trend’ trade on gbp/usd. We also had some nice longs on eur/usd for a relatively quick profit.



nb. White arrows denoted profit taking.

How to get ur free signals? Im interestrd to try out :slight_smile:

Hi Mike,

I would really like to join your skype group can you advice what I need to do?

Thanks in advance


I am not allowed to advertise on this thread.

Please ask another member on this thread for help or try google :slight_smile:

Best wishes,



I am not allowed to advertise on this thread.

Please ask another member on this thread for help or try google

Best wishes,


PAMM account testing

I am not asking you to advertise anything . I just want to join you on skype.