Do any of you have a forex blog?…Check it out!

no i hvnt blog but i m seeing to open the blog for forex

This Blog is one of my favorite blogs.

Yes i have the forex blog plz check

Yeah! It help a lot!

There are many blog for forex, and the writer can get it by searching it in the internet.

hello , i have my own forex blog where i put daily chart analysis using few indicators. Although i was inactive on my blog for a while but i l post charts from today.

I’ve got a blog that I post trades, analysis, and other interesting reading.


My own trading blog which has just been launched in action is as follows.

Challenge Forex
Facebook group page: Challenge Forex

Feel free to have a look anytime you like. Its more a trading profit and loss account for my own personal trades with a strategy that I have been working on for the past few years.

So far its going well. Would value any comments from seasoned traders alike.

Kind Regards,

1 Like

James, we have very similar why we post our results (In my case, it is my forecasts.). I do have a lot of followers on my blog, and it is free of all advertising and gimmicks. In knowing the myriad of people that read my blog, it forces me to really be casreful of my forecasting, and ultimately my trading. After all, it is only my forecasting that I trade.
Give it a visit if you’d like. I even have a C-box for comments.

Feel free to blog the investment.
Zicmar Forex Blog

Yes, blog is an important way for giving information to our readers about anythings we want included Forex trading activity or forex education

I have a blog about all aspects of Forex investing it is:

J. Mahoney

Great thread! Love hearing about and learning from new forex blogs. Keep 'em comin: Good luck to all and Keep Trading :slight_smile:

Can anyone recommend a good/professional Forex blog?

I am addicted to the internet and every time I have a free time I see to it that I cam search or read different blogs and as I was searching I end up in a forex blogs I enjoy and very engross to learn different kind of forex trade. Can you give more regarding with forex?

i think nowadays all bloggers are marketers trying to sell their craps to you and earn their commissions. There might have been a few legitimate ones, but really i suggest you be careful buying whatever they recommend you.

I’m totaly f…ing amazed… I’m no big trader but I am seriosly wondering if you guys are being serious,… seems like you r afraid of making money… I average 20% a month and feel great about it… are you guys seriously going worse…?

I have no idea who you are, or what makes you think that you can draw these assumptions. Most of the people on these forums are probably not making consistent gains, hence why they are asking for advice and help on there trading performance. Great for you if you are indeed making 20% a month, I’d seriously be wondering if you are being serious though…20%, is that all? Perhaps you should also join in some time, you could do with the help, eh?

Don’t go jumping to conclusions, or you wont last long in here.

I just started a blog about forex robots / coding them on Java (interaction with Dukascopy JForex platform). Now only introductional article ready please check