Do any of you have a forex blog?

I own a forex blog. I don’t really know if it is ok to post my blog link here. I have come across nice forex blogs that actually hold good information. I am using blogger at the moment. However, most of the information on my blog are gotten from “profiforex” (you can add a dot com to see what I mean)

We work primarily on forex and you can get regular update of the market from the huge list of blogs we have.

I blog about forex too with signals, more details on my blog here Pipsflowfx Signals | Making Pips, Keeping them and Repeating. One Swing at a time

Hi BigPippin,
I found forex blog. Forex (for ex) – so when the RBA meets to discuss interest rates. Please go through it. Hope this will help you
Forex (for ex) – so when the RBA meets to discuss interest rates

I also want to make a contribution to this great long-living thread. My blog is mostly about trading forex with lots of ideas for manual and automated trading. Feel free to check it out Trading Market Online

You can check out mine if you want. I have tried to report economic as well as political news in a different format. You can find my blog @ The Last Bear

I am not quite sure what exactly you tried to say here.

My blog post on what I think about some forex experts - The thing about forex “experts”… | Forex Wise Guy

Great post.


Yes i have forex blog. Because i am old forex trader. and now i earn a lot of money from it. And i know all about forex.

I’ve truly got a forex website for some time now. We mainly put it to use in order to journal my investments in addition to merely ramble upon about different areas of currencies as well as investing on the whole.

Hello everyone, i am totally new in this trading field…i want ti know what is the major difference between Forex trading and binary options trading

Binary options have an expiration time which means that when the option expires you either earn a fixed amount on your investment (usually between 65% and 89% depending on broker and asset) or you lose your entire investment. In forex there are no expiry times.

Hey everyone.
Nice thread. I have a blog where I promote a business opportunity started by my broker ACMgold here in South Africa.
I also post some videos where I go through the mirror trader platform.
My blog is also dofollow, so I invite all other forex bloggers out there to come and leave a comment with a dofollow link back to your site.

Visit my site at harounkola(dot)com

I need a few more posts before I can post a link, hope you can find it…

Hey everyone,

I just started a personal forex blog titled [I]The Forex Floor[/I]. It is a little more focused on algorithmic and automated trading, my specialities, but I will definitely be expanding into other areas in the near future.

I would love any feedback or thoughts you may have for content on the blog.

Happy trading!

The Forex Floor

In my forex blog I publish on 4 mejor currency pairs(eurusd, gbpusd, usdchf, usdjpy) daily forex market technical analysis early in the morning, about 4-5 housr before the London market open and forex trading signals after London market open. You will be benefited for my service.

My blog list of some good forex blogs. (irony)
5 must read forex blogs | Forex Wise Guy

Well I guess I will throw my hat in the ring.

I have a blog for some time now. In all honesty I haven’t done much in the way of new articles but I am getting back into it so if anyone is interested it is …

Forex Weekly Statistic

good questions
you have to read first