David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

Seems GFPiping you are going to get your request!!!

David great tread you have going on here i love it but cnbc bro?:slight_smile: I cant stand those talking heads on cnbc except for Santelli, he is the only one that knows what hell he is talking about. Anyways good stuff from you here and on twitter cheers mate.

Hi All I made a PDF that is completly updated from this thread …however the order flow section will need some work Maybe someone can combine my PDF with the one made by Justin , I think Justins order flow section is more detailed…However other topics are more detailed on this one. it can be downloaded on this link… Download David Jefferson (Technical Analysis Trading Method).pdf 1.pdf from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way

Download David Jefferson (Technical Analysis Trading Method).pdf 1.pdf from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way

Thanks Dennis.

Might be worth watching on Monday :slight_smile:

To those who want some info on what options are, there is a very good (imo) series of short articles on options, including the greeks, here:

Options Basics: Introduction | Investopedia

I see David has a weekend project going… A blog. I’ll let him post the link. Will subscribe shortly.


Thanks HP. good read, i will make a pdf with all the option material from Davids thread
hopefully post it soon.

Guys i posted one PDF can yo see if we can mix and match…from both, maybe easier that way

Here is my EURUSD chart for Monday the 30th July.

The 100SMA has just made it into the 38.2 Fib, and thus why I have setup the 38.2 - 50 Fib as a B/B zone and not a correction zone.

I am still going through all the news from Friday as well the snippets from this weekend, but with all the options lying below the 38.2 Fib I do expect the EURUSD to enjoy a nice bear run down through the BB zone and towards 1.2100 area.

Then we also have all the hot-air from ECB which can’t hold without some action from the ECB which seems to be unlikely in the near future.

Please let me know what you think and let me know if I have made a mistake


aren’t you supposed to draw fibs in the direction of the market? i drew my fibs from the bottom to the top, and you seem to have drawn it from top back to the bottom. thus my correction zone is between “other” 38.2 and 50 fibs (the 61.8 and the 50 fib on your chart). but might be that i’m wrong. let me know pls

You are right, thanks for picking that up.

You draw from low to high in a upward trending market and from high to low in a down trending market.

Is the rest all good?

ya, looks good to me. how do you draw the labeled lines with the option barriers? i want that :slight_smile:

Can anyone comment on what are the bids/offers, or option barriers for monday to look at.

your chart is not so clear but if you have both the 100 and the 200 in the zone then its a correction zone and not a BB

that’s not correct.

“BBZone Summary
To make it simple for everyone…
A correction zone is an area where you expect price to bounce from, but if broke and held on the other side, then the bias will likely change… normally the 100 sma is the only MA located here, but not always .
A BULL/BEAR Zone is an area on the chart you expect price to bounce from, but if broker and held on the other side, then not only is the bias changing but also the trend… hence why its called a BULL/BEAR zone. Both MA’s are typically located here.
That is a simplified way of viewing both zones.”

if 100 and 200 sma are in the zone then it’s a BB zone

thanks fox

I added them manually :frowning:

But if there is an MT4 indicator for option calendar that would be awesome!

Also I only included Monday’s expiring options, should I add all week?

From what I can see, I would expect the EURUSD price to come down to around 1.2100 on Monday and be back at 1.2400 by cut on Wednesday.

your chart is not so clear but if you have both the 100 and the 200 in the zone then its a correction zone and not a BB

You can click on it to make it full screen :slight_smile:

As pointed out above the B/B zone requires both 100 and 200sma, whereas the correction zone just needs the 100sma.

How far back do you guys go to look for your key S&R levels?