You know, sometimes things happen and all of a sudden you are faced with one of those “changes” in one’s life. There I was looking at the eurusd charts as usual - and has been “as usual” for a very long time - and I found myself not concentrating on them at all. Then the “thing” happened! The realisation was like a blow through the top of my head - “you are bored with this!”.
And that was it. I had to accept that I needed a change, something new and inspiring. Totally new.
And the end result was this. Starting to trade a commodity. Something that has a reality, a substance, a tangibility, something that one can study and learn about beyond just which way the price is going.
The oil industry had always fascinated me during my schooldays and suddenly the idea was born: Trade Crude Oil…but how? I know nothing about trading oil!
Hence this thread. I am a complete [B]Noob [/B]regarding oil. This is my learning journey into a new world. This thread has no specific purpose or structure beyond seeking enlightenment and experience in trading Crude. If anyone also shares an interest in this field then please feel free to join in!
But if you are [I]not [/I]specifically interested in oil then please do not post here. In particular, I am not looking for any of those one-line wonders so prevalent on this site advising me that:[I] " you have to learn to be good oil trading to make much profits but if not then losses will happen but otherwise it is good business and need a good broker" [/I]etc, etc, etc.
As I understand it, Crude is mainly traded either as futures or as CFD’s. Since I am only starting out on this journey, I am trading CFD’s. They permit smaller positions which allows greater flexibility on position sizing v. risk/reward.
Well there it is. I have changed all my charts and journals over to Crude Oil and three trades are on the books. But it is “slow as you go” with this and I really want to make it an “earn as you learn” experience.
[B][U]Technical notes:[/U][/B]
Sweet and sour crude
Heavy and light crude
Crude oil sector terminology
Tight Oil
[B][U]Country Profiles[/U][/B]
Venezuela[B][U]Who is Who in oil[/U][/B]
International Energy Agency (IEA)