David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

Closed a binary option early on short EURUSD, 1% risk became 7.6% profit in minutes :slight_smile:

USDJPY just missed my entries, and had to tight of a SL on Order flow for Euro, but luckily the strong upward push let me get binary option for minimum cost :stuck_out_tongue:



With regards to OF, when there is news such as ECB and rate cuts what do you normally do?

I feel I should have rather sat out the OF on euro, price did come crashing down but only after quite a large move upwards and through 1.2350, my SL was 1.2365 but think spread was quite wide.

The option at 1.2400 seemed to stop the euro pretty quickly.

Is my analysis in the right direction?

I am sure I will learn a lot on your course in the coming months.

phew it was nice, everything is about oil :smiley: now I think. Brent has only moved from 107.8 to 105.4 and now back around 106, just as it was. oh, world needs some other currencies, if not, we would have to bounce some more time the eur-usā€¦ and a colossal idea: why donā€™t they fix eur-us just as it was with eur-chf, which was a stupid idea whahhhaha

I would interested as well if David can explain weather to stay aside or trade it. I was looking at that level as well for a risk off triggered as draghi speech failed to provide information on the bond that investors where looking for and is good place to short that option with a protective stop loss. just my opinion of the trade. And David much respect and appreciation boss for this awesome resources to shorten the leaning curve for we newbees. We looking forword to learn from this thread.

sorry, everything is about the weakening, debt-packed dollar, and how it canā€™t fight with Canadian dollar.

Wheeewā€¦what a rideā€¦ just finished all 160+ pagesā€¦I think that there are some valuable teachings in hereā€¦and for that, David, I thank you from all my heart.

Now, i do have one negative comment, which I hoped during the reading of all the thread pages that I will not have to makeā€¦but it turned out to be trueā€¦

If Iā€™m mistaking, I apologize, but here are the factsā€¦

  1. Starting from the beginning I was amazed of what I was reading, it made a lot of sense, but it just had that feeling of too good to be trueā€¦I hoped that itā€™s just my self preservation instincts going wrong about it, but it was just something I could not shake
  2. A twitter account comes on, with live OF feeds
  3. Some guy asks about live webinars - very abrupt answer from David ā€œno way in hellā€
  4. David creates a blogā€¦
  5. David announces Live Training Roomā€¦
  6. Again too good to be true feelingā€¦
  7. Surpriseā€¦ Live Training Room costs 245 pounds :)ā€¦

2 questions from this
A. Whatā€™s a guy with an aggregate of 10 mil pounds assets, that averages 2000-3000 pounds per day, going to do with 245 pounds per participant?
and B. Why is a professional trader with an aggregate of 10 mil pounds assets, that averages 2000-3000 pounds per day spending most of his time here helping beginners? I mean reallyā€¦ It sounded too good to be trueā€¦and it seems itā€™s not trueā€¦

You can kick me now, bu I donā€™t want to offend anybody hereā€¦and I actually am not happy at all about coming to these conclusionsā€¦


for those who could not attend follow the chat , here is a part of it, I removed all the log in/out was 2 pages,
This is most of the conversation except I was away for 2 hours in the latest part.

Some gems in it, enjoy the reading


PS: the yellow part Are for myself to go back and read, no special highlight

I am sure you ll get your answers very soon.

Lookā€¦I hope soā€¦for my relief at leastā€¦
I cannot stress this enoughā€¦I feel that I have learned more from this thread alone than I have learned since I have been first become interested in FX trading.

But exactly what I didnā€™t want to happen, as I kept reading, actually happened. And the reason that I have written that post is that I actually hope that somebody will demolish my doubtsā€¦with some strong arguments, that isā€¦


If Iā€™m mistaking, I apologize, but here are the factsā€¦

  1. Starting from the beginning I was amazed of what I was reading, it made a lot of sense, but it just had that feeling of too good to be trueā€¦I hoped that itā€™s just my self preservation instincts going wrong about it, but it was just something I could not shake
  1. A twitter account comes on, with live OF feeds

Have you really read 160 pages ? David posted that, to keep the data in a structured order he will open a blog and post it there. Posting it here makes it difficult to find, cause of so many postā€™s by the memberā€™s.

  1. Some guy asks about live webinars - very abrupt answer from David ā€œno way in hellā€

Well , I just donā€™t know from where in the thread you got the statement ā€œno way in hellā€ā€¦He said ā€œI will think about it. But donā€™t take that as a yes or noā€¦ it just means I will think about itā€.

  1. David creates a blogā€¦

Yes, he created a blog so to teah more about OF trading, Cause posting about OF in here creates confusion for BB Zone method.

  1. David announces Live Training Roomā€¦

He did so cause many requested for the live room and i was one amongst them if u ask.

  1. Again too good to be true feelingā€¦

You never spoke to David nor you were in the chatroom. I donā€™t know why thereā€™s a too good to be true feeling.

  1. Surpriseā€¦ Live Training Room costs 245 pounds :)ā€¦

So you mean to say, it should for free ? and FYI heā€™s already teaching his methodā€™s through this thread and through the blog. The paid service is for those who can afford it and who want to get in-depth education of OF trading.

2 questions from this

A. Whatā€™s a guy with an aggregate of 10 mil pounds assets, that averages 2000-3000 pounds per day, going to do with 245 pounds per participant?

Personally, If i was making such money and had to teach anyone, i would surely charge something. Some people may give it for free and some people may charge. Atleast heā€™s not promising you filthy returnā€™s or such. I know few traderā€™s here at babypipā€™s who charge for teaching and few otherā€™s who teach for free and both are successful doing it. Itā€™s up-to the memberā€™s to judge if they are paying for the real deal or to some scam.


B. Why is a professional trader with an aggregate of 10 mil pounds assets, that averages 2000-3000 pounds per day spending most of his time here helping beginners? I mean reallyā€¦ It sounded too good to be trueā€¦and it seems itā€™s not trueā€¦

I can show you many other traderā€™s who are earning a lot and still teaching many newbieā€™s for free or for some charge. Itā€™s not mandatory that if you make millionā€™s, you shouldnā€™t teach or something. Dependā€™s on the trader.

And lastly, If you still feel itā€™s too good to be true, then just forget this thread.

Can you please upload and share link to your upgraded indicator.

Iā€™m glad it wasnā€™t just meā€¦

Hope Iā€™m wrong but well seeā€¦

same hereā€¦

Tanks a lot for the file! I hope you keep on posting them :slight_smile:

Quick question, where are we supposed to go to find the news?

Best regards!

Yeah, starting to look like nothing but a big dog and pony show aimed at snagging some newbies for some quick cash. Oh well :56:

I refuse to believe this was a lie. David come back with the free stuffā€¦ Come bacccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Iā€™m only going to make the one response towards the jealous clowns and fools who posted recently and now on the ignore list.

Jealousy is a very weak emotion on your part, what I have done here on this thread is provide 2 ways of trading the market. One for the larger swings and the second for smaller scalps.

Why did I do it?

Well this forum and many other forums are full of marketers that teach complete nonsense, so I decided to spend a little time, not a great deal of time, but a little of my time in showing a couple of ways to trade.
My blog was started because many people were finding it hard to stay on track of my posts, and the blog will also allow comments but in a more structured way.

People asked me for a live room, not the other way around, and I never said I had ANYTHING to sell, nor have I ever shoved anything down peoples throats. I was asked many times to provide a live room or similar. I made a poll on my blog to see if its what people really wanted, the poll is still there.

The 3 choices wereā€¦ based on the question, would a live room interest you?




[B]95% voted Yes

0% voted NO

5% Voted not sure.[/B]

I do NOT want to be a coach/teacher in trading as I main focus is trading. So I made it clear that I would offer a 3 month ā€œone-offā€ live trading and training program which I would run Monday to Friday for 3 months in order to teach the folk more advanced methods and order flow in a live trading atmosphere. Iā€™m not going to be doing another program after than, and Iā€™m certainly not going to be running a live room after that or doing another coaching apart from on my blog and here on this thread when time allows.

As I will be engaged in training over the next 3 months, yes, I charged a little one-off fee for my effort and time and resources. Is it a lot? Ā£245 for a full 3 months live trading and training everyday, thatā€™s around Ā£80 per monthā€¦ hardly excessive and over priced now is it? And the 3 month program is limited to 50 seats.

If I was doing it for the money, then I would have opened 200+ seats and charged a lot more.


I know how sad people are, and the recent posters which I placed on ignore are no doubt losing traders with a chip on their shoulder, I even have suspicion that they are from the original forum and also think I know who one is.

If you want to waste your time being a troll on a forum, by all means knock yourself out. It doesnā€™t affect me in the slightest. I will have a chuckle at you while Iā€™m buying my new Aston Martin this weekend and your busy licking your trading loss wounds.

Now can we get back on topic here. Or are we going to waste time and energy talking to complete and utter morons with NO future?


David, I was not able to join the 3 month course due to financial reasons but I will say that you are within your right to charge for the room. I donā€™t think the price is excessive. This morning I was in the chat room and you were giving excellent advice and analysis for FREE. I took a few trades and made a few pips. Thanks for your continued help. TJ

Guys i really donā€™t understand youā€¦ David has been teaching us so many things hereā€¦ And by so many things iā€™m talking about serious, heavy and professional ways to analyse charts and data. Take the BBzone for example, Iā€™ve been applying this to my trades and guess whatā€¦ i havenā€™t lost any in 2 weeks ! And what did he ask for this knowledge ? Well yes the answer is NOTHING !!.. So please guys try to think before posting nonsense.

Now you think Ā£245 is expensive for 3 months ?? Well last time i check for a seminar/webminar by a ā€œreputedā€ pro trader it was 6000 ā‚¬ for 2 fckng days !!! (6000ā‚¬ = 7300$ = 4700Ā£) and let me tell you that it wasnā€™t limited at 50 seats !.. You have to understand, as well, that each time David comes here or on the blog heā€™s loosing a lot money so think about everything and tell me if charging this small fee is scamming people ? Seriouslyā€¦

And a last thing, David politely asked at the beginning of this thread to email him directly if you had any problems in order to keep this thread clean for people willing to learnā€¦ Thank you !

I agree with the sentiment here. The BBZone analysis alone helped me increase my winning rate by 70%. So for that, Iā€™m already very thankful to David and likewise, to everyone else who have made this thread the well of knowledge that it is now.

I think it is unfair to suspect Mr Jefferson.

Those who donā€™t like this thread can just not read it.

He has no obligation to teach anyone.

In my opinion he might have already invested much time to help other traders (posts, emails, blog, chat, preparing stuff, etc ā€¦) and he asked nothing in return.

Furthermore he did not promise to participate to this thread for ever.

Reading the bad posts reminds me the reasons why I made only 20 posts in 2 years.