David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

Hi David,

As a newbie, I am totally confused and don’t know where to start - learning due to all the Q&A’s from members of the forum that are no longer newbies but has been there done that yet still want to test themselves by posting questions that newbies like me would not understand. Anyway, thanks for sharing your experiences and pro knowledge. Hope to be able to learn - will follow your thread.

Can you tell I am interested in the psychological aspect of this method?
If price hits a great buy entry point, before “the crowd” comes on board, and then moves up, let’s say 100 sustained pips at a pretty steady pace, who is still buying at halfway up the move, enough to keep it going another 50 pips? Is it pro money scaling it in? Or is the crowd that powerful from raw numbers and dumb enough to keep buying after it’s already moved 75 pips, or more? I just want to know when the pro money stops buying and when the price action is changing to just retail.


Click this link

and download the pdf. Its all of Davids posts up until yesterday. Im going to try and update every couples days depending on my schedule. Just read it. Its a lot of info but no other way around it. You have to soak it in. MY advice is read it 2 or 3 times and then refer to the link again and see if there is any QA’s on there that maybe you have.

hope that helps

This is my view for London open…

FYI: I am using an slight variation of SMA… 120 and 240 SMA… just testing :slight_smile:



Mine should be same same as yours… zone around 1.2200 to 1.2250. the 100 sma and 200sma quite close to each other…
Hope i getting it.


QUOTE=mllanajr;376860]Hi David,

As a newbie, I am totally confused and don’t know where to start - learning due to all the Q&A’s from members of the forum that are no longer newbies but has been there done that yet still want to test themselves by posting questions that newbies like me would not understand. Anyway, thanks for sharing your experiences and pro knowledge. Hope to be able to learn - will follow your thread.[/QUOTE]

Hi. You have to go back to the beginning of the thread and play catch up, its worth your while, honestly this is the best thread ever

Thanx, I like this

Hong Kong was closed on Today due to severe typhoon

The very start is normally a good place to start from :smiley:


Offers are touted @ 1.5530-40 (1.5536 was Asia high) & 1.5550, so possible sticking points before we get to jump on board

Theres a lot of posts on this thread, maybe to much, and since being here its been a real busy time form me, hardly stopped.

A lot of the things I have posted have been repeated on many posts, and a lot of new readers are coming here all the time. And on top of that, I have hardly had the time to actually get my own trading done. I have done a bit, but not as much as I was doing.

I think it would be a good idea if I had a [B]2 day[/B] slow down period where I still post here, but just not as much unless I’m in between trades or have finished trading. That way it will let people do some catching up that are new here, but also allow the regulars to practice some more without new stuff being added for them to learn. It wold also allow me to do some trading.

Don’t panic because I’m not losing interest and I’m not about to go A-Wall. I will still be here on the thread and making posts, just not as many, I trust you guys will still be posting a lot as it will help each other, so I want to see lots of trades and charts ect ect from you lot and if possible helping each other, I will still jump in and make posts over the 2 days, but it would be cool to get a bit of trading done next 2 days before I start pushing forward with more topics and stuff.


My entries so far:

Long USD/CAD 1.01896
Short GBP/USD 1.55121
Short EUR/USD 1.21136

All positive so far :51:

I don’t blame you at all. You need a break. I will continue to monitor the thread and twitter. There are also a couple others here who are starting to get the concepts and are posting good charts. Thanks to all.

Thats fine David, it’s your thread mate and you are more than entitled to set the pace. You need to look after your interests first, take it easy.

No problems David, I would say your over due a break, you have been non stopp since we moved forums. I am really busy at work right now, got 89 mtrs of mirror polishing to do this week so I am limited to my trading. But I will try to post set-ups as I see them and help with charts, I feel I have a good grasp now of this trading using the 100 and 200sma along with the BB zones, but thats as far as I have studied since we started, and I have tried to master this simple method first. So I will be happy to help out.


What prompted your gbp/usd trade since we are not near a bbzone?

Personally I do not use the BB Zone and look for 1.2.3 setups.

On the 1hr or 15 min. Chart? What else confirms the trade? I am also wanting to use variations of this method myself.

Keep an eye on the audusd as price may now break the 200sma again to the downside, now this break close below is not to just sell, I wold then need to see a break test from below for a entry. If you also look at the 100sma on the 15min chart, price is breaking this right now as well. You could therefore use this 100sma for a break swing test with a 5min entry or a 15min entry. But as price has not yet reached my BB zone, we could still have a bounce back of the 200sma up to the 100sma on 1hr and the BB zone.

Thanks David and thanks to all the other guys who are helping us to learn Davids Strategy