David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

Yes, 15 min chart, everyones different, some have day jobs and find constructing the BB Zone tricky, I will use it down the line if my trades aren’t panning out, but so far so good using 1,2,3 on the 15 chart trading the bias from the 200 and 100 sma.

Did one silly trade last night on the AUD/USD and David pointed out the news event pending (price was not making lower lows on the M15 chart), he was right and I was stopped out above the 200sma.

Thats why this thread is cluttered - this thread is about the BBZONE & 100 sma&200sma - please try to stick with thread topic

Any dirty little order flow scalpers out there, like myself… I’m a dirty little flow scalper, its best if you just select a small group of pairs to monitor.

Personally when I do that, I only monitor the EUR/USD, AUD/USD, USD/JPY, and occasionally the EUR/JPY. But the first 3 are my personal faves to order flow scalp.

Trying to monitor to much flow will make you insane, it will I tell you, it will, it really will, is that Micky Mouse and Batman on my desk doing back flips? :29:

I tend to only scalp the flow early doors to mid morning, and only the first touch, after the first touch you have no idea how much flow is left (cash) at the level… could be a little, could be a lot, but the first touch of the session is where most of the bids/offers are being eaten up.

Check back at my 5 minute basic strategy flow scalping posts and examples from yesterday to see how to do it.

Any questions about it, just ask so I can test the ignore button!

No seriously just ask.

Thanks for the info. I Want to make the switch to full time trading. London hours start at 12:00am so I can’t stay up the night and still go to work, lol. I need to trade at other times as well.

looking for possible long usd/chf of retest and hold plus decent PA at 9900 or between 9885 and 9900. bids reported there + hourly 50sma + 200sma on 15m, + 23.6% fib + top of my BB zone…

A plea! - If David is off up country to find himself for a day or two :17: we need a little more discipline. Can I suggest that we:

  1. Make it clear which pair we are discussing.
  2. Only discuss David’s method as described by him (unless we clearly explain what we are doing differently each time we post eg Yunni1 in #665:D).

Sorry to sound like teacher but we could lose some of the great value of this thread if it becomes a free for all.

I beg your pardon Sir ? This thread is called “Technical analysis thread” and the BB zone is one of the tools in the toolbox and is not a Must, so please take a chill pill and back off as I have been following David since day one, thankyou…

To me this looks like the beginning of a down bias with the twissers starting to form, i could be wrong what does it look like to you

its in fresh air, not near the ma’s, or important fibs

This thread was designed to discuss a trading method, a method used by and explained by David. Posts on this thread are broadly meant to either ask for help with this method or offer help to others with this method. If the thread does not stay loyal to its origins it’s core value will be lost in the chaff (and it’s following).

I’m no moderator but I do see the sense in staying loyal to the principals of a thread.

Hi All,

I suggest we just post charts, and entry points if already posted a chart. This way there is absolutely no misinterpretation of your intentions. If you cannot post charts then perhaps you can comment on other charts if you see a mistake or opinion differs.

My crude light BBZ today.
Nice confluence 50 & 100, and f38 & f50.
Nice space between the 100 & 200 also for a decent ‘anticipation’ trade.

~a little worried that the big money was used up with the almost touch yesterday
~also this may still just be in a pullback on the daily uptrend.

Anyone have a different BBZ please post a chart & reasons & we can discuss.

Happy trading.

Agreed :)…

Reading the price on the chart with the sma’s, we now can see price seems to be finding the support and therefore I might now expect price to continue up into my BB zone. I am also seeing the same for the eurusd and perhaps the gbpusd also to rise.


Mine is the same area as yours

If we get some nice price action under the 200sma then I see good downside…

I think the issue lies with the fact that everyone else is trading/learning BBZs, as per what the thread is mainly about. If you post say your entry/exit, and do not clearly state that you are not trading BBZs (also include order flows / with trend setups which have also been discussed) then everyone else will get confused, and some will prob waste time by posting a response asking you to clarify.

If you state clearly on your posts that you are not trading the above then it should be fine. But then if you are doing that I don’t see the point in posting at all - as noone else is doing the same.

My 2 cents, and just an opinion.


BBZONE between Fib 50 - 61 - also contains 100sma & 200sma

Price tested the BBZONE and the 100sma yesterday and has been consolidating under the BBZONE for the last few hours

Direction - bearish
risk - just outside the resistance of the BBZONE

Sorry for no chart, for some reason unable to post one

Its a dead duck out there today folks… anyone got a spare £500 mill to £1 bill they can lend to get something moving. Maybe EURO or GBP.

A middle eastern fund sold £285 million GBP this morning, market moved a wooooppping 8 pips on the transaction.

Very low volume trade this morning. Need something to spur on some movement and start hitting flow zones.

Point taken, I am trading the system to the “T” except for the BB Zones. I will endeavour to post accordingly in future, thanks for your mature response.

EURUSD H1 attached
f38/50 (19thjul fib)
order flow offers 170 / 200
Technical level @170-180

I did have BBZ higher but then moved it down. Any comments would be appreciated.

Sorry if my post offended you, it wasn’t meant to come across like you took it.
The BBZONE is where the pro money is or expected be so in reality your not trading the system to the “T” .