Did I lose this week?

Nevermind that. Post whenever you have time. We wanna see you win!!! As for me, I’d rather see one monthly post from you about a winning trade than 10 posts about doing the same mistakes over and over.

You’re not alone in your mistakes! I’m working through my mistakes, as well. You’re closer than you realize. Learn from your mistakes, and then make some small adjustments. You got this!!

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Trading is not a competition. You are not trading for public entertainment. In that case, how can you have disappointed anyone? Every trader is practically familiar with losses. Even the seasoned traders still lose trades. You just have to cast away the pressure to meet up to public expectations because it is sane and no one can achieve meeting up to public expectations.


Same goes for me!!! :blush:

I will also always be cheering for you! :smiley: I’ve been trying to get into the groove of trading again so I might start posting trade posts soon! :smiley: I also enjoy reading your journal because you’re not afraid to recognize your mistakes and work through them! :blush:

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Awww. :pleading_face: Thank you so much Torch! :blush: I really appreciate it! :smiley: I don’t think we’ve interacted a lot before, but I’ll definitely be rooting for you moving forward! :blush:


Now that I’m trying to get back into more consistent trading (but on demo this time), I’m wondering if I should start a whole new thread or just keep this one going. :thinking: What do you guys think? :open_mouth:

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no preference - i will welcome either, and be an enthusiastic (and i hope supportive) reader of either :sunglasses:

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Thank you soooo much, flamingo! :blush: I hope you can put up with my occasional careless decisions and trades. :sweat_smile: I’m always open to criticisms but you know… be gentle. :pray: I have a weak heart. Hahahaha.


I think creating a brand new thread would need a bit more time and preparation. :thinking: So, just for the trades and charts I’ll be checking this week, I’ll be updating this thread for now. :blush: I’m currently looking at USDJPY. Interesting cause I’m seeing a golden crossover but I’m not confident enough to get in just yet. :thinking: I’ll let you know if I ever decide to place a trade!

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Not much action for me on the EURUSD at the moment. :thinking: So I guess I’ll stick to my dollar yen chart for now. :open_mouth: Anyone who has an open trade for this pair? :thinking:

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I just saw on TradingView that this this uptrend I’m seeing is only a resistance to USDJPY’s ongoing bearish trend. :confused: Good thing I haven’t placed a trade yet, but I’ll to see if it breaks through. :thinking:

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Before I start a new thread, I’m trying to complete a routine for all the charts and tools I want to check out for my future trades. :thinking:

  1. Check my 1D charts. Determine the pair with the most potential according to my system.
  2. Check MarketMilk to confirm the price direction I’m seeing.
  3. Check TradingView for further confirmation from other traders’ current positions/ trade ideas.
  4. Check 4H and 1M timeframes to try to spot best entry and exit.

This is just a super rough flow, but this is at least what I did for today. :thinking:

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what am i now, a cardiologist? :sweat_smile:

of course, of course - and so sorry if i’ve ever not been, to you … i sometimes come across badly, and i apologise for that - i intend to reserve the occasional caustic comment for people illicitly promoting/spamming things and people who are desperately trying to sound like experts when they just have no idea what they’re talking about, and nobody would ever dream of putting you in either of those two groups of members!!! :open_mouth: :grin:

are you sure you benefit from that part? just asking! most of what i’ve read about “sentiment of (retail) traders” has recommended going against the general consensus, which kind of makes sense when you look at the proportions of people losing instead of winning, maybe???

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That’s a great idea! I’m sure you will be able to get a lot of tips from other traders thanks to it.
I hope you won’t lose this week :wink:

You’re closer than you realise!!