David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

I got a new contact on an Asian dealing desk who is also going to start providing me with bids/offers next week. Cut a deal with him, so hes on trial for a month before I pay him a fee.

Well today I have been working in my workshop so only got to look at the charts every now and then, just come back after earlier placing some trades-

Buy on 15min eurusd bounce of the 100sma with a 1-2-3 entry target 200sma profit taken :slight_smile:

Buy audusd 15min on test of the 200sma 1-2-3 entry up 73pips

2 sells on the usdcad, 1st on expecting the 100sma to break, 2nd on expecting the 200sma to break
1st entry of the test of the 50sma, using a trend line break, more my price trading but 2nd entry on break of the low and 200sma.

When used correctly this works above the rest, really pleased with my entries today, watching price to buy low and sell high


Great thread Dave can u call it trending.

Just took a/u off 1.0315 70 pips cheers.

Monab24 PM me

Hope no one forgets the “chocolates” gift for Mr Draghi.

thanks joffie, this is great, entries with examples, that is really helpful

Yes, Mr Draghi even managed to break my streak :slight_smile:

Next time it will be through good analysis (hopefully) rather than a lucky news break.

Okay folks, as I said before… keep an eye on the daily ATR’s so that you know if there is potential movement left or not.

Also today was great for everyone, but do remember the very large moves were based on ECB Draghi spurting out BS. Not everyday are you going to see panic buying/selling in the market from other participants with these kind of large moves. A lot of the time your going to be taking less pips than what was on offer today, and also trades taking a little longer…

I don’t mean to put a dampener on things, but lets not get ahead of the game, still a lot of learning to do and things to understand.

Today is today… that’s fine, but then there is tomorrow and next week, and the week after that ect ect.

Gain confidence by all means that’s great, but don’t get to confidant as it leads you to being ****y, and that leads to losing.

Remember, there are smarter and wiser people out there in the markets that just happen to have a lot more money than everyone and me on this forum. Those are the ones who move the market, and the ones we piggy back.

Stay cool, calm and carry on sir! :54:

Yes, I think that this is too nice a day to invest any more time in front of the charts. Difficult to imagine that anything worth while will setup now until next week.

A walk with a cigar is called for. good afternoon everyone.

Don’t be to hard on yourself on that part… the markets positioned themselfs ahead of the comments. You took advantage of the price action and bias/trend to determine direction ect ect ect Maybe you were unaware of ECB conference today or not, but the market always schedules its self in the price structure ahead of such events.

I’ve been told that there is a pretty good sized OFFER sitting on the EUR/USD @ 1.2350. Will price get there… maybe, maybe not… But you can bet that the offer probably belongs to HSBC who happen to have that 500 million option barrier in place @ 1.2400 that we were talking about the other day… someones getting nervous about the high prices!

Expires Monday.

How many retailers do you think felt pain today with short on the GBP and EURO.

Too many. I think its better to stay out such days.
What is your opinion;

I felt pain! At least I was long the audusd as well! I am off to see what I did wrong with shorting eurusd during Asian markets!

just still not enough for the big ones

Okay folks, lets have a bit of fun.

What do you guys/girls think we will see price hit first [B]1.2400 or 1.2150?[/B] before Monday 15:00 NY cut. (Current price as of post 1.2300)

Also please give your reason if you can.

Your choice is…

A: 1.2400

B: 1.2150

C: None

how could you not “suspect” the EUR will go long if you longed the Aussie? these two are bound together. and I would see Eur/Aud sometimes. there were some signs in this month earlier that it will perform better thus far.

With only 25 mins until the NY cut and a 1.5700 GBPUSD option expiring today (Assuming NY cut). Perhaps we could see further bullish movement upon expiry? Price currently pressing up against it…

Well, I had a bad day only because I didn’t trade :slight_smile:

According to my analysis last night, I would’ve been long the Eur/Usd above the 38 fib…

But I started trading this morning at NY open, and the proverbial ****e had already hit the fan!


i would say with the large offers sitting at 1.2350 the price won’t go much further for now. price moved quite a bit today, daily ATR was fully used. i would expect a bounce back towards the 1.2150 level, the pretty much bottom of a correction zone in my eyes where the pro money once again can buy low and (possibly) push towards 1.24 (but not sure about that large move). so i would say it will hit 1.2150 first. also pretty sure that the push is short lived because of the reason it moved in the first place: in my eyes just words and no fundamentals. so this could possibly be an overreaction and price heated up too much, with possibly just retail traders holding it up now.

If i use common sense to estimate what price will be hit 1st, then i will say i don’t know…

For fun: 1.2400 so close so near so high probability… maybe???
