David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

David you just posted a flow level on u/j of 78.05. This level was hit a little over an hour ago. Is it still in play? I didn’t know if you were getting late info. Thanks Dave…errrrr the honorable David Jefferson.

Hour ago ? I can’t see that on my chart’s really. ?

I don’t understand… I’m getting tweets and answering them?

78.05 hit over an hour ago?

On my chart, the last time 78.05 hit was @ 13:25 26th July UK Time.

My chart shows it pierced it at australia open 17:00

I’m going out on a limb here but guessing at some point it’s been Dave the Rave?

Trust me… you don’t want to know why!

To much money and in my youth (20’s) when I got the name.

Post your chart m8 so I can see.

Yeah I figured you would ask me to. The problem is I’m not at home and I’m relying on my phone chart. Lol does anybody know if you can post a picture here taken from your iPhone?

My USD/JPY Chart…

Probably quickest way would be to buy an Android?

Sorry, bad drunken joke, will shut up for the rest of the night.


Sorry I can’t post a pic at the moment. My chart shows a quick spike down at 17:00 it just shot down and then right back up.

Naw that was funny.

Why didn’t you say something before? I’m sure we could all chip in a couple of quid to keep you going :wink:


Damn! Can’t even keep to my own drunken promises.

I have the iPhone and love it… when it works… I don’t think siri understand the Scottish accent!

Took the scalp on the 78.30 u/j for 2 pips. It is now down 6 pips. I just didn’t want it to head to the other levels above and stop me out. I need to fine tune my exit method to get a few more pips. I guess that’s where opening a second contract comes in. Oh well, getting the hang of it.

They let you work in the city with a Scottish accent? ××××dy hell, it’s equal opps gone crazy!

Sorry, I really will a shut up now.

Double update:
Before anyone tracks me down and beats me, I’m allowed to say it cause I’m Scottish too.

Well I am feeling lucky today, so taken a much smaller Binary on EURUSD than David.

But odds are the same…

I am really enjoying all the information being used for entries and bias!

Keep it up everyone and especially David :32:

Ill post a few charts later today for everyone to comment on!


Secretly I wouldn’t mind losing my money on this trade for a chance of a 3day webinar with David :53:

[B]UPDATE On Article:[/B] US Senator Charles Schumer has asked Treasury Secretary Geithner to block the sale of Nexen to CNOOC until China improves the treatment of foreign investors, according to a draft letter obtained by Reuters.