Creating contact

Hi everyone, I’m James,

I’ve been here a few months. I’m at a stage where I’m setting up my MT4 account, at the moment I’m stuck and could really do with some help….

I literally don’t know anyone in the trading world so any help or even pointing me in the right direction would be very very helpful…

Thank you in advance.

Please tell us what difficulties you need help on.


Hey Steve thanks for the reply,

So I’m just setting up MT4 and BlackBull markets on a demo account which I think is basically done but every time a put a trade on it says there’s no funds when there is and to check my parameters :man_shrugging:t2:

I just need a little help quickly running over it all to check that it’s correct.

Somethings is wrong somewhere but i don’t have a clue where lol :man_facepalming:t2:

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers Steve.

Hi and welcome in BP community :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey mate,

I just read your profile :ok_hand:t3:,

As you saw I’m new to trading and really want to make connections in this world.

I’m a firm believer you are who you surround yourself with.

Plus the help would be so handy haha.

If you can help in any way it would be very much appreciated :raised_hands:t3:

Even just pointing me in the directing as to where I can talk to other people trading.

Kind Regards.


As @dushimes suggested, finish the BP education section, it’s really good course as a start.

You are in that place :slightly_smiling_face:
When you have any questions, just post it ,:slightly_smiling_face:

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Cheers mate, yeah I’ve nearly finished BP which has been amazing!

I just need some help setting up MT4.

It seems as if I’ve installed it all correctly but it’s just not letting me put a trade on :man_facepalming:t2:

Describe your problem and send some screenshots, I will see what I can do for you

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what does your broker’s helpdesk say about this situation?

Hey mate,

So I followed everything on BP, everything has been fine but then when I followed their instruction to put my first basic order on my demo account it says this.

Thing is I have “funds” in my account, I just can’t figure it out…

Thank you :blush:

you don’t have enough money because you bought macbook pro :wink: :rofl: :joy: :upside_down_face: just kidding :wink: how much funds is on this account?

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If this is correct then I have that, but this is where Im new and not sure if everything is set up correctly

idk what happened but you can open demo account directly from broker

I thought that was what I had done as well, thanks anyway

I did try this but no joy, I’m definitely doing something wrong but I’m not sure what… thank you anyway

did you try open demo account from blackbull markets website ?

Morning, yeah so I downloaded blackbulll markets then mt4 from there… I followed everything on BP about mt4 but it’s just not working :man_shrugging:t2:

Fx market is closed during weekends, try to open transactions in Monday

Hi and welcome James,

Since you’re on a Prime account, make sure you’re placing your trades on the right FX pairs (ending with ‘p’). Go ahead and import the Forex Prime pairs into your MT4/MT5 terminal market watch:
