Did I lose this week?

Just got in a long position! :smiley: Hoping to bag a few pips on this one. :pray:

Entry @ 134.060
TP @ 134.103
SL @ 134.015

Good luck guuuys! :crossed_fingers:

Well… That was short-lived. :sweat_smile: It’s been a while since I last opened a position and it quickly ends with a loss. </3 My SL might have been a bit too tight. :confused:

BUT I’ll still try to see if I can bag a few pips from this pair. :sweat_smile:

I got on this trade late. I think EURUSD remains bullish for now with respect to its upward trend and a watch on supply level at 1.1032

I’ve been watching the cable ever since I started my day. :sweat_smile: I’m hoping to catch the downtrend, and it seems like price might be pushed down soon. :thinking: I’m thinking a good spot to enter would be @ 1.25817 so I’ll wait for price hit this.

Once it does, I’m planning to short with my TP at 1.25143 and my SL at 1.26193. Or is that too tight? :open_mouth:

I’m still watching the pair now. :open_mouth: But I think I’d be sleepy in a few hours so I might not be able to catch it. Really wish I could set an alarm for this. :open_mouth:

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Enjoyed reading this journal. Will be keeping an eye on it. Wishing you a successful week ahead.

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Hows it going lately?

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Not Bad Not Bad

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Thank you sooo much! :blush: Super appreciate the support, although I don’t think it’s much deserved. :confused:

Tbh, I haven’t been trading a lot lately and among them, I rarely get any winning trades so I haven’t been updating. :confused: I feel like the pressure to trade gets to me so I tend to open a trade without it meeting my entry strategy, so I end up with mostly losing trades. :sweat: Super sorry! :sweat:

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Thank youuuu! :blush: Hahaha. Although that trade’s over a year old, I hope to get more of those. :sweat_smile:

That’s fine. But how’s your analysis of those losses? What do the losses have in common?

Is it something technical? Psychological?

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Really thank you for understanding! :sweat: I looked into my past losses and they’re mostly due to emotional and psychological drivers. :confused: And these are two things I’ve been struggling with ever since I started trading. I always end up opening a trade because of the pressure to still call myself a trader, and I end up closing them early cause I sometimes can’t handle the stress of everything. :confused: It’s probably shocking given my attitude here :sweat_smile:

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Why is it important to call yourself a trader? How many trades does it take to qualify as a trader?

How about this? You’ve taken so many losing trades over the weeks, months, and years. Technically, if you waited for just ONE favourable trade, and rode it until your exit signal, you’d be more profitable today.

Do losing trades qualify you as a trader? Does one profitable trade per month qualify you as a trader?

A lot of important questions I’m not sure I have the capacity to process right now. :sob:

Cause otherwise I shouldn’t be here. :frowning: And I want to be here. :frowning:

You always have a place here. Even if you haven’t traded in five years, people come back! Just don’t forget your password! haha

But you know this isn’t a good reason to place a trade. Being here is about a sense of belonging. Trading is about money.

If you don’t care about money, then just trade demo and have fun. If you wanna make money, you’re gonna have to figure out a way to alter these bad habits. Right now, it sounds like you’re stuck on the hamster wheel.
It’s time to get off! You can do it!!!

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Thank you so much. :sob: This really made my day. :pleading_face: I know it’s not a good reason to continue trading but I still wanna keep pushing myself! I guess I just really need to try and get my emotions and mental health straight so I don’t keep making the same mistakes. :frowning: Super thank you dushimes! I’m really glad you’re here. :blush:

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We’re all rooting for you!!!
woo woo

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AAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH. :sob: :sob: I’m sorry for disappointing you all though. :confused: I feel like I let you down by not posting trades as much as I would want to. :sweat:

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