Daylie easy pips

Hi everyone, who wants to make pips with me.

I don’t want to speak so much about me, but only this shortly: I study now for 3 years Charts, bought countless online courses, strategies, indicators….And that was good, because I learned from this. Also when 95 % of this thinks I don’t use actively, but knowledge is the most important thing in trading… I spent countless days and nights to understand the market. I don’t want write too much about this things now, but you have to know, that there are some important things or knowledge, what 95 % of the traders don’t know, which you also never will see in any training course. To understand deep things in forex you have to speak with people who are working for banks. The big institutional traders and the banks they trading not like the small traders as you and I. They using tools which we don’t have. They analyses the volume in detail. They trading futures and they have such things like cluster or delta charts and many other tools. If you want to understand the market I can give you a tip: google and learn about futures and volume analyses. We, as the small traders can only trade profitable, when we know in which direction the big players wants to move the market. And when there is a big player in the market, then we have to understand in which direction they want to move the market.

I have a family and a fulltime job as mechanical engineer, and because of this I can´t sit the whole day in front of the PC. This was the reason, why I searched a trading method which is clear, has good results and I can trade every day. Also I think that a good target isn’t to get rich. Money doesn’t give a better life. The target is to earn easy money to have more time for the important things in life :wink:

I found a very profitable way for this. I offer you for free for now my signals. I will write you all trades, which I do. So if you copy my trades, you will have the same profits and losses as me.
I only trade one time a day. I live in Germany and I trade every evening before I go to bed. I try to post every day 22:00 GMT my trades. The most time it will be pending orders, because I use price action strategy together with daily levels. If the trades are triggered, they mostly good for 50 to 70 pips. Because of this it´s very easy. You set the pending orders, stop and tp what I tell you and thats it. You don’t have to manage the trades. Sometimes I will close some trades earlier because of news or good profit and new levels, then I will post it. Every step I do I will tell you. Sometimes there are no trades. Then I also don’t trade. Better sometimes not to trade, as to overtrade or to lost much money. Also please, don’t think that every trade will be a winner. To lose is part of the game, but we will earn more than we lose. That is important. I want to recommend you to trade at first my signals in demo account. When you see that it works and you are confident you can trade with your live account. Please use a good money management. Never risk more than 1 % of your balance. And dont forgett: You are responsible for everything you do :wink:

At the moment I´m working on a second strategy and when I made enough backtesting I will post the signals also.

[B][U]NEW: Please look at page 32 latest posts and 33 ;)[/U][/B]

Let’s start. I wish everyone a pip full year 2014!

Trades for today 10.03.2014:

BUYSTOP USDCAD 1.11299 SL 1.10877 TP 1.11721 - Move SL after 20 pips to BE
BUYSTOP USDCAD 1.11299 SL 1.10877 TP 1.11499

If you have small Spread on EUR/TRY:

BUYSTOP EURTRY 3.08281 SL 3.05866 TP 3.10796 - Move SL after 100 pips to BE
BUYSTOP EURTRY 3.08281 SL 3.05866 TP 3.09696

Use at your own risk! I wish you a pip full week friends :wink:

Results from yesterday:

USDCAD: - 84,4 pips (this trade was very close to trigger, for me not triggered)
EURTRY: + 393 pips
[B][U]Sum 10.03.214 + 308,6 pips[/U][/B]

Trades for today 11.03.2014:

SELLSTOP GBPCHF 1,45768 SL 64 pips TP 64 pips Move SL after 30 pips to BE
SELLSTOP GBPCHF 1,45768 SL 64 pips TP 32 pips
SELLSTOP AUDNZD 1,05834 SL 77 pips TP 77 pips Move SL after 30 pips to BE
SELLSTOP AUDNZD 1,05834 SL 77 pips TP 38 pips

Use at your own risk! I wish you a pip full week friends :wink:

[QUOTE=“EasyPiper;611462”]Results from yesterday: USDCAD: - 84,4 pips (this trade was very close to trigger, for me not triggered) EURTRY: + 393 pips Sum 10.03.214 + 308,6 pips Trades for today 11.03.2014: SELLSTOP GBPCHF 1,45768 SL 64 pips TP 64 pips Move SL after 30 pips to BE SELLSTOP GBPCHF 1,45768 SL 64 pips TP 32 pips SELLSTOP AUDNZD 1,05834 SL 77 pips TP 77 pips Move SL after 30 pips to BE SELLSTOP AUDNZD 1,05834 SL 77 pips TP 38 pips Use at your own risk! I wish you a pip full week friends ;-)[/QUOTE]
Great signals, thank you

@ curious_user: I hope I can help user to be sucessfull :wink:

Results from yesterday:

GBPCHF + 96 pips (if it not triggered tp for you close know!)
AUDNZD + 77 pips until know (close know!)
Sum 11.03.214 [B][U]+ 173 pips[/U][/B]

Trades for today 12.03.2014:

BUYSSTOP EURGBP @ 0,83735 sl 50 pips tp 50 pips - move sl after 25 pips to BE
BUYSSTOP EURGBP @ 0,83735 sl 50 pips tp 25 pips
SELLSTOP CADJPY @ 92,005 sl 80 pips tp 80 pips - move sl after 35 pips to BE
SELLSTOP CADJPY @ 92,005 sl 80 pips tp 35 pips
SELLSTOP AUDCHF @ 0,78204 sl 58 pips tp 58 pips - move sl after 25 pips to BE
SELLSTOP AUDCHF @ 0,78204 sl 58 pips tp 25 pips
BUYSTOP XAUUSD (GOLD) @ 1370,75 sl 254 pips tp 254 pips - move sl after 110 pips to BE
BUYSTOP XAUUSD (GOLD) @ 1370,75 sl 254 pips tp 110 pips

Use at your own risk! I wish you a pip full day friends :wink:

Good morning friends! Please close XAUUSD (Gold) trade now, because there is a momentum brake to the downside on 1h chart. Be carefull!

Change EURGBP Trades: move sl to 0,83420 please because of negativ momentum brakeout.

Results from yesterday:

XAUUSD(Gold) triggered, but we closed on be
EURGBP -63 pips
CADJPY is still open. Let it run.
AUDCHF not triggered. Delete pending orders.

Sum closed trades 12.03.214 [B][U]-63 pips[/U][/B]

Trades for today 13.03.2014:

SELLSTOP USDJPY @ 101,532 sl 132 pips tp 132 pips - move sl after 30 pips to BE
SELLSTOP USDJPY @ 101,532 sl 132 pips tp 30 pips
SELLSTOP EURNZD @ 1,61922 sl 120 pips tp 120 pips - move sl after 30 pips to BE
SELLSTOP EURNZD @ 1,61922 sl 120 pips tp 30 pips
SELL Gold now! @ 1370 with small sl @ 1376 and tp @ 1360

Use at your own risk! I wish you a pip full day friends :wink:

Hi everyone. At first the results from yesterday:

CADJPY + 115 pips
USDJPY + 50 pips (inclusive the one which is still open at + 20 pips – close now before weekend!)
Gold - 60 pips

[B][U]Sum closed trades 13.03.2014 + 105 pips[/U][/B]

Delete all not triggered pending orders.

Here the results for this week were:

10.03.2014 + 308,6 pips
11.03.2014 + 173 pips
12.03.2014 - 63 pips
13.03.2014 + 105 pips

[B][U]Sum this week + 523,6 pips!
I hope you can see how easy trading can be, without spending too much time. Of course this was only one week, but you will see that my methods working. I hope also after this week you can trust me and follow further my signals :wink:

And now I wish everybody a nice weekend. Enjoy with your friends and family. See you next week.

Thank you for offering your signal.
What means by “move sl after 20 pips to BE”?

Guten tag,

da ich nicht raus finden konnte wie man eine Pm schreibt schreibe ich einfach im Thread^^

ich finde deine Performance sehr gut und wollte fragen ob du dir vielleicht die zeitnehmen könntest und deine Strategie vorstellen könntest.

danke schonmal:)

Hi all together,

thank you for the positive feedback.

@Nighthawkns: BE means Break Even. Move Stop Loss to Break Even means, that you move the stoploss to the point, where your stop turns positive. It is the pending order trigger point plus spread.

Here you see a example picture from CADJPY SELLSTOP trades from last Wednesday. When I give you a signal, then it would be everytime good to buy 2 trades or pending orders. The first trade with full take profit and the second with half of the full take profit. In our example the full tp (first trade has 80 pips) and the second trade only 35 pips. After reaching +35 pips move stoploss to BE (Break Even),

I appreciate your explanation. I will keep following your post.
Good luck trading!


auf Deutsch ist es einfacher, aber für die anderen werde ich später den Text übersetzen :wink: Also meine Strategie beinhaltet mittlerweile viele Aspekte und es ist nicht so einfach, auf die Schnelle alles zu erklären. Außerdem trage ich mich mit dem Gedanken, meinen Service zu komerzialisieren und will deswegen nicht gleich alles raushauen, was ich mir über Jahre hart erarbeitet habe. Ich arbete momentan an einer Website, auf der ich den Signal-Service sowie meine Strategien entgeldlich anbieten möchte. Ich denke das ist auch nur fair :wink: Aber trotzdem will ich Euch natürlich helfen. Prinzipiell habe ich herausgefunden, dass es ein paar wenige Handfriffe erfordert, um den aktuelle Tendenzen im Markt zu entdecken und zu nutzen. Wichtig dabei sind für mich:

[B][U]Levels [/U][/B]

Ich schaue, wo liegen Reversal Points im Chart. Tägliche Min und Max Levels sowie Widerstand und Unterstützungslinien sind das A und O! Gleichzeitig spielt das Volumen eine große Rolle. Z.B. : Im Chart ist ein deutlicher Aufwärtstrend zu sehen. Mit [B]großem Volumen[/B] ergibt sich ein neuer Peak bis zu einer Widerstandslinie oder sogar kurz darüber hinaus, schafft es aber nicht sie dauerhaft zu durchstoßen. Ideal für einen Sell Einstieg. Große Player treiben den Preis hoch, um dann wieder zu verkaufen.

[B][U]MACD und Momentum[/U][/B] Zwei meiner wichtigsten Indikatoren

Ich arbeite überwiegend mit Divergenzen und Konvergenzen dieser Indikatoren. Trendliniendurchbrüche beim Momentumindikator zusammen mit MACD und Stochastik geben gute Signale.

Ich weiß, das ist jetz nicht allzuviel, aber wie gesagt, ich arbeite an einem Kurs, der anderen wirklich helfen soll diese Strategien vollstädnig und vor allem einfach umzusetzen. Es ist nicht schwer, aber man braucht wissen und Übung.

Ein Tip noch: Es gibt viele gute Strategien in allen möglcihen Trading Foren. Das Problem sind meistens nicht die Stretgien, sondern die Umsetzung. Eine Strategie funktioniert nur wenn:

  • sie einfach ist und nicht zu komplex
  • konsequent umgestzt wird
  • und nicht emotional sondern mit Verstand getraded wird
  • mit richtigem Moneymanagement umgestzt wird

Es ist wichtig einfach zu handeln und sich selbst zu analysieren. Ich fülle z.B. bei jedem Fehltrade ein Formular aus, in dem ich den Preis, sl,tp, Strategie und Grund für den Verlust Eingebe. Das wird dir helfen, deine Fehler auszumerzen.

Ich hoffe ich konnte Dir helfen.

Now in english:

troparzum asked me to explain my strategy.

It is not so easy to explain my strategy in 5 words. Also i think about to comercialize my Service. Therefore I dont want to give everyone everything, for what I worked so hard. I think this is only fair. At the moment Im working on a website, where you will get for small money good strategys and also signal service if you want. But it is a long way to this, and until now, I will give my signals for free.

But of course I want to help you to understand how you can trade profitable. I found out that it is not to complicatet to understand in which direction the price will go. For me are these things very important:

[B][U]Levels [/U][/B]

I look ,where are reversal points. Daylie min and max, support and resistance are very important. At the same time the volume is very important. For example: You see in cahrt a clear up trend. Then with [B]big volume[/B] you have again a peak to the upsite up to a resistence line or also through the resistence, but cant hold over the resistence and comes back. This is a good sell signal. Big trader pushing with big volume the price and then they sell.

[B][U]MACD and Momentum[/U][/B], two of my favour indicators

I use divergences and convergences with this indicator. Also trendline breakouts on momentum indicator very important.

I know, that is now not much, but Im working on a course which should help you much more to trade profitable. I dont want give you something, which is to complicatet or to much for you. It should be easy and provide you a possibillity to trade easy and confident.

One tip at least: You find many many good strategys in internet everywhere. The biggest problem isnt the strategy, it is the fact, that you need to be confident and rules, which you can follow. A strategy only works if:

  • it is easy and not to complex
  • if you follow consequently the rules
  • if you learn not to trade emotional
  • use right moneymanagement

Dont be to complicatet. Trade easy and confident. A helpfull thing is to analyse the past trades. For each trade I write my failures down. I write, which price, tp, sl, which strategy I used and why I lost…

After analysing a few past bad trades aou very fast will see your failures!

I hope this will help you a bit.

I will follow you Have nice pipis.

Hi friends! Thank you for your great rating!

A new week begins. Here are the trades for today:

BUYSTOP AUDUSD @ 0.90973 sl 89 pips tp 89 pips move sl after 20 pips to be
BUYSTOP AUDUSD @ 0.90973 sl 89 pips tp 20 pips
BUYSTOP NZDJPY @ 87.356 sl 104 pips tp 104pips move sl after 40 pips to be
BUYSTOP NZDJPY @ 87.356 sl 104 pips tp 40 pips

I tell you only how many pips sl and tp are and not the value, because everyone has different spread, which you need to calculate your tp and sl. Dont forgett this :wink:

I wish you a great week :wink:

Hi EasyPiper,

It has been awesome how you have predicted both pairs.

Thank you.

I am going to follow you.
Have a nice Trade.!!

Our trades are looking good, so far round about +100 pips with all trades. Please move the stops now to be for all open trades, because we have MACD divergence on both trades.

Good luck :wink:

So please take the first tp of NZDJPY trade know at + 20 pips and let the second run with sl on be. Because NZDJPY overbought at the moment and crossed the average true range. Then we have a AUDUSD and a NZDJPY open, with both sl at be, so we are safe.

Please close now all open trades, because AUDUSD is touching strong resistence and shows a lot of div. in many time frames.