Create wealth with my GBP/USD & EUR/USD signals! No losses. FREE for now

Understood and no offense taken. Thank you for clarifying.

One thing for sure at this point is this guy Mike does have something here worth paying attention to.

Yesterday’s T/P on EU of 1.25610 hit. Very nicely done, Mike.

hi Mike,
i am really very happy to to join here ur call is really fantastic can u plz tell me he how do i reach you…??
Thank and regards

Trade A: 184
Trade B: 141
Trade C: 139
Trade(s) D:
Trade(s) E:

Last two days’ eur trend

GBP/USD 20-21st june
Trade A: 150
Trade(s) C:
Trade(s) D:
Trade E: 50

You will probably recall that Trades D had not 1 pip drawdown :smiley:


Can we just add a bit of reality here. Yes you are having recent good calls but what you’re not letting people see is your losing trades. And can I just add you have blown up one account already…

Guys if you really want to learn how to trade rather than follow a guy who is AGAIN on the verge of blowing another account up. See you in 3 months when this is either starting under another Zulu name or the thread is dead.

This is a copy of the message I sent you; Hi Mike

[I]’'Hi Mike,

Just wanted to create some positive feeling and good will. There is no escaping the fact you have been struggling of late (at least according to your Zulu stats)

I don’t know what system you are using whether it be price action or something else but please step back and take a look at it.

You have a gift this much is clear and your positive attitude will undoubtedly reep rewards and positive outcome for you.

Please take a few weeks or so to look at your methods and see where you can progress.

I really want you to succeed and hope you take this as a positive message which it really is intended.

It takes a bigger person to accept something, however small, needs changing and change it to continue your journey and allow you to keep giving.’’[/I]

I know you have your faithfull followers and I’ve messaged you wishing you luck and to please perfect your strategy before putting signals on here…

To explain the screen shots below. First is your last account. Second image is some of your recent trades that you don’t mention.

Yikes? Mike, are those your trades in that screenshot?

Hey James,

How are you doing? I hope you have mastered trading and gaining your target of 1000 pips a month :slight_smile:

Regarding your post, we all know that some traders & some systems encounter failure sometimes, or this business would find its magical trader/system which will allow everyone to win!

There were some mistakes, i have to agree with you on that, but i would like to refer them to us followers rather than to PFXP. We all know that no one can be 100% certain in this business. I believe that we have forgotten this part and went with bigger lots when the market was so volatile and hardly predictable. There could be losses when you trade with PFXP, as the case with any other trader. But, i am quite sure those losses could be the minimum & the overall result will be very satisfactory if we apply good money management. This is what PFXP is doing now. Now, trades are being divided into smaller lots, profits is being taken at different levels, the possibility of a winning trade turning into losing is much lesser, & the techniques is being continuously developed & improved. I have been away for some time after suffering some losses due to mistakes (I) have made. I decided to relax a little bit and stay away from the market, & then tried to trade by myself but it didn’t work for me & that’s when i noticed that PFXP is improving and getting back to the old good days when his performance was phenomenal. I would suggest you to monitor his performance a little bit, or to apply his signals on a demo account, as that’s what he said in his Skype room, and you decide by yourself if it is worth the try. I strongly believe that although there will be losses, the reward will be bigger, and it could be much bigger if things in Europe is going to settle down and stop moving the market in an arbitrary way.

As what you have said, Mike is an extremely nice person, and a very good trader. His analysis and his way of reading the market and predicting its moves is something that you cant find with any signal provider on technical analyst. You have been there one day and i am pretty sure you know what i mean. For me, aside from the losses, i enjoy a lot trading with him and the team. It makes losses more acceptable & wins much appreciated. And i hope that his performance will remain steady from now on & the screenshot you posted will turn into green for the remaining of his trading career.



Thanks Mi Ki for a successful week. Keep the pips coming!! :slight_smile:



Yep doing very well thanks mate, ditched the indicators and learnt price action. Currently a consistant 50-80%growth per month.

I am so glad to see you learn to fight for yourself and having success.

On the question about Mike’s signals which shows losses, I think Mike is testing personally and only giving out the signals that are profitable. And with any trading system, there will be losses; at the end, losses don’t matter; what matters is increase in equity. [U]I am ready to take 10 losses of 20pips for 4 winning trades of 100pips. that simple[/U].

The way I see this is [B]Mike is fighting for the people who couldn’t fight for themselves.[/B] I see that is an exceptional thing. Taking losses for others and only giving signals that will produce results.

You can write anything you want here; I know that Mike is honest; sincere and humble beyond imagination.

[B] Have you ever helped anyone in trading? Do you realize how much pressure it adds when you have people counting on you? And how carefully you have to give out signals to the masses as losses are multiplied by the number of traders? [/B]

[B] Giving out signal is not an easy thing as it appears. [/B]

Are you ready for this?

You mentioned that you have 50-80% growth. Let me ask you the question of the hour.

[B]Are you ready to provide the same service as Mike does, by consuming the losing trades by yourself and only passing the winning trades to fellow traders who have no or less clue in trading? [/B]

Just think about that in this weekend and let me and fellow traders know on Monday.

btw, [B]I have the trade room contact info in my visitor message page; it is free and not a commercial service[/B].

How can you take on the losing trades for yourself only but pass the winning ones onto others?

2 technical entries long on eur/usd today: 1.2498 & 1.2489
2 technical entries long on gbp/usd today: 1.5557 & 1.5541

SL on eu are 1.2477 and 1.2467 respectively.
SL on gu stays the same from last week 1.5536 although strictly speaking today’s entry has a sl of 1.5525.
I envisage the higher-value sl’s will work in either case.

sir thanks for your trade from now i will follow u

Hi Mike, I had that same entry on the EU because of the Fib retrace on the daily chart. Thanks for the confirmation.

Same entry :slight_smile: thanks Mike…

FYI as I messaged last night/this morning we have exit EU/GU for profit and reversed. GBP’s 1st and 2nd short triggers were 1.5589 & 1.5588 respectively. My sl is at F1.5614 for these.

That’s great :slight_smile:

This group is fantastic. I like the people. Everybody is willing share their knowledge and experience!

I joined Mike’s group in skype just recently (June 14 to be exact). I was 1-week old in forex by then. True, people says alot practice in demo account first. I did that but only for first 2-days! I tried to open a live account and funded it with very small amount on the 3rd day. I thought learning is much more effective if it hurts and rewards you for real! Oh, I am bull-headed. Given a lot of warning signs, I am still brave to dip-in and very willing to learn in a hard way! Oh yes, I already lost 200usd on my first days!! But hey I chose this path, I wanted it to be this way while I am learning.

Luckily, I have found this group. I cannot believe that I have recovered my losses in 3days! Mike’s signal if I can use the term accurate here, I would like to!

I am so grateful to be in this group whilst learning. It is very profitable especially when you learn how to master Money management, the rest can follow.

Thanks Mike and the team. This is a wonderful group, very nice atmosphere. I am proud to be part of it!

More and more profits for us to come! :slight_smile:

Hello , I really like to join your group , Mike … Would you please guide me how to join u ? I like to get profits from your signals too and congrat to you for your success .

hi mike
im new here and i have add you into my skype.
looking forward to learn from all the sifu(master) here.