David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

How much is this Babypips forum worth?

I like it… I want to buy it as a toy.

mr, LORD, jefferson, sir…so I see big resistance at 1.2287 from previous support also, great reason to short EU…but if it rallies above that and does some bullish patterns, staying above that, would that change your perspective? Or would you just say “sit out till monday’s NY cuts”?

I appreciate that but that was another question. If bid levels are for example at 78.00 and price is at 78.20 and trending lower can we take it short to the level before we get out and scalp long at the level.

[B]“mr, LORD, jefferson, sir”[/B] That actually sounds good!

[U][B]My perspective is the bias is UP and the trend is UP, as per my teachings here on this thread.[/B][/U]

My short position as stated before is a fixed risk derivative based on a 78% chance on the ECB comments rallie reversing and being faded along with long positions taking profits and an option barrier @ 1.2400. Nothing more, nothing less… I clearly stated at the time that my bet was fixed risk, low risk, highly probability based on this, and that I was [B][U]CLEEAAAARLLLY A MUPPET[/U][/B] for going against the bias and trend.

But as my risk/reward is set: 1:5 and I have a historical 78% chance of success. Then I took it, if I’m wrong I lose £8,000, if I’m right I make £42,000. By the way, I can close the binary at any time during the life. I don’t need to wait for the 1.2150 to be hit or the binary to expire. I can close the binary right now or later… it will move into profit if price moves close/near the strike. Or stay within 0-16 which is my cost if it moves up… hence why its a fixed risk derivative.

traderjosh… please remind me what the question was and I will answer.

Yes you can take a short if there are bids below.

You can do anything that you want!


I would strongly advice against doing that!

As just because there are bids below, or offers above, does not mean price will reach them.

Trade the bid, trade the offer… stick to the plan!

Folks, you can go against my advice as much as you want, its your account and money after all, you do as you please.

But there is no point reading this thread, and trying to learn what I teach, to then turn round and change things.

Listen, its no sweat to me, I don’t need the money, my money was made in the city. What I’m doing here is trying to help willing to listen inspiring traders.

You want to listen and learn… great!

You want to listen and ignore and change things… I don’t care… I win nothing and lose nothing.

The question is… who will still be trading and making money from the markets in 10 years from now?

Choice is yours to make, no one is forcing anyone to do anything here.

Yessir Lord Jefferson. The greedy me was coming out. I was trying to outsmart the market. I will stick to the plan.

I choose to follow your advice to the T. I have tried things my way for too long. My only question now I ask myself before I trade is WWDD What would David do? I have 100% respect for your analysis. You have proven your metal here. When I find a “better” way I will leave and go blow out 4 more accounts. Order Flow trading is getting really fun. Easy pips and little risk. Thanks David errrrrr Lord Jefferson.

Hi Sir Jefferson.

I’m reading the thread every day. What you are doing here is amazing and very helpful! I’m trying to learn something!

Please, continue to post your daily analysis with BB zones/confluences and options barriers, is much appreciated!!!

Thank you Sir.

:50: Lord Jefferson… great!

Love that… my ego sticks out like a sore thumb…but hey :cool:

Seriously though, lets just go back to plain old David, Dave, Davie, or DJ.

pipzilla doesn’t like my cut-down bad language obvious. (still classed as Inappropriate Language )

3 posts edited so far. :21:

I will do my bit, and hopefully other members who have the grasp of things will also do the same.

15 likes in 15 minutes!..DJ the Terrible…Terribly Great! thanks for pointing that out, that’s why us good 'ole retailers would be losing as the rest of the 95%…BTW, $40,000 a day is over a million a year…with that in mind, I will keep following this thread…thanks again!

if i think about what i am doing then i loose money, if i just follow Sir Davids teachings then I win. Nothing more to be said. Oh thanks pip for always posting good relevent stuff for this thread

But what about when I have a losing day or two?

ps: I don’t make £40,000 per day… the odd occasion yes if the risk and reward is in place.

Some days you have a bumper day, other days go okay, some days go well. Other days you lose a bit.

As I’m now a home trader and no longer in the city, my average daily income from the markets… and it is an average only, is around the £3,000 - £4,000 mark.

I roughly do £15,000 - £20,000+ week. Sometimes more.

I’ll bet while you lose 22%, you trade more than once a day, and different kinds of trades at that…but losing days will happen for anybody-agreed…profitabilty is what matters, and I don’t need to say that you succeeded enough at that already.

Hi all, Dave (great thread).

I am going to post a chart below and would ask for comments , good or bad, as it’s a learning curve!

I’ve attempted my first BBZ (The little virgin that I am :53:)

What I’m looking at is a fib high to low and then using the converging MA’s (100,200) along with a HTF support at 1.2163 ish. I was thinking about to the base of the 100 SMA but then zone may have been too big?? Is my zones too big even with leaving this 100 SMA out??

I want to look at a pull back to this zone before deciding whether to join the bias or look for a bias change?

I’m aware this zone will need to be moved in the morning to reflect the overnight PA but if it was say 13:00 GMT and this was the current price chart available would the zones be what you guys would be looking at?

Ignore my post number, I’ve read from the start and I’m going through the PDF again now, but want some feedback good/bad to see if I’m getting this!?

Hope that’s OK and I look forward to trading with you all! (Making Pips!!)

Dave - Thanks again! :slight_smile:

Hi fiber

I will answer you shortly my friend.

Just having some food.

So will be with you soon, just incase you think I’m ignoring you.